Eclectic Elle
Keeper Of The Jars of Joy
Ye my oldest is 18 soon haven't told him I'm kicking his arse out [emoji23] [emoji23]
Good luck with that mate. Our 19 year old daughter keeps on about moving out but keeps buying designer gear, I.e. £200 Gucci flip-flops... £450 trainers.. saving's not going well..
What a cataclysmic waste of money tho.
Fookinell that was a big word. [emoji15]
And just because they move out doesn't mean they STAY moved out either! All of ours have moved out, some more than once. Then things go tits up and they slink back in again... It's not easy at all. The only definitive way is to give them a time limit to move out, sell the house, and not give them a forwarding address