Indoor All new setup - steep learning curve ahead!

youve got the right attitude anyway. did you manage to totally control those whitefly solely with fly strips and soap spray? seen a few folk fall victim to them now. hydro is the way forward though. its more complicated but worth it once you figure it out.
Yes, it worked well enough. I don't know whether the white fly over here is the same as the Tenerife one LOL but I'd always go for washing up liquid spray and sticky strips wherever possible.

Things don't look too bad up there, but they're slow. I'll up the feed over the next day or so.
Well the plants are coming along. First up, wilma plants. The two in the one pot at the back are Choco Cream and Sweet Tooth. They're photos so I'm not counting days. Front left is my GSC and front right is Grape Stomper. I don't think I'm pushing them hard enough LOL.

Second up is the bushier side of the tent:

White Widow at the front, Sweet Seeds unknown back left, and Portal girl back right. I've halted the cal mag deficiencies so I'm pleased, and they're putting on some nice growth now.

I have fibreglass all over my face tonight. I hung my fan and filter last night and have had to cut the hose shorter due to damage - it wasn't expelling air at all. It's fine now but my face is itchy and prickly.

How long do nutes last once they've been opened? @Wile e Peyote I expect this is something you know about, although everyone is welcome to chime in!

See ya later folks! May have more news in the week, who knows...
Well the plants are coming along. First up, wilma plants. The two in the one pot at the back are Choco Cream and Sweet Tooth. They're photos so I'm not counting days. Front left is my GSC and front right is Grape Stomper. I don't think I'm pushing them hard enough LOL.
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Second up is the bushier side of the tent:
View attachment 751702
White Widow at the front, Sweet Seeds unknown back left, and Portal girl back right. I've halted the cal mag deficiencies so I'm pleased, and they're putting on some nice growth now.

I have fibreglass all over my face tonight. I hung my fan and filter last night and have had to cut the hose shorter due to damage - it wasn't expelling air at all. It's fine now but my face is itchy and prickly.

How long do nutes last once they've been opened? @Wile e Peyote I expect this is something you know about, although everyone is welcome to chime in!

See ya later folks! May have more news in the week, who knows...
They should have a use by date on them elle I've been using mine for over a year now with no problems I've been looking at your nutes are you using the plant magic hydro [emoji106]

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They should have a use by date on them elle I've been using mine for over a year now with no problems I've been looking at your nutes are you using the plant magic hydro [emoji106]
Yes, the two-parter for hard water. There's no date on either of them. One has a sticker with a batch number. There are only two possibilities - one, I'm not using enough of it, or two, they're out of date and got no oomph in them.

If you ever change to general hydroponics 3 part ive got a pretty fool proof schedule for the wilma though
Can you send it over via pm please sang? I want to have a look and see if it's Elle-proof LOL. I have an Amazon gift cert that's burning a hole in my account which would cover it if I went that way...
Do hydro nutes have a use by date? [emoji848]

The Dutchpro stuff I'm using right now is at least five, maybe seven years old.. seems ok !
No dude according to the chemists I work with its all bullshit unless its organic or beanies elle was looking at plant magic the max strength is 2.5 ml per ltr that's for photos if you want I'm sure I can come up with a feed schedule give you an idea what to use [emoji106]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
No dude according to the chemists I work with its all bullshit unless its organic or beanies elle was looking at plant magic the max strength is 2.5 ml per ltr that's for photos if you want I'm sure I can come up with a feed schedule give you an idea what to use [emoji106]
It says to get an EC of (can't be arsed to go and look, 2 point something IIRC) you should use between 4 and 5 ml per litre. Last res I made up was about 4ml per litre, I think it was 280ppm. I'll go poke it tomorrow with the pen and see what the current readings are. But it isn't good enough. They don't look hungry, but they're not growing as fast as others I see in hydro, nowhere near.

Hubby saw my pics earlier, over my shoulder, and said "Those aren't yours, are they?" He's since tried to dig himself out of the hole he dropped himself into... LMAO!
It says to get an EC of (can't be arsed to go and look, 2 point something IIRC) you should use between 4 and 5 ml per litre. Last res I made up was about 4ml per litre, I think it was 280ppm. I'll go poke it tomorrow with the pen and see what the current readings are. But it isn't good enough. They don't look hungry, but they're not growing as fast as others I see in hydro, nowhere near.

Hubby saw my pics earlier, over my shoulder, and said "Those aren't yours, are they?" He's since tried to dig himself out of the hole he dropped himself into... LMAO!
Ha ha that's weird according to there website the max in the hydro nutes is 2.5 ml per ltr giving them to much in my opinion is worse than giving them to little if you get me a list of all your nutes I'm sure we can work out a good schedule for your autopots [emoji106]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk
60ml in 25 litres, so that's only 2.4ml per litre, nothing wrong with that I think.

Haven't started with the autopots yet LOL these are in the wilma! All I'm using currently is Hydro Grow A and B Hardwater, Canna Mono Ca and Mg, and ATA Clean, plus pH Down if necessary. I downloaded the chart off Plant Magic's website a few weeks back. Any suggestions, even if it's change nutes?