Indoor All new setup - steep learning curve ahead!

Are all the leaf tips burnt elle could be a couple of things either its way to hot or your feeding them with to strong a mixture just could be you need to water them more weres that @Itisi bloke when you need him
No the wilma plants haven't had their feed changed or anything. Not every plant has been affected.


My first thought was something to do with humidity mate? The twisting I mean.
Yes that was my first thought too. The plant cells are weakened because they're too full of moisture...?

Love the side project! reckon you should turn it into a hat, like one of those beer hats? :toke:
What, and fill it with cream soda? LOL! I can't drink beer at the minute... empty calories.

My rh goes low in the summer 25%rh but I've never had that dude what's the ioniser thingy elle and is it close to your plants
The RH was running around 60% with leaving the door open a bit. It went up to 82% between 8pm and 7am. It can only have been the ionizer that caused the increase. The ionizer charges ions so they are positive, it's also supposed to filter the air for mould spores, smells etc. It's just a foot tall tower, electrically powered. I know it does *something* because I can smell the difference. But if it messes up the humidity in the tent, I can't use it.
I have heard a couple of stories about air treatment stuff like the ioniser spreading pathogens everywhere but I don't have experience.

Surely if nothing else has changed that must be the prime suspect?
I agree dude the ioniser seems the most likely suspect Google it elle see if any one else has had the same problem [emoji106]

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Thing is, the portal girl was right next to it and she's one of those that isn't really affected at all...

I've taken the damn thing out, I'll give them a few hours and see how they get on. Update later.

The only other thing I did was change the timer settings on the tube heater. There's no way they could have got TOO hot, not now.
Did you get anywhere with the noise problems?
I would make a stronger feed now never used those nutes though. If you ever change to general hydroponics 3 part ive got a pretty fool proof schedule for the wilma though
Did you get anywhere with the noise problems?
I would make a stronger feed now never used those nutes though. If you ever change to general hydroponics 3 part ive got a pretty fool proof schedule for the wilma though
Not really, but I have a replacement pump here in case I want to change it, and when I change the res I'll put the whole thing on the floor and see if that makes a difference too.

I'll bear it in mind, thanks man! Currently there's no more spendies until I've started clawing back some of what's gone out. 8 months of no pay has taken its toll on the old credit card and I need to knock it down hard in preparation for whatever the next thing is that we get up to :thumbsup:

Part of my problem is not knowing how often the wilma should be running at the moment. Is it guess work, by and large? It was running 4x 15 minutes per day up until yesterday. The wilma girls are 23 days now I think. I increased it but I can't remember to how many on periods... six maybe?
I run 4 x 15 for the first two weeks. So on once every 6 hours then up it to every other hour for weeks 3 and 4 then every hour after that. If your using clay pebbles/hydroton its impossible to overwater.

Well next time you run outa nutes give them a go. 1 litre of grow bloom and micro for less than 30 quid delivered from amazon
Has removing the reflector caused hot spots? They look overcooked.

It seems a strong reaction to be humidity, the curling is normally heat/light or feed.

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