Lighting AFNs live LED help thread.

I recently bought these LED's SunSpect 2Pcs 600W LED Grow Light Reflector True Watts:284W±3% heres the link with all the specs I bought them after watching Pop22 s one pound autoultimate grow. I just am having trouble with the height to start at with seedlings. I'm not getting much growth its going reeeeaall slooowww. Anyone help I don't know what height to start at after sprout to seedling and when and how much to lower as veg progresses. This has always been an issue for me. Thanks all! argh
Start high for seedlings 24-30" then drop slowly as shes bigger maybe into flower you can get 15" away or so....
I wonder about light distance is it LED type/brand specific in pic you'll see my lights 2x300 here's link to their description ( ) View media item 6319 according to their vague description at a distance of 12 inches Im at 570 par well if that's true then at say 18-20 inches would my plants even get any light. Sorry not trying to kack anyone's thread I just find that since doing away with my HO T5 I'm not getting near the growth I'm use to
Same as the live help thread the High Team are looking after but more focused on LED....Hi I'm TaNg your host lol I have 2 1/2 years experience growing with LED and soil,some of the technical side of LED still baffles me but I'm sure I can help with the growing side.
TaNg's Thang
The other lighting mods should be over soon to into themselves.:Smokin:
Hi TaNg, you seem to have such good result with growing DP under leds, can you recommend a good not to expensive light (setup) I have no idea wich brand to go for there are so many? I planned to grow DP Autos in a 90*90cm tent and plant a new seed every 30 day so Ill have 3 plants in that area. I currently have one Auto Ultimate under 250 W HPS and the heat is just riddiculus.
Would you get more resin production with 18/6 than 20/4? Trying to figure out which light schedule to use as I'm new to LEDs
Would you get more resin production with 18/6 than 20/4? Trying to figure out which light schedule to use as I'm new to LEDs
Light cycle doesn't change resin production
Light cycle doesn't change resin production

Okay just read somewhere that darkness can boost it. I suppose there is a lot of BS on the Internet lol. What would you recommend for a cycle?
Helios is good, but beware, there are several Chinesecountfeits!

first things first, i have no future plan to get a LED but i just found a Helios Pro 2 with a lower price in a local shop,
just a few streets away. no well-known products in my area and getting one of them from ebay etc.. means extra cost.
it looks, teorically?, enough for a 2x2x5 tent (max 2 plants at the same time). just curious about does it worth to use instead of
a 250 watt HID/cooltube setup? i'm dealing with some heat issues in bloom now, it would be awesome to have temp+light penetration combo...