Lighting AFNs live LED help thread.

The bigger the pot, the bigger the harvest, a few autos excepted.. I sometimes use a 20 gallon pot in my 4'x4' tent. Run organic soil in it.

Here's an Auto Ultimate in the 20 gallon pot:

AU pic1 -2-4-2016.jpg

25l air pots? So you get bigger bud off autos with bigger air pots
Hi, quick and probably very stupid question. Relative newbie. I'm using a 300w white Mars Hydro with 5w chips in my 60cm x 60cm x 180 tent.
I have 2 auto mazars under it. They are pretty hardy, as seedlings they had the light 24" above them and no burn.
I have a 'spare' unbranded LED I used for my first grow, with 3w chips- 300w also.
Do you reckon I'd fry my babies if I put the other light in? - giving 600w total in a small tent?
Hi, quick and probably very stupid question. Relative newbie. I'm using a 300w white Mars Hydro with 5w chips in my 60cm x 60cm x 180 tent.
I have 2 auto mazars under it. They are pretty hardy, as seedlings they had the light 24" above them and no burn.
I have a 'spare' unbranded LED I used for my first grow, with 3w chips- 300w also.
Do you reckon I'd fry my babies if I put the other light in? - giving 600w total in a small tent?
Hi growgrrl75

The light you have is perfect for a 2' x 2' space.
The Actual draw for the unit is : 110v: 132watt±5% 220v: 129watt±5% (110v USA & 220v Europe)
You can add more light, if you feel you don't have enough, just raise the lights up a bit and gradually lower them over a few days until your happy with the distance.
Having an over abundance of light is easy to see, the serrations on the sides of the leaf point up like little sharp teeth (I call them Dragon teeth).
Over abundance of light is not to be confused with heat stress which makes the leaf fold/cup/taco up along the central vein.
If your buds start to bleach move your lights up.
I'm sure @pop22 & @BigSm0 will have some nice info too!

Thanks for all the information! It's not that I need more light really, they are doing ok after I transplanted them (I know....) and had ph issues and noticed the beginning of a Mg def today. I think I might give it a shot when they have replenished their Mg. (I'm in coco with r.o. water) They don't look stunted from transplanting, I was mega careful, and have grown a fair bit since then. Until the Mg def today.
Good point too about light v heat stress.
I wish I had buds :) , I'm just enjoying them starting off - 19 days. Ah, I enjoy this bit too- they should be rocketing skywards v soon.
I'm hoping they grow big n bushy enough to need separation, have a spare hydroshoot 60 to put the smaller one in should this be the case.
I'm really chasing a decent yield this time & trying to do everything right. Would like nice thick nugs instead of airy buds, which is why I asked. Peace!
Thanks for all the information! It's not that I need more light really, they are doing ok after I transplanted them (I know....) and had ph issues and noticed the beginning of a Mg def today. I think I might give it a shot when they have replenished their Mg. (I'm in coco with r.o. water) They don't look stunted from transplanting, I was mega careful, and have grown a fair bit since then. Until the Mg def today.
Good point too about light v heat stress.
I wish I had buds :) , I'm just enjoying them starting off - 19 days. Ah, I enjoy this bit too- they should be rocketing skywards v soon.
I'm hoping they grow big n bushy enough to need separation, have a spare hydroshoot 60 to put the smaller one in should this be the case.
I'm really chasing a decent yield this time & trying to do everything right. Would like nice thick nugs instead of airy buds, which is why I asked. Peace!
Sounds good growgrrl.

Calmag is a must if your growing in coco and especially if your using RO water. Coco is a calcium magnet and locks up a certain amount,RO water will also take out any Calcium and Magnesium in the water.
Growing under LEDs also uses up more magnesium due to the full/fuller spectrum they give out.
Keep us updated in your journal and don't forget some nice pics too!
I went to have a look at your profile but wasn't able, so if you haven't already posted an intro, could you pop on over to our intro section.
We can then give you a proper AFN welcome and we can get to know you too, you'll met lots of nice members, who will be happy to help you grow some amazing weed.
All the best
Thanks Arty,
I feel like I've been swotting up for a biology & chemistry test the past few days. Doing a lot of reading, and have learnt of a lot of things I could have handled better in previous grows. My 1st grow (this time last yr, was a disaster and then I was doing OK when I started adding a teaspoon epsom salts to 5ltrs r.o. And 0.5mg calmat p/l These Mazars are hungry beasts for their age, so it's not enough for them.
Ok, i'll post an intro, thanks for the advice & would love to do a journal as I know it will keep me on track daily.
I had the dreaded (i'm half afraid to type the word) spider mites 6 months ago, but have given the area a good going over and no sign of one yet. (*crosses everything she can cross*) I'll pop over to intros later, thanks a lot!
Hi growgrrl75

The light you have is perfect for a 2' x 2' space.
The Actual draw for the unit is : 110v: 132watt±5% 220v: 129watt±5% (110v USA & 220v Europe)
You can add more light, if you feel you don't have enough, just raise the lights up a bit and gradually lower them over a few days until your happy with the distance.
Having an over abundance of light is easy to see, the serrations on the sides of the leaf point up like little sharp teeth (I call them Dragon teeth).
Over abundance of light is not to be confused with heat stress which makes the leaf fold/cup/taco up along the central vein.
If your buds start to bleach move your lights up.
I'm sure @pop22 & @BigSm0 will have some nice info too!

You nailed it Arty.

Growgrrl you can add the additional light and it would be very beneficial to do so. But as Arty mentioned be sure to watch for light stress.

This is how I roll early on when plant mass is low and available light is plentiful. As you can see the main light is tilted a little to help it the lower parts of the plants on that side and the extremely tilted light is basically just side lighting right now. They are way above the recommended heights but the intensity of one light alone at this point is to much nevermind 2 lights. It takes a little messing with to get it right but once you get a better feel for how your plants react to your lights it becomes easy.

Something else I do when flowering and only have one light per tray is I tilt it towards the wall a little more then normal. What this does is allows the light to hit the lower parts better as well as giving a more direct shot at the wall. This makes it easier to reflect back to the plants on the wall side. I think these little tricks help give you an edge on standard light facing down growing. Rooms a mess btw. That wire mess on the wall is now sorted. Yuck
Hi, quick and probably very stupid question. Relative newbie. I'm using a 300w white Mars Hydro with 5w chips in my 60cm x 60cm x 180 tent.
I have 2 auto mazars under it. They are pretty hardy, as seedlings they had the light 24" above them and no burn.
I have a 'spare' unbranded LED I used for my first grow, with 3w chips- 300w also.
Do you reckon I'd fry my babies if I put the other light in? - giving 600w total in a small tent?

Hi, to much light in the veg stage can stunt plants so I would advise adding the second unit just for flower, make sure you have a good environment too,the wrong temp and RH will also inhibit growth.
You nailed it Arty.

Growgrrl you can add the additional light and it would be very beneficial to do so. But as Arty mentioned be sure to watch for light stress.

This is how I roll early on when plant mass is low and available light is plentiful. As you can see the main light is tilted a little to help it the lower parts of the plants on that side and the extremely tilted light is basically just side lighting right now. They are way above the recommended heights but the intensity of one light alone at this point is to much nevermind 2 lights. It takes a little messing with to get it right but once you get a better feel for how your plants react to your lights it becomes easy.

Something else I do when flowering and only have one light per tray is I tilt it towards the wall a little more then normal. What this does is allows the light to hit the lower parts better as well as giving a more direct shot at the wall. This makes it easier to reflect back to the plants on the wall side. I think these little tricks help give you an edge on standard light facing down growing. Rooms a mess btw. That wire mess on the wall is now sorted. Yuck
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Wow man I've never see so much light used over such young plants, what is that bro like 1000w?