Lighting AFNs live LED help thread.

Hi guys, quick question on my new vipar led!

I've got it in a tent, it has 3 fans on it already running it pretty cool. But do I need a fan in there for extra coolness? I'm not risking a fire hazard without one am I?

as far as i am aware dude the oscillating fan is to move the air around your tent helps with the perspiration of your leaves making your plant drink more and grow more and it also strengthens your stems to hold up all that lovely bud dont know about a fire hazard but i wouldn't grow without one :pass:
Hi. Not used LEDs before. Thinking about it as we speak. I personally would just keep an eye on temps in your cab. Try to keep about 26 deg del with lights on. Dont let temps drop below 20 lights off. I start panicking if temps get up to about 30deg c. Hope this'd helps. Am learning myself so hopefully someone will be able to confirm. Good luck
How important is UV and IR chips in led lights.
Uvb is for the Resin Production but you can skipp it if you got coolwhite warmwhite combo like the Mars Hydros have as they have the same effect. Ir if im correct was for keeping some dieseases n bugs away. Correct me if im woring but if thats the fact i wouldnt miss it.
Isn't SSdee and DM the same thing ??

I would use an extra small Os fan for air circulation even if the temps were fine. My Vipar runs pretty cool even in a small space. But its fans will not be enough to really move the air around.
I see no fire hazard there. I would however ALWAYS have a smoke alarm in any tent or cupboard / space.

For the sake of less than £5.00/$10.00 its a no brainer.

The value of UV and IR chips is questionable. What little accurate info there is says, yes it can help with potency and resin products, but not by any worthwhile amount. And it would likely very by strain. I'm seeing guys building DIY lights using only warm white LEDs and knocking down over 1.5 grams per watt! One guy got 467 grams dry using 284 watts of CREE LEDs.

How important is UV and IR chips in led lights.