Lighting AFNs live LED help thread.

Certainly not trying to steer you away from your choices, bro. I was just interested in the logic behind the choice.


"b0b's biker"
Can u show some pics of the lamp and the grow? and how du u think about the MS 006 from growing northern ? what wher your expirienc whit them ?
Certainly not trying to steer you away from your choices, bro. I was just interested in the logic behind the choice.


"b0b's biker"

Cheers bro and thanks for the rep.

Can u show some pics of the lamp and the grow? and how du u think about the MS 006 from growing northern ? what wher your expirienc whit them ?

I loved the MS0006 bro but the HS1 is in a different league they have also now discontinused the Modular Series,check out for the HS1 and here for the results
Certainly not trying to steer you away from your choices, bro. I was just interested in the logic behind the choice.


"b0b's biker"

I'm a cheap bastard when I can get away with it but now I've seen the HS1's working from seed to flower and with summer coming I'm going to blow the budget on 2 of them and retire the Vipars.

I've got 2 reptilarium grow light/heat leds to add heat if needed in winter but I'm not going to miss high res temps in summer and all the electric I save going from 350w to 150w. When I realised two Hailea res coolers + fittings were going to cost me £500 that tipped the balance so I do still qualify as cheap.
Same as the live help thread the High Team are looking after but more focused on LED....Hi I'm TaNg your host lol I have 2 1/2 years experience growing with LED and soil,some of the technical side of LED still baffles me but I'm sure I can help with the growing side.
TaNg's Thang
The other lighting mods should be over soon to into themselves.:Smokin:
Hello: i have been successful in growing autos with cfl's. now trying led's. i have a 36/42 inch room with 2 150 mars hydro units. started out at 24'' for 2 weeks and only grew 2inches . lowered to 18in. same result 1 more inch. the plants are like dwarfs. tjhe feeding is the same as before with cfl's help?
Last time in 2 weeks how big did they get? jsut wait till the tap root hits the bottom of the pot then boom.
Hi guys, quick question on my new vipar led!

I've got it in a tent, it has 3 fans on it already running it pretty cool. But do I need a fan in there for extra coolness? I'm not risking a fire hazard without one am I?

Hello: i have been successful in growing autos with cfl's. now trying led's. i have a 36/42 inch room with 2 150 mars hydro units. started out at 24'' for 2 weeks and only grew 2inches . lowered to 18in. same result 1 more inch. the plants are like dwarfs. tjhe feeding is the same as before with cfl's help?
Hello, can you tell me the size of your tent/grow room? I'm intersted in two 150W mars hydro instead of one of 300W so I want know if managing two panel is simple, and furtermore if is better having two panel (I have a 2X2X5 tent) or just one.
I'm a totally newbie, but sometimes when the plants are very small and you hit them with lot of light they remain very short, that's why with CFL they seems to grow faster (the plants stretchs to find more lights) maybe since you have two panels try using only one for some days and see what happens.
Anyway I'm a totally noob, soI think it's better if you see what the others says :goodluck: