Hi Afners with autopots----- I am looking for advice-----I apologize if I should have put this in the autopot forum or here....maybe a moderator can transfer if it is inappropriate....but here goes the story.

Had a free seed from Sensible Seeds called Old Man Socks. Could not find much information on its genetics, but nor did I really care.
I was board so dropped it, and grew it in coco/perlite 70/30 with Megacrop, And presently at 700ppm with Calmag 4ml----per gallon. Ph 5.8ish
Didn't really give a shit about what happened ...in fact it was grown in a somewhat cool environment 65F-73F. RH was rather good 60-40.

I saw how much fun you guys were having with Autopots and decided to purchase one.
At ~60 days I placed the 2 gallon fabric pot in the tray and filled the res.----It fit in rather nicely. No root inhibitor i.e disc was placed in the bottom.

My observations --- she is drinking and no signs of deficeincies, besides in the earlier stages had a little calmag issue but is rectified.

My Concerns and need your input on these items---

1. Noticing slight white mold on top of coco----should I be concerned ?

2. When i check the PH after once a day by day 5 it has drifted up from 5.8 to 6.6 ( i mix megacrop and calmag then wait 24 hrs then PH to 5.8 let it settle for an hour then check again before putting in the res.----should i be concerned since i am in coco?

3. If i don't stir the res after a day or 2 the Megacrop appears to become specs of a solid, not totally dissolved like when originally put in the res. The Res. temperature is 66-67F -----should i be concerned?

Thanks to all---trying to figure this out for future upcoming grow with better seeds. View attachment 990361 View attachment 990362 View attachment 990363
I got this for my reservoir and it keeps everything mixed perfectly
Sorry it did not show in the picture....very minute....not to be confused with mosquito bits on the top of coco
You can scoop it away and I am not sure of the actual mix but there is a water and apple cider vinegar mix you can lightly spray to kill it
Thanks Ripper, anydrawbacks to using the pump? Do you know if it effects Ph or does this not matter to you ? I don't know if you are in Coco or soil.
I have had no issues with it . It just keeps everything moving and mixed.
Is the mold fuzzing looking? if so it could be mycorrhizah. Also, are you using bagged coco or from a brick, I'm seeing many people having problems with infected bagged coco, white flies etc. I advise not running ph as low as 5.8. Also, i've not experienced a ph spike like that with Megacrop. I have not seen a rise about .2. I let my solution sit 24-48 hours, recheck and adjust ph then fill my res. I've never trusted the ph stability of any nutrient I've used. Also, people tell me I'm crazy but I use baking soda for PH up, but its never caused me a problem and my ph remians stabe after the adjustment. Are you using tap water or RO?

And the settlings yes a fine fine film will settle out, in 2 years its caused me no problems other than a little more cleaning between grows, and it hasn't clogged my lines like Seagrow did

Hi Afners with autopots----- I am looking for advice-----I apologize if I should have put this in the autopot forum or here....maybe a moderator can transfer if it is inappropriate....but here goes the story.

Had a free seed from Sensible Seeds called Old Man Socks. Could not find much information on its genetics, but nor did I really care.
I was board so dropped it, and grew it in coco/perlite 70/30 with Megacrop, And presently at 700ppm with Calmag 4ml----per gallon. Ph 5.8ish
Didn't really give a shit about what happened ...in fact it was grown in a somewhat cool environment 65F-73F. RH was rather good 60-40.

I saw how much fun you guys were having with Autopots and decided to purchase one.
At ~60 days I placed the 2 gallon fabric pot in the tray and filled the res.----It fit in rather nicely. No root inhibitor i.e disc was placed in the bottom.

My observations --- she is drinking and no signs of deficeincies, besides in the earlier stages had a little calmag issue but is rectified.

My Concerns and need your input on these items---

1. Noticing slight white mold on top of coco----should I be concerned ?

2. When i check the PH after once a day by day 5 it has drifted up from 5.8 to 6.6 ( i mix megacrop and calmag then wait 24 hrs then PH to 5.8 let it settle for an hour then check again before putting in the res.----should i be concerned since i am in coco?

3. If i don't stir the res after a day or 2 the Megacrop appears to become specs of a solid, not totally dissolved like when originally put in the res. The Res. temperature is 66-67F -----should i be concerned?

Thanks to all---trying to figure this out for future upcoming grow with better seeds. View attachment 990361 View attachment 990362 View attachment 990363