Nutrients DutchPro - Welcome & Contact Information

Hello @DutchPro ....very happy you are here :smiley1:....I use your fantastic nutes in coco and I recently read somewhere that your product "Leaf Green" was your calmag....I checked this and I don't think it is......but, do you make a calmag solution for coco growers like me?.....if not, I try and use your full line but calmag is definitely needed in coco....which would you recommend to use with Dutch Pro?...thanks:smiley1::smiley1:
Hello @DutchPro ....very happy you are here :smiley1:....I use your fantastic nutes in coco and I recently read somewhere that your product "Leaf Green" was your calmag....I checked this and I don't think it is......but, do you make a calmag solution for coco growers like me?.....if not, I try and use your full line but calmag is definitely needed in coco....which would you recommend to use with Dutch Pro?...thanks:smiley1::smiley1:

If I could ask, what ppm are you feeding at? We recently received pictures from a grower whose leaves looked like it had N/Ca/Mg issues but the problem ended up being solved by raising the ppm. This was in grodan cubes. Reccomneded veg ppm in coco = 1000ppm, Bloom ppm in coco= 1100 ppm. If this does not address the issue please let me know!
If his ppm levels are low, soft-water formulation would solve this issue theroretically because soft-water has a couple extra ppm's of everything to help balance out the lack of minerals in soft water and would automatically have a higher ppm is he just went off of volume.
If I could ask, what ppm are you feeding at? We recently received pictures from a grower whose leaves looked like it had N/Ca/Mg issues but the problem ended up being solved by raising the ppm. This was in grodan cubes. Reccomneded veg ppm in coco = 1000ppm, Bloom ppm in coco= 1100 ppm. If this does not address the issue please let me know!
Thank you for the info dude/dudette...:d5:...but my question is do you make a calmag solution?......if you don't, can you recommend one?.......I don't have any issues and I really like Dutch Pro:pass:
Sorry we do not make a cal-mag product, the Leaf Green is a veg foliar spray and is not our cal-mag solution. The reason for this is because Ca and Mg are present in the base feed, and coco has a higher ppm feed than soil to provide the addtional cal-mag.

If extra cal-mag is required past the appropriate ppm range, the lights might have to be raised, Take Root has the most cal-mg besides the base feed, you can try adding a few mls if you are still in veg or any other cal-mag solution can be used, if using another company's cal-mag I just suggest doing it in its own watering and not mixing it directly with Dutchpro to avoid any kind of negative reaction.

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I've come to the conclusion that maybe the products not shipped for the test are the missing pieces to reach the stated ec/ppm's without bumping up the others that were shipped. That would explain why there is not much info on how to bump it up safely. ( I hope I'm on the right track.) I added cal/mag at the first signs and it worked. It did not add enough to the EC to reach optimum. I'm far from finished, getting ready to drop more, so I could use some specifics on which to bump up safely to reach the target ppm. If you say the missing products will do it, I'll order them today.
If his ppm levels are low, soft-water formulation would solve this issue theroretically because soft-water has a couple extra ppm's of everything to help balance out the lack of minerals in soft water and would automatically have a higher ppm is he just went off of volume.
...also I use the Autoflower softwater starter pack ...:pass:
I've come to the conclusion that maybe the products not shipped for the test are the missing pieces to reach the stated ec/ppm's without bumping up the others that were shipped. That would explain why there is not much info on how to bump it up safely. ( I hope I'm on the right track.) I added cal/mag at the first signs and it worked. It did not add enough to the EC to reach optimum. I'm far from finished, getting ready to drop more, so I could use some specifics on which to bump up safely to reach the target ppm. If you say the missing products will do it, I'll order them today.
Hey I posted up our updated feed charts in the other thread, you can use the ranges there to find what your genes need exactly.