Nutrients Q4 2018 - DutchPro Communal Grow Test

Hey Now,
We are back in business!! WooHoo we have Anvil in the autopots today. They have been doing well so far all things considered. If you recall I had a bit of a rough start. I put them in the dirt, they popped up, put clear cups on as a humid dome, left for a trip. I forgot to tell the caretaker to remove the domes and they almost died, two took it a lot harder that the others. Long story short I decided to let them all grow!
There are two definite contenders and I seriously hope they are girls!!
I started them on water in the rez last week. Yesterday I added nutrients to the rez. I’m using a supplemented DutchPro regimen this time around. I am particularly on the look out for N toxicity and CaMg deficiency. I am seeing various benes too. I got a bunch at the different shows. Not very scientific but benes are really aiding my grows (I think!!).

The tent

Could be a contender.

Loving the symmetry.

One of the other two, not too good, but not bad.

Here is the other. A real testament to the strength of these genetics.
Update day 75, Week 7 of flower.

Prior to this test grow I had been spoiled by 2 years of using PH perfect nutrients from 2 sources. They came at a stage in my grow education when I was getting familiar with EC but had not mastered it. I still have not. I'm surprised how few specifics are readily available on the subject. Everything I found assumed that I already knew more than I did. I know that I could have asked for help at any time and DutchPro experts would have responded quickly but I wanted to keep it 'my grow'. I've struggled with reaching the optimum numbers but fear of frying the plants kept me from upping the nutes to reach the recommended PPM's My mixture averaged 750 before Cal/Mag, Super Thrive, and Micos Tea brought it no higher than 860 PPM. I would like to see some mention or rating on the bottles as to their safe use, beyond posted doses, to boost EC/PPM.
That said, I like the Dutch Pro line. It is forgiving enough to still produce beautiful , fat plants in spite of my lack of knowledge and stubbornness to figure things out myself. All of the lines I have used included a special bloom additive, of all of them, Explode is the most impressive.

Dark Devil, shes ready.




The Grow

I started the 3 newer plants, Short Stuff Super Haze high CBD, on the right about 4 weeks ago but have been too busy to showcase them here up to now.
Update day 83, week 8 of flower.
The Kush will go at least 2 more weeks
The Dark Devil is chopped, dried, and in the jar. The little 14 inch plant gave me 50 g's of great buds.


Dark Devil

I will do a product review in the Showcase. Dutch Pro can use all the information on any of the platforms you wish. BUt I need a couple of days to get that together. It will take a bit, but it covered 6 months.

I plan on doing two Swiss Cheese Auto's, dropping them tonight. So more to come.

I got an email from Dutch Pro, but I don't know who it was from, and I lost it somehow by deleting too many things at once.

If someone else has that email. Let me know, cuz I would like to get back to them. It was a different email address than Rico's.