I just thought Id chip in here Im growing 2 cc in co-co run off to waste and I am facing the same issue as well
Im at day 51 and looking at the plants Im thinking If they were a standard plant I would be looking at 4-5 weeks more so at least cropping at 11-12 weeks under leds If they are sooner than this Im looking at some real shit yields I think what you need to do is follow what the plant is telling you and It will be ready when Its ready Ive been stressing out about this for the last week thinking OMG week 7 just look at them they should only have a week to go
what I have found with this strain is that they seem to be quite uniform and they are starting to take on a x-mas tree shape in the last week with loads of bud sites
I think we will be ok with this strain Its just going to take longer than what it says on the can
as the medicine man says you may have stunted the development the same as I did and this may add on a xtra week or so
yeah and it really annoys me how the seed companies bullshit
I was reading a thread on thc farmer by a guy called tommy who test grows for sweet seeds and he reckoned he got them fineshed In around 63 days
weel I thgink you have to take in account that he was using a 400 W HPS over a 60x60 area which boils down to 1200 watts a meter he was also putting 9 plants into this space so they were fighting for space a lot maybe thats why they finished so early
the only auto that ever finished in 8 weeks for me was a white dwarf from budda seeds however It was tiny 8" high YOU dont want that do you you would need at least 25 a M to warrant the cost of the electricity
all I can say is do what you are doing things look good ignore the propaganda by sweet seeds and finish them off