Grow Mediums 60 day lemon in aeros master system 4 dwc

photo update day 30 20160411_212745.jpg my girls are doing good..I have just done a complete reservior change and switched to canna aqua flores (flowering nutes) calmag, rhizotonic, cannazyme, canna boost. my ec is 1.7 and ph 5.8.

20160411_121407.jpg 20160411_121356.jpg 20160411_121339.jpg 20160411_121334.jpg my roots are coming on strong 20160411_122705.jpg 20160411_122416.jpg 20160411_122201.jpg 20160411_121915.jpg .
I spent some time trimming the small buds from the lower parts of the plants to promote growth from the top and done some tucking and training here are my girls 4 hours later 20160413_173612.jpg 20160413_173602.jpg 20160413_173553.jpg 20160413_173543.jpg 20160413_173529.jpg
Man they are looking great. That structure is awesome and they look healthy!
Hi guys, I've been keeping up with this post and have to say I've had similar problems with my grows and an invaluable lesson learned was to check calibration every couple feedings or tests. I did agree with soil being more forgiving because in my experience, it takes longer to find out problems and to fix them. Hydro is quicker with fixes IMHO. Both are very solid methods .
Thanks hopefully nothing else goes wrong I have had issues with height and had to top the front right one again and do some serious bending and super cropping but she seems to love it.