Grow Mediums 60 day lemon in aeros master system 4 dwc

photo update ph is 6.0 ec 1.7 res 72 day 38 mayby
20160420_171209.jpg the main stalks are thicker than my thumb 20160420_170956.jpg 20160420_170945.jpg 20160420_170924.jpg 20160420_170859.jpg and buds are developing nicely and producing trichomes 20160420_170711.jpg 20160420_170658.jpg 20160420_170405.jpg 20160420_170329.jpg 20160420_170547.jpg light is about a foot away from the one at the front but they seem to handle it ok.
So do you think you'll be sticking with the hydro?

Plants looks great too man. Would you grow this strain again?

:slap: For your efforts bud!
So do you think you'll be sticking with the hydro?

Plants looks great too man. Would you grow this strain again?

:slap: For your efforts bud!
Thanks man!
I think I will definatly staying with hydro. The results speak for themselves, even though I fucked up at the start they recovered well and I think im on track for a decent harvest. I cant beleive how much abuse the autos took and recovered ecspecially the one at the front right. It all comes down to the smoke if I grow these again. I will post some photos later today!
AHHHH Someone help those plants! They've been attacked by the frost fairy!!!!
Thanks man!

AHHHH Someone help those plants! They've been attacked by the frost fairy!!!!
yea mate I can't believe how frosty they are all ready buds are putting on weight every day!
I have upped the ec to 2.3 and ph is stable at 5.8 can't remember when I did my last reservior change but I'm replacing 10 litres every 2 days and the res smells ok. I think I will wait until Sunday. I would take a picture of the roots but the plants are too heavy to hold with one hand.