Grow Mediums 60 day lemon in aeros master system 4 dwc

Thanks man I just counted the days and it seems they ran for 101 days give or take, the root mass is the biggest one.
I made a few mistakes but will learn from them.
For example not checking the calibration of my ph pen after it sitting for about a year. I calibrated it to start with but never checked it for a week and a bit. It was a full point low. (4.8 instead of 5.8)
I used tap water for the whole grow my tap waters ec is 0 so I thought it would be ok and was adding plant magic magn-cal and just following the instructions until they started to show calcium deficiency. I started to use cannas own 20160622_095713.jpg and actually measured the ec and worked out how to get a starter ec of 0.5. It is concentrated so 10ml does 10l of water.
I also had heat issues I have a big ass extract fan through a rhino filter but never had a fresh air intake to control temps I have the controller but I have to core a hole through my wall to set it up properly. We don't usually have good weather here so when it was a heatwave for a couple of weeks I wasn't prepared for it. I was looking at using a led light the next time to help with this and to help with cost of electric.
Trust me I know all about knocking holes in walls for an intake port. I have become pretty proficient at repairing big holes in sheetrock because up until now I have only rented the place where I was living/growing. I actually kind of messed up in the AutoXtreme grow I did because I punched a hole in the ceiling to get that nice cold Colorado air to come into my grow space and everything was going great, that is until I decided that I wanted to run the furnace in my kitchen because it was getting too cold in that part of the house needless to say I didn't realize that my air intake hole in my grow room was right next to the friggin furnace exhaust pipe so I was pumping in 100+ degree air into my room over my lights. I could not figure out what was wrong for almost two weeks it sucked