Grow Mediums 60 day lemon in aeros master system 4 dwc

Ec is 2.4 ph 5.8 ec is rising and ph dropped so I just added water and cal mag to bring down ec
Thanks man she is really starting to stink up the place im really looking foreward to smoking them.
Day 53
20160505_001918.jpg 20160505_001407.jpg 20160505_001400.jpg 20160505_001355.jpg my girls are doin ok. There is some calcium deficiancy on some of the older leaves on all my plants. I hadn't done a res change for a couple of weeks so changed it all out. I also sorted my light rail to give more light coverage. and managed to get a picture of the roots 20160505_001222.jpg 20160504_235306.jpg.
I germinated 6 seeds and only put 4 in the rdwc so I planted the other two in a small pots in soil. I am feeding them the nutrients that I am taking out the reservior and they are very healthy. Heres one of them, I never expected much from her but i think she will produce some nice bud 20160505_001420.jpg


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:woohoo:Root Porn! Man those are some jungles under your plants man, nice stuff. I love the plants, and that lil' girl looks great for the small pot bud.

Here is some the root ball of a Tangie male I grew. I broke off about 20%, but this is what came out.
Sweet man it looks healthy did you grow it outdoors?

Day 56 update
20160508_220725.jpg 20160508_220634.jpg 20160508_220626.jpg 20160508_220616.jpg 20160508_220545.jpg 20160508_220536.jpg 20160508_220529.jpg 20160508_220519.jpg 20160508_220509.jpg I thought my girls would have filled out alot more than this by now. There is some serious fox tailing going on and trichome production is good but my buds need more volume, any ideas on beefing them up? Also they are supposed to be 60 days from seed to harvest but they are all still pushing out new white pistols so I am going to keep them going.
How do I flush them? Do I start adding water with no nutes untill I have replaced the volume of the buckets combined then leave for a week or two??
@wynnyin First of all let me tell you that those are some of the biggest roots I have ever seen on smaller plants, that really is NUTS!!! Also one thing about growing in hydro is that the plants on most strains do typically go longer than in soil, so I think you are right wanting to wait until she is ready. I am totally with you though an if it is a 60 day finishing plant then those buds should be filled out way more than that. One thing that I think might have happened or be happening is that your light may have been too far away causing the internode spacing to be a little farther apart than normal, if the space between the internodes are too far apart then it will never really fill all the way out. However not to be discouraged in any way you are doing great! I would say let em keep on going until most of the pistols have turned red, also do you have a way of lookin at the trichs up close? With a loupe or magnifier of some sort, I know with autos it is not nearly like with photos where you basically go off of trich color solely. With Autos there are a couple of different things that people use to determine when to harvest. Personally I look at the color of the leaves and the amount of amber trichs.

As far as flushing goes, you are correct just start topping off with plain ole RO water that has the correct pH and fill it up until like you said you have replaced the volume of the rez, ,then just keep adding the plain water for the next 10-14 days and you should be good. Also another trick that I learned is 2 or 3 days before harvest don't put any water in them. Let them start to dry out while they are still on the plant and it cuts way down on drying time, because you are essentially letting some of that moisture out before you cut her down but don't start that now lol let her finish up before you start to flush. Good luck my friend and I can't wait to see how these turn out, sending super grow Karma your way
Cool man thanks for the advice I have a USB microscope and will take some photos when I get a chance. I have added some late bloom enhancer to try and beef up the buds. Also I have started using cannas cal mag additive instead of plant magic. I think it may have been my tap water has an ec of 0 and I was adding 2ml per litre but not checking ec before adding the rest of my nutes my ec is sitting at 2.4 and ph 5.7 now in the reservior. I am struggling with temps at the moment as it the hottest couple of days this year.
Sweet man it looks healthy did you grow it outdoors?
Yes this one was outside. Most of them are inside however. This is him at the start of flower. (it was a male if I didn't say that, and why it was outside) He was about 3" tall from the pot.
Cool man thanks for the advice I have a USB microscope and will take some photos when I get a chance. I have added some late bloom enhancer to try and beef up the buds. Also I have started using cannas cal mag additive instead of plant magic. I think it may have been my tap water has an ec of 0 and I was adding 2ml per litre but not checking ec before adding the rest of my nutes my ec is sitting at 2.4 and ph 5.7 now in the reservior. I am struggling with temps at the moment as it the hottest couple of days this year.

What temps are you struggling with your ambient air temp or rez temp? I am assuming you mean ambient air, what is the current temp and how long has it been that way? Not to bring you down or anything cause they are looking great, but the worst time to heat stress a plant is at the end of flowering. I would do whatever you can/have to in order to get that under control. Sending cool temp Karma your way