Grow Mediums 60 day lemon in aeros master system 4 dwc

Quick update
I moved the reaservoir out of the middle by extending the pipes my res is sitting at 71.1. 20160402_185900.jpg
I had major issues with the drippers on the left filling the buckets quicker when I was filling the res and overfilled just as I had started putting in the cal mag. I have now topped all my girls and have started to lst them. 20160402_185252.jpg 20160402_185214.jpg 20160402_185204.jpg 20160402_185150.jpg 20160402_185139.jpg Ph is 6.1 and ec 1.4.
I fixed the over filling issue with some adjustable drippers they are now dripping at 20l an hour and the water level is even through out. I decided to top them all and start lst and supercropping to try and even growth out and because of height restrictions. I have also added some canna boost to the water to try and promote flower production. Rhizotonic and cannazyme for my roots and canna vega a/b I haven't added any flowering nutes yet.
photo update 20160406_113048.jpg 20160406_113036.jpg 20160406_113014.jpg 20160406_113002.jpg my girls are growing well here are some roots 20160405_223909.jpg .
Ladies are looking nice bud! I love the fact that you topped them. Most people are still timid about doing this, but it has been proven more than a few times that autos can handle it. So, how would you rate DWC so far, to you soil experiences. Would you say the difficulty is about the same? What is something you have struggled with. I'm not trying to point out flaws, just learn.

I have all the gear I would need to make 2, ~5 gallon buckets. Well most, I don't have the pots, but all the hardware for the guys. I've wanted to play with it for a while but my tent is a 4x2, and I don't want to go full hydro, just play with it. Even mu nutes are hydro ready, lol its just getting off my bum to do it.
Thanks man
I had planned to top them to try and even out the canopy. I had to when I tried to supercrop the sick one at the back and snapped her top off she was getting too tall to quick. I think that if you top them early enough they can recover well.
I am finding DWC interesting definatly more time consuming because of my ph mess up my ph pen was at least 1.0 out. I find my self checking ph and ec frequently and calibrating my pens alot. I am aware that because all my buckets are linked then if anything goes wrong then it will spread quickly to all plants. Soil is definatly more forgiving compared to this but the growth is staggering. I am definatly enjoying the DWC experience more than soil as you see so much growth in a short space of time. Ecspecially being able to see the roots grow! I find the reservior changes take a while as I have to pump out 60l.

I spent a couple of months reading up on hydro before I had the confidence to give it a go, a good ph/ec meter is essential.
I ran in to an issue with a uncalibrated pH pen. What a damn night mare that was. It only effected 1 plant badly, but it was my girl scout cookies by fastbuds, and I was pissed. I thought the plant was just week, then I tried a second pen and got different reading... Lets just say it restored my faith in FB.

I have earthjuice nutes that will work in soil or hydro, but I am currently using my own super soil mix, and am not using them. Maybe I'll throw 1 together here in a couple weeks. I just need to find a place to put it, lol.
Go for it man dwc is the way to go! I can't believe the growth in 12 hours.
Ph is 5.8 ec 1.5 res water temp 67.5
My girls are doing good I have been topping up my reservior with flowering nutes about 5 litres every couple of days 20160409_190053.jpg 20160409_190040.jpg 20160409_190021.jpg 20160409_185424.jpg 20160409_185413.jpg 20160409_185348.jpg 20160409_185336.jpg .
What day are they on now?