Grow Mediums 60 day lemon in aeros master system 4 dwc

Yea mate I think it was my ph being well off I think I was messing with ph down too much as it has settled when I left it alone doesn't help my ph pen was about 1.0 out of calibration. Canna aqua says on the grow schedule to maintain from 5.2 to 6.2 but it also mentions it has ph stabilisation in the nutrients I am thinking it is trying to reach 5.8 and it did last night and was OK this evening so gonna try and maintain this and see what happens.

My experience with canna and pH is that after I mix canna I let it sit for an hour before doing anything regarding plants. Its pretty stable but I've found big swings in it before I let it set. Much easier to adjust it that way.
Cool man thanks still sitting at 5.8 today I will try that my next reservior change.
My ph is sitting at 5.7 and my ec is 1.7 the ec hasn't changed since my last res change. My water level is dropping slowly but I have been letting it to promote root growth it still isn't at the level you are supposed to keep it at once the plants are getting mature.
The sick plant doesn't seem to be getting any worse and still is growing well in new growth. The other three plants are doing well.
photo update! my girls are looking good and starting to show pre flowers the roots are growing well. ph is stable sitting at 5.8 and ec is 1.7. 20160328_193211.jpg 20160328_193203.jpg 20160328_193151.jpg 20160328_193144.jpg 20160328_193743.jpg 20160328_193622.jpg 20160328_193535.jpg 20160328_193447.jpg 20160328_193717.jpg
photo update! my girls are looking good and starting to show pre flowers the roots are growing well. ph is stable sitting at 5.8 and ec is 1.7.View attachment 546917 View attachment 546918 View attachment 546919 View attachment 546920 View attachment 546921 View attachment 546922 View attachment 546923 View attachment 546924 View attachment 546925
:woohoo:Thats awesome bud, and they look great. How the water temps doing? where you able to find a solution? Are there any smells to mention yet? I'm rooting for you bud!
Thanks Fuggzy, yea they are starting to smell quite strong I noticed a couple of days ago when i went to check on them and got a tidy green smell its hard to describe but its lovely. I have ordered the pipe and bits to move my res into the shade it should be here on the 1st. I borrowed a good temp probe from my work and my water is sitting at 71.5.
I accidetally snapped the top on one of the plants when trying to super crop her because she was getting tall it was the one that was showing signs of sickness. Here she is just after it happened 20160329_025414.jpg I quickly stood her back up and supported the top with the bigger leaves here she is about 6 hours later 20160329_092234.jpg the wound is closed and i am hoping it will promote growth from underneath.
Here is how my girls are looking I decided to cut the top right off the damaged one. 20160331_110926.jpg 20160331_110916.jpg 20160331_110904.jpg 20160331_110853.jpg .
My ec is stable at 1.7 but my ph has dropped a bit to 5.6 the water level is dropping consistantly every day.
Day 20 roots are growing well 20160331_211223.jpg 20160331_211131.jpg 20160331_210814.jpg 20160331_210613.jpg and all my girls are all showing pistols 20160331_211036.jpg.
My reservior is sitting at 76 degrees so the sooner I move it the better. I have most of the parts to move my reservoir but im waiting on 4mm pipe. I am wondering when should start them on flowering nutes.