Grow Mediums 2nd grow auto blueberry

Hope the fishing goes well for you. If I left my wife to care for my plants I could count on them being dead within a week. Seems the only plants she hasn't killed is one she's been carrying around for about 30 years and I think she just keeps it because it refuses to die.
Yea that's how she is with my fish, I will probably have a few gone by the time I get back lol. I've been over due for a vacation so even if I don't catch any fish I will not be complaining.
Update: 4 week
While I was gone she started to flower. Some how my wife totally forgot to water them while I was gone. They both were completely bone dry and looked very pitiful when I got back yesterday.
The BB is really showing a different pheno compared to first grow, she seems to be really bushy and growing very steadily. Hopefully in another 4 weeks she will be good to go.

The NL is at day 12. I probably should've waited till I got back but I think that it should pull through just fine. I bet those roots really branched out looking for water.

Everyone take it easy.
lol I got back yesterday and probably just in time, the wife totally forgot to water the plants, they survived 9 days with no water.
LOL, at least your things weren't out on the curb.

I don't see your images on crapatalk they'll probably show up if I login again
Not bad looking, I guess it comes down to how stunted they mighty be.
Not bad looking, I guess it comes down to how stunted they mighty be.
Thanks, when I got back the BB was showing all sorts of deficiencies but seems to have turned around over night. Knock on wood but I think she is actually looking on par if not better than the last one. The NL I think just might make it but still not sure. I'm sure the NL will be stunted for sure if it pulls thru.
The BB is definitely filling out the 2 gal bucket. She is definitely a lot more bushy than the first one that I grew marks 32 days from sprout.