Grow Mediums 2nd grow auto blueberry

Been reading now this website called the manic botanist I think. They suggest that as long as you're in a PH range of about 6.5 to 5.5 and have adequate nutrients it really doesn't matter. Flies in the face of a lot of stuff we've been looking at with cannabis but it sure is fun reading.
Been reading now this website called the manic botanist I think. They suggest that as long as you're in a PH range of about 6.5 to 5.5 and have adequate nutrients it really doesn't matter. Flies in the face of a lot of stuff we've been looking at with cannabis but it sure is fun reading.
Thanks for that. Yes there are many good and fun reading.
Funny I use pretty much their whole life but I don't use their pH Down. Not that I think there's anything wrong with it it just happened that I bought a quart of phosphoric acid and it'll last me years.
Do you notice that your ph is pretty stable using phosphoric acid?
How is everyone doing today, hope all had a great weekend.
Update: 14 days
Seems to be growing fine.
Every other day I have been giving roughly 200 ml of feed. She does seem to be bushier that what I remember last grow.
Temps are ranging from 83 during the day and 75 at night, when the lights are off.
I started to lst the other day so hopefully with me not topping this round she might go a little faster.
I put my northern light in water last night so hopefully she will be up in a few days.
I do believe the blueberry is starting to show sex, witch seems on part from last grow. My NL showed tap root this morning, so into the coco it went .

I am planning on doing an order hopefully in the next few weeks. I want to sample many fast buds strain, why question is should I just get an assortment one seed of 5 strains or so, or two pick 2 strains and get 3 seeds?
Backround on the northern light.
I got the seeds from ILGM
Container 1 gal bucket.
When I grew this strain last time I used a 2 gal bucket and yielded roughy 4.5 oz. the NL took 98 days from sprout. I really loved the northern light just not the time Frame that it takes. Are most northern lights longer flowering strains or are there some that might finish faster?


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On the question of seeds, I always buy packs and trade them around with other growers if I don't like them. If your just starting out on a seed collection you may be more into picking a selection.
On the question of seeds, I always buy packs and trade them around with other growers if I don't like them. If your just starting out on a seed collection you may be more into picking a selection.
That's what I was thinking, but just want to keep a variety around and to be able to see which I might like best, there is just so damn many.
How's everyone today,
Well I'm going to be going out of town for about a week, which sucks but hey I will be fishing. Last grow I left when the girls were in flower and they were pretty dry. I am going to pre make a nutrient solution tonight so if need be the wife can feed if need be. I know when I get back she is going to be a completely different plant by the time I get back. The Northern Light has sprouted and will update with a pic later tonight.
Hope the fishing goes well for you. If I left my wife to care for my plants I could count on them being dead within a week. Seems the only plants she hasn't killed is one she's been carrying around for about 30 years and I think she just keeps it because it refuses to die.