Grow Room 2017 PC Micro Grows with Mr. Sparkle

That's amazing news for me as I only consume less than 2-3 grams per month. :thanks:
You and JDoe really inspired me to have a micro grow garden, so i bought a 50 lt bucket and made a small spacebucket out of it with 6 cfl plugs (which was an overkill when you consider about heat :smoking:). I also bought advanced nutrients micro-grow-bloom trio. I am planning to try it with some seeds of dealer-bought medicine. If things go well, I'll start strain hunting just like you guys.
Although I agree it's nice having the bud around, I've become a big fan of concentrates, mostly because I only need a couple hits and the pain/anxiety are gone.. I want to get a dab pen though because an oil rig isn't the easiest to travel with, nor is it a "turn-key" affair..

JT partially because of your comment and all that concentrate i just finished making has caused me to do way too much reading and research over the last couple days, and i pulled the trigger on purchase today, we will see how long it takes to get here.

But as a run down and some info instead of a dab pen i actually ended up going with a e-cigarette mod box with a vaporizer attachment, i was reading alot of people recommending the yocan evolve plus for a cheap quality pen, which was one i was already looking at, but what i didn't like about it was the size and versatility of it, so diving in deeper i kept coming up with either options that weren't replaceable, pricey for what you got, or they had their own issues, and reviews and such kept pointing the e-cig route which was completely foreign to me apart from seeing the odd person blowing their vapor clouds in public, and walking by the odd vape shop here and there. So after doing some decent reading, understandably that industry is where the tech is with the amount of users, and seeing various options i liked the idea of being able to adjust your settings, or have removable batteries, or being able to swap attachments ect, and general ease of swapping out components if things broke down.

At that point i was ready to pick up the new Divine Tribe v3 with there v2 dry herb attachment, and see how it compared to my flowermate mini, while having the ability to do the concentrates, but at $140+ after shipping and accessories and such for myself its kinda pricey and silly for something to just sample some concentrates with especially at my consumption rates and readying having a dry material vaporizer, But because i was already down that route i decided to go with a small box "eLeaf Nano which doesn't have a removable battery" i was looking at the eLeaf Pico in bronze and white with its removable battery but getting the batteries and a potential separate charger bumps the price up, and is larger than the nano, yeah their Pico is larger than their Nano which doesn't make sense name wise but whatever, but grabbed one and a supposed decent knock off attachment "Yocan cerum" that was $10 just to get things started with the intentions of replacing it if i end up liking that route for consumption.

So once i have it and get it setup ill post pics and see how it is, total cost is about $35usd so we will see how it works, and it should be quite small aswell.
That's amazing news for me as I only consume less than 2-3 grams per month. :thanks:
You and JDoe really inspired me to have a micro grow garden, so i bought a 50 lt bucket and made a small spacebucket out of it with 6 cfl plugs (which was an overkill when you consider about heat :smoking:). I also bought advanced nutrients micro-grow-bloom trio. I am planning to try it with some seeds of dealer-bought medicine. If things go well, I'll start strain hunting just like you guys.

Post up a thread ;) , and yeah heat will be the issue but you can grow nice plants with cfl's, its how i use to before my led PC cases
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Hell yeah!!! I have an e-Leaf Nano!!! It works awesome!!! The only issue I've had is that I used e-cig cartridges (510's, I believe), but had to thin the concentrate, so I tried this stuff that is composed of plant terpenes.. Sounded cool at first and worked okay, but for some reason, I can't get the potency right and the taste is a little to, "chemical-y".. I've heard of folks using veggie glycerin or PG/PEG to thin it, but that also diminishes some of the potency, so I guess it depends on your tolerance.. Since it sounds like you're not a chronic smoker, that solution may work.. I use the blunt tipped syringes to fill the cartridges.. Easy stuff, and you can prepare several cartridges ahead of time and just toss them in the fridge.. Just make sure you let them get to room temp before using..

The e-Leaf has a great battery, from what I've found, and the fact that you can plug it into pretty much any USB device to charge makes it a great option!!
Hell yeah!!! I have an e-Leaf Nano!!! It works awesome!!! The only issue I've had is that I used e-cig cartridges (510's, I believe), but had to thin the concentrate, so I tried this stuff that is composed of plant terpenes.. Sounded cool at first and worked okay, but for some reason, I can't get the potency right and the taste is a little to, "chemical-y".. I've heard of folks using veggie glycerin or PG/PEG to thin it, but that also diminishes some of the potency, so I guess it depends on your tolerance.. Since it sounds like you're not a chronic smoker, that solution may work.. I use the blunt tipped syringes to fill the cartridges.. Easy stuff, and you can prepare several cartridges ahead of time and just toss them in the fridge.. Just make sure you let them get to room temp before using..

The e-Leaf has a great battery, from what I've found, and the fact that you can plug it into pretty much any USB device to charge makes it a great option!!

You need to look into the newer attachments, as they aren't ecig based in the sense of the how ecig vaporizers work, same tech but different application, their actually meant for concentrates, not e liquid, so no thinning is required, most all the new ones are using a ceramic donut shaped heating element to heat and vaporize your concentrate, or some self wicking coil setup, or coil setup around a non cotton wick, its just currently a small market or has been in comparison and hasn't been around for that long so a lot of things are still being learnt about how things can be done better.

Take a look into the Divine Tribe V3 or the Saionara, and you'll see what i mean, i can see how that aspect can be addicting, always hunting for how things can be done better for what you want.
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Don't wanna come off sounding like a slacker, but THANKS for doing all that research!!!! I had a hard enough time wading through fuckcombustion and other forums on vapes.. A lot of folks with lots of different opinions, however the Tribe is definitely the way I wanna go!!! Ceramic and replaceable coils... My kinda gig!!!! I'll probably order one within the next week or so!!! I'm seriously considering taking half of my next harvest and just making concentrates since I should finally have enough volume to make both a decent stash of bud with a solid stash of some oil!!!
You're in no way being a slacker, its a lot of information to wade through and i was just in a position to do so at this current time, and with things still changing pretty much monthly by the looks of it, a year ago it would of been a completely different world, i still have to try things out but we will see how the new tech works.
Not to knock on other states in the U.S., however we just got weed "legalized" here; home of MIT, home of the Patriots, home of the origins of the U.S... Scientists, doctors, biotech folks; ALL in the mix now!!!! We've got some smart people in the region, so beware of what's to come!!!! lol For all I know someone around here will come up with a hybrid fruit-cannabis combination that's already set to be consumed!!!
Now I wonder if C99xDarkDevil plants become purple just like their devil daddy...

Two of them are actually but we will see later on how much so.

Update time:

Feeling a bit better about things, started to get ready for the next cycle, so i bagged all my old mix that was left in my bin too use shortly for starts in the veggie garden this year. But cleaned out my bin then hydrated and rinsed a brick of coco coir which becomes around 8L/2gal of coco, which i mixed 3 tbsp of dolomite lime in for its cal-mag content and for some pH stabilizing purposes, and will let is sit aside till we need it, causing it to slightly mature for when were ready, ill mix it occasionally over the next couple weeks.

Also thinking about making up some more fabric pots but i'm gonna try a different style with a combination of two fabrics "got the idea from a root system video i was watching done by Carl Whitcomb on tree transplants specifically" but the bottom of the pot will be the current fabric, and the walls being more impervious but breathable fabric that doesn't wick, like a recent sweet seeds fabric bag i received from Mossy and the AFN staff here. The Idea being that the bottom will still wick up the nutrient water that is bottom fed, but at the same time with the different walls, it will keep the coco a tad wetter with less wall evaporation of water, and also create a more impervious wall for the roots but still breathable to be able to air prune right at the surface, Or at least that's the idea for us to check out. They will probably end up being about 8.5cm x 10cm tall.

On to the boxes

Bogan: Filled the res today its now on straight maxi bloom at a lighter 1.3ec, rearranged a few things and removed 3 of the C99xDark Devils, still no signs of flower, but kept the two with purple tones in Bogan which look like they carry a bit more of the auto gene structure wise in how they are growing, just did some minor LST today on them just to prevent them from being too tall when they hit stretch mode, they will get transferred to the other case if they don't show flowers once they re fill back out from some defoliation i had to do to keep the 5 of them from becoming a mess. The two will enjoy the extra space now.

The F2 Dark Devils are sporting some different variations, the one on the front left is the best, the others have their issues for this style of growing or aren't as nice structure wise, so i dusted a couple small bud sites at the lower back of the plant with some pollen from the round that created these seeds, we will see if we get some seeds off this plant, the others are filling out as well but i don't like them as much as the front left plant, we have 3 to 4 weeks to go with them.


Ashla: Shes finishing out, filled the res as well running straight Maxibloom at 1.3ec as we were running a tad too hot in this case at 1.5ec previously, so the AK48's have some tip burn due to this and their early on root rot issue, but gave them a flush of straight water not that its needed or changes anything now but we will be chopping them in a day and a bit and one maybe in 4 days as it needs a bit more time by what its showing, The Lemon Kush in the center is filling out nicely, and the 2 Bahia Black Heads on the right are doing their thing, the ones too tall but whatever, also threw over the 2 smaller healthier C99xDarkDevil Plants, the third one i tossed, we will see what they do with the extra space and 12/12 cycle, being a trial run with them im not concerned with having any product at the end, i just want to see how they grow and how the mix of the two is gonna turn out, and if its worth pursuing.

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