Grow Room 2017 PC Micro Grows with Mr. Sparkle

Mid week pics

As described in above posts, for Bogan the surprise seedling is at the bottom right, it should make it, and the Dark Devils are starting to put on size. As for Ashla you can see how shes been thinned out hopefully it will reduce the stretch enough with the other plants, the slight tip burn on the ak48's is due to me doing a flush and a root scrape when i noticed i had some root rot / fusarium, and then them getting normal strength nutrient water afterwards, i have found that doing a flush then going straight back to normal strength nutes can do this, if things are a bit off. But the Lemon Kush and Cherry bomb clones are sure stretching hopefully they won't go to much further or we will have to bend them over or top them.


Were now down to three AK48's, i jumped the gun on my plan, and have done some culling, the ones that got booted, first they were the plants that didn't have smells i preferred out of the group, and also structure and initial resin wise were the weakest, always have to hunt a little for the good stuff, unless its a true inbred line.

I'll post some pics tomorrow.

Have you noticed the smells change over the course of the grow?? It's something that's intrigued me a bit as I have 2 GDP growing right now, in flower, about 4 weeks in, and the large, productive one still smells very peppery/vegetative, while the smaller mutant one smells very kushy, very GDP-ish, but is only gonna produce a half oz if I'm lucky..
Have you noticed the smells change over the course of the grow??

Yes they do over time, but by about 4 weeks of flower "5-6 weeks from seed for autos" you pretty much know what your gonna get once harvested, it usually just gets stronger and the odd other smell develops but there's usually not much change to the base odor. Or at least with what ive found.

Also here's a update.

Bogan: Doing well, were at about day 18 on the F2 Dark Devils, they are looking happy and have thrown out starting pistils, so were gonna see some stretch over the next two or so weeks and bud sites starting to develop, so we will se if we have to wrangle them in if they get out of hand, And were on about day 4 with teh C99 X Dark Devil's, the 5th stow away is coming around not fully caught up yet but maybe soon.


Ashla: Good as well, things are a bit spread around at the moment, we have 3 AK48's left, two have a very similar nice scent to it and the other ones a bit different but still good, they still need i tiny bit more time till all the odors more or less come out, the Cherry Bomb is stretching quite abit "Front Right", the Lemon Kush less so which is center left which is good, one of the Bahia Blackheads, is getting pretty tall hopefully its done which are center back and right back. They will be flowering shortly.
so were in for a ride, apart from the potential C99xdarkdevil non autos that may come over my plan is to run every thing out then instead of doing continuous start doing singular, all plants at once style grows for the future, easier to follow and easier to control and make selections.

insert caption " 2 Days Later " :doh:

Were in for a ride as things are definitely in stretch mode.

So here's Bogan 2 day later


As for Ashla, the tall Bahia Blackhead grew right into the heatsink, so i chopped the top, the other one stretched a couple inches too but hopefully its a last burst, also the Cherry Bomb looks like it had no signs of stopping and i was kinda on the fence at whether i would let it finish out one last time or just get rid of it, so that decided it and its now gone, also hopefully the Lemon Kush doesn't stretch too much more, i pinched the stems to slow it down a little, but we ill see.

Before shot, just after opening, and after a quick top and removing a plant.


"24hrs later"

Were probably gonna have to defoliate the plants tomorrow to slow down their stretch, and open things up, the bigger pots are definitely not helping with this as more roots = bigger plants, so woohoo were stuck on this ride now.


Also this showed up in the mail today, thanks to Mossy, Sweet Seeds and all the AFN staff for putting on the festivus contests, and making this forum a welcoming community. Well be putting them to good use.
Will you be able to keep them small enough with the bigger pots? What's the plan? :)

Yes, by either lst, topping, or defoliating, and stem pinching, ideally the less i have to do the better, but saying that and looking at past photos of the dark devils the stretch should be over come the end of this week, but were only half way there so im gonna be watching.
"another 24 hrs later"

so they really didn't want to behave, probably should of done something yesterday.

Anyways here's what i did, i did a slight defoliation of the bigger lower fan leaves and they are currently the main contributor for stem elongation, also i moved the two plants on the right to far right, as you may notice they weren't stretching as much, one cause of the mother they come from but mainly because they are receiving more light, now they should be evened out. Also the two plants on the left got the "Z" treatment to their stems, the closest one isn't as nice as the back one, but they will be fine, it a stressful thing to do to them, but they will bounce back in 2 days.

Before - unattended

After - moving, defoliation and some stem "Z" ing
Will call this the weekly update.

I'll slow down on the pics and updates for now, i just wanted to show the stretch, and subsequent cleaning and filling out, so we will move it out to pics possibly every 2-3 days, then a bit longer once things slow down.

Bogan: Well obvious changes since the last main update back on the 28th, lots of stretch with the bigger pots, still have a few more days of tweaking before they start to switch to bud mode. We will be super cropping from here on out if needed, as now i want to retain as much leaf as possible till budding goes into full swing. The seedlings will be fighting for space within the week, just watch, we will have to do some more training and tweaking once they start filling in the space.


Ashla: The AK48's are starting to fill out now, the two on my left are doing very well, the back one the best, the one at front left did shoot out 3 pollen sacs on a lower bud site, but i'm attributing that to stressed induced hermaphroditic tendency, which isn't good but from the root rot to flushes, and root scrapes to some defoliation i can understand, so we now know that plant is a little susceptible to it, the other two aren't showing anything, but from a genetic standpoint we know they should all carry that susceptibility to it. The Bahia Blackheads keep stretching mainly because they're pretty dense on that side with foliage, so ill do some super cropping to the back one, and just leave them be till we need some space potentially

I want to change the programming to be a tad wetter on this box, but i'll wait a little bit longer till some of the plants are out of this case, just not cause any more root rot issues,which was caused be me not keeping my res sterile.

Oh and the Lemon Kush is starting to bud, it gonna turn into a fine plant.
