Grow Room 2017 PC Micro Grows with Mr. Sparkle

Holy stretch!!!! In the span of 4 or so days, they almost tripled in size!!!!! lol I'd say if you had a larger grow area, those would be great plants to have under big lights!!!!

Yeah with a bigger grow area they would of been happy, know for next time to top early on, also they didn't stop.

Had a jungle yesterday so much so i had to defoliate a bunch more and do some more super cropping and re bend things back down, they were taking up the entire box and was blocking out the seedlings, wish i didn't have to defoliate them.
Also unfortunately one of the plants i didn't pre pinch the stem in an area i bent over a couple days before and it already had rebuilt itself stronger so much so when i went to bend it over with a bit to much force i snapped the one side of the stalk, which wasn't gonna be mend able so i had to chop off the top.

Not happy about all of this but its the issues we run into in our micro environments, especially when changing to bigger pots lol
I'll post pics tomorrow if i can grab some later in the day.
So first picture is after i super cropped three days ago, then they sprung back and crowded out everything, then i defoliate and cropped again, and this is where they were at today, the ones on the left are a gangly mess. Will definitely do better next time with the bigger pots.

Meh is my opinion at the moment on the grow status.

Bogan: Did some defoliation again today as the center seedlings were getting crowded out and looks like a stringy mess at the moment, the two dark devils on the left went through some more bondage to get them to somewhat behave, and are now done their stretch but i kinda just want to ditch them and start over, the dark devil in the back right is doing the best, which has been untouched training wise more or less as it stayed short enough, or didn't have an accident.

Yeah ready to move on, so who knows what ill do.


Ashla: Removed a bunch of the bigger fan leaves on everything, the Ak48's (three on the left) will be done this week, undecided whether ill keep one or two of them around, the lemon kush in the center is doing its stereo typical thing, and will be packing on the bud shortly, also undecided on whether to keep it around, and the Bahia Blackheads on the right, the one stretched too much and so far im not interested in the smell, the one that got topped though is shaping up. I also would like to move on with ashla as well, which will be soon enough.

Side info, my currently mix ill be tossing after this run as its been reused so many times now and is getting heavy on the perlite ratio and is mainly just fine coco particles now instead of nicer bigger fluffier stuff, so ill be running new stuff the next round after a scrub down and a repaint of the trays, also i plan on running straight coco for the next couple runs, only reason why i was running perlite before is with the way i was watering by hand it prevented me from waterlogging the plants, but now with an automated system, things should be easier to control.

Oh also reduced all my non favored bud i had around with alcohol extraction and now have 8 or so gram of resin split in separate 1st, 2nd, and combined 3rd runs of the different buds i had, yielded around 17% off everything, i might pick up a cheap dab pen to play with, if not i will potentially use some of it for cooking, but who knows if it will ever get used with me having some nice jars of some favored bud that i know ill dive into before i touch any of the resin.

Although I agree it's nice having the bud around, I've become a big fan of concentrates, mostly because I only need a couple hits and the pain/anxiety are gone.. I want to get a dab pen though because an oil rig isn't the easiest to travel with, nor is it a "turn-key" affair..
I want to get a dab pen though because an oil rig isn't the easiest to travel with, nor is it a "turn-key" affair..

I definitely agree with that and its the same reason i was thinking a dab pen, getting a whole oil rig is overkill for my consumption rates aswell, plus i've never been a bong person, but i think that is more dictated by the culture of my area and friends. I normally consume with either joints, or my flowermate mini, which are easy to travel with and allow you to get out and enjoy the outdoor with minimal hindrance, or to consume at home. But then again i have had acquaintances that would make a whole adventure of safely packing and riding with a bong out into the woods, which seemed silly to me, but again that was their culture.

Love this perfect row of bud-sticles!

Thanks typically i would have twice as many in there but i'm just letting things run out, it will be packed again shortly.
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How many grams of dry weed you are getting from each 0.5l pot harvest Mr Sparkle? On average of course :)

From the 0.4L pots i get on average between 5g to 9+g but that depends on genetics, and how much space the plants are given, and a few other things like auto or clones vs regular seed ect.

But say i have 14 of them crammed into one box, i'll yield around 4-5g per, but if they are thinned out to say 10 i get closer to 6-7g per, the autos have been the ones putting on good numbers as i've had a few 9+g plants that were usually stuck off in a corner.

I'll say though i do produce more than i ever need for my consumption, which is nice as it allows me to hunt through genetics and not really care about letting all the plants finish out for bud if they don't have the qualities i like.