Grow Room 2017 PC Micro Grows with Mr. Sparkle

Moved the left over C99xDarkDevils over to Ashla this morning, my original logic was flawed with how to run this round.

Reason being the plan was to have a couple of them finish out in Bogan to fill out that box, but what i wasn't thinking about and forgot and subsequently remembered last night was that when crossing a Photoperiod and a Auto, all F1 offspring will be photoperiod plants because the auto gene is a recessive gene.

So if i wanted a auto version of that cross i will have to cross two F1's and run out the seeds and then only roughly 25% will have the the auto gene. But with all that said it still doesn't change the fact this run was just for testing purposes and seeing how the cross may turn out, which we will do.

Bogan: Is packed out decently as you can see, could of fit another plant or two in there but we know for next time, were at about 2-3 weeks left.


Ashla: Moving along, not the best, also the Lemon Kush Flopped over right under one of the LED's and the top bud got all burnt, shitty but the rest of it is all good, another week or two before it comes down.


Also been playing around with some new pots ill post some pics later, also gonna be trying some tests with straight coco, the stuff i have is a bit more fine than i would like so its compacting a bit too much for my liking but im gonna try running it as is anyways
So the AK48 buds are pretty much good to go for a long cure, as in they're good to consume from this point out, yielded a bit over 21g off the 3 plants in the small pots

Here's a pic of the top of the pint jar they are stored in currently


Also here's a quick shot of the new pots ill be trying out, the plan if they work better is to run 8 and 10 of them respectfully, they still use the same fabric as the old pots for the bottom, but now have a nylon woven sidewall, for better water retention by wicking less and not as breathable in comparison, they are about 60% bigger volume wise than my old small pots, but they have about 0.56L of actual usable space. I made 8 of them to give them a go, and started a couple random floor seeds with the plant to dissect the roots a month or so into growing just to see.

Also i mixed a bit of leftover perlite i had into the new straight coco, its probably less than 20% perlite, i did want to run straight coco but this stuff is a little finer than i wanted and was compacting and retaining a lot of water when doing some water tests, i will have to try and get a chunkier coco for next time.

Thanks for stopping by Archie

Did some maintenance today and took a better look at things, i finely updated the code of the two boxes to run a tad wetter, also had both boxes lock up today but at different times which wasn't an issue but it gave me the excuse to not be lazy and update the code, the lockups i fully suspect has to do with a timer overrun issue which is something i was aware of but im just logging it and will see if that is the actual case when the boxes lock up again.

The Dark Devils are really starting to fill out now, some more than others but even for the plant i was wanting to toss awhile back its doing decent, the one has a solid 3" + ball for one nug, can definitely tell the more productive phenotypes now also the Lemon Kush is apparently really close to harvest time, you can see it and some of that burn spot in the last pic here.

Also filled up the res's with just straight water with what ever was left over in them, Bogan is running at 0.5EC which is good for the last couple weeks, not that i flush or let the plant usually run out this way, but this time i can do so as they have enough energy stores than they can with what they have and whats left in the res, Ashla is at 0.9EC and i probably wont change anything till next watering just cause they should be fine with the recent wetter programming which will cause more waterings.

Something to note between the two boxes with these pics, is i really like the more spread out light of the 4 led's vs 2, as you can see you can get the buds closer to the 4 and with the light being more spread out everything really packs on when getting hit from different sides where as with Ashla and her 2 led setup you get the dark corners and also they have a bigger heatzone that the plants cant get in without burning.

I'm gonna change the setup in Ashla eventually to the 4+ led setup but haven't dropped the cash or sourced some new heatsinks and extra leds to do so, as im a bit at odds with myself in that i really don't really need to upgrade the box, as one im just feeding my building/tweaking/making it better desire by doing so, and two i defintely dont need two boxes for my consumption, it just allows me to play around more with plant hunting.



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Said screw it, so some more leds are on their way for ashla, all i have to grab now is some more heatsinks, have a couple already but i'll try and get matching ones from a local used computer store.

To note, being that we will be running four led's at half the amperage of the two, we should actually increase the light output slightly as the efficiency bumps up with the lower amperage, even though we're already under running them, we should still be a 5-10% increase in light output, not that its any part of the reason to go to 4 leds but its a bonus.
Said screw it, so some more leds are on their way for ashla, all i have to grab now is some more heatsinks, have a couple already but i'll try and get matching ones from a local used computer store.

To note, being that we will be running four led's at half the amperage of the two, we should actually increase the light output slightly as the efficiency bumps up with the lower amperage, even though we're already under running them, we should still be a 5-10% increase in light output, not that its any part of the reason to go to 4 leds but its a bonus.
Definitely, sounds like a good plan. Half the fun is building and upgrading....
Thanks for stopping by @cbdfarmer

I'll do my normal shots and update sometime this weekend but just had to share this to give you all an idea of the current buds, i was i rotating and shuffling things around in Bogan just so the buds will finish and fill out equally.

But shit, seriously this in almost 8 weeks from seed, in a mid sized pc case, were at like day 53ish, these Dark Devils still impress me, were definetly gonna have to run some of those Cream Mandarine's and Ice Cools i recieved next round, which is seriously in like a week.


Bogan: The dark devils should be done in a week or so, and we have two random seedlings going, and i just threw a lemon kush back into this case to reveg.


Ashla: We now are rocking 4 cobs instead of the two, the light output is a tad brighter, but i did it so the buds would get hit move evenly, instead of having hot spots and dark corners. Just have the one Bahia Blackhead left, it has another week or so, as for the C99 x DarkDevils they have really stretched over the last week, so i just tied down all the tops with some lst, they should be good now.


Harvest shot, here's a decent Lemon Kush an a sub par Bahia Black head, but they were due to those issues i ran into, bud is bud.

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