Grow Room 2017 PC Micro Grows with Mr. Sparkle

How is the potency of Dark Devil?
I demand high THC strains.
I also want beautiful colours, so I have Granddady Purple Bay Lotus seeds in the fridge.

Its a medium or on par strain compared to the better plants ive grown, at least for me, its not like a heavy knock you on your ass kush, but thats one of the reason why i enjoy it, just overall pretty decent right across the board, but saying that im a casual toker so i really never experience or try for a saturation point of smoking more for your desired effect.
Decided to get rid of the random seedling due to a struggled start, and the re-vegging Lemon Kush for no reason other than it time to move on, it was a good plant, and i can always get more seeds. But with that cleaned out of Bogan we now have some others in there, So we currently have the two Ice Cools on the right, a Cream Mandarin that just popped soil today, two Dark Devil F1 but they were made on the same plant that gave me pollen, so we will see how similar they are to the original, and a Think Different x Dark Devil cross, and two empty pots on the left that will be filled with some other F1 Dark Devils sitting in water at the moment, but these ones were from another plant.

I think running 8 of these pots will be to much space wise, so we will have to break out the training techniques to keep things under control, or get rid of say two of the lesser Dark Devils mid flower.


Here is a shot of the C99 x Dark Devils, i can definitely see both parents in the structure and smell that they give off, looks a little sparse but have to remember i only currently have 5 plants in the case all with the smaller 0.4L pots so its not gonna look full especially when i could throw in another 5 easily, also one will be gone by this weekend, it isn't shown but its that Bahia Blackhead. Also you might see some jiffy pellets in the future in Ashla as ill be starting some peppers for the garden this year, but some of them are old seeds so we will see if they sprout.

Wow Mr Sparkle your PC setup is amazing! Super elegant and well thought out. I had to show my girlfriend... She loved the photos of your Devil plants with the black background. She said 'That grow is on a whole-nother level!'. We were impressed that you were able to have your arduino run your grow!

Thanks MoreBerry, i still have a ways to go before truly perfecting things, but for the most part things are pretty on track with control and build wise. Thanks for stopping by.
I have to share this, just cause i think its funny.
So i wanted to make a small cloning chamber that was separate from my boxes, just so i had a better controlled coning environment, so i order in a couple cheap Chinese eBay leds to make a small chamber with, i received one of those packages today, which was a cheap 0.5m strip of 7020 leds with a total cost of $1, i was gonna use the other leds i ordered but ordered this just to test out, as it was a dollar, anyways i decided to quickly, break it down into separate modules to fit and throw it together with the container i had which was $1.50, just quickly wired, and mounted the leds, so here we go lol.

My plan is to pait it white and add some passive air vents just for air exchange purposes as so far the leds only raise the ambient temperature slightly.

Here a pic with some jiffy pellets i started the other day with some pepper and tomato seeds.

I should build another and do a grow in one just for giggles, as so far my cost is $2.50.


Bogan: Just starting with a new batch of seedlings, something is slightly off with this new coco, it was thoroughly rinsed but may still have some issues, or there is a slight PH imbalance as the lower left plant "ice cool" is showing some very minor signs of potential issues, so i'm gonna have to look into it some more if things worsen. But well see how they tun out, also have one more seedling as backup if needed.


Ashla: moving along as well, the 4 remain C99xDD, are starting to fill out, all of them still have a pythium root rot issue or what i've suspected with the red roots, but once they finish up everything will get a good scrub down with a bleach solution for next cycle, but due to that i wont be keeping any of these plants around as mothers unless i temporary isolate the pots from the rest till i can grab clones of the preferred ones, after some sampling is done.


Harvest: Took down the remaining Bahia Blackhead, smells good, and nice solid buds, little bit of tip burn and issues due to the phythium but should still be good to smoke, also not keeping it around as a mother due to the phythium, and will just get some new seeds when the time comes i want to run it again.


Bogan: Is packed out decently as you can see, could of fit another plant or two in there but we know for next time, were at about 2-3 weeks left.

View attachment 707962

Ashla: Moving along, not the best, also the Lemon Kush Flopped over right under one of the LED's and the top bud got all burnt, shitty but the rest of it is all good, another week or two before it comes down.

View attachment 707963

Also been playing around with some new pots ill post some pics later, also gonna be trying some tests with straight coco, the stuff i have is a bit more fine than i would like so its compacting a bit too much for my liking but im gonna try running it as is anyways

How much stink were you dealing with in first picture? I am starting my own cabinet micro grow, I have a carbon filter and inline fan on the way but I want to judge how much smell I'm dealing with. I live with family so I need it stealth, thing is I am allowed to smoke weed in my room so if I have 4-5 dwarf autos going with a filter, how much smell should I expect?

Advice would be greatly appreciated
How much stink were you dealing with in first picture?

Next to none and i mean none when inside the box, outside or when tending the plants it can smell. I also run a electrostatic air purifier as well, mainly for house air quality but it's only ever needed for smell when my carbon is really really old and there is a particularly odorous skunky strain near peak of flowering, but that happens very rarely.

Saying that the really skunky strains don't stay around typically past one round as i don't like stuff that smells like a skunk that has died a month ago and then was pissed on by a cat. Don't really understand the appeal of that to some lol.

But if you're running normal, non super skunky strains, and have a decent carbon filter you should be good for smell, especially if you can smoke already, as myself i don't smoke in house unless i'm using an extraction fan aka stove top air hood or bathroom fan.