Grow Room 2017 PC Micro Grows with Mr. Sparkle

Thought i had them posted on here but in my older thread, but doesn't look like i do, so here you go

Pretty basic made out of air ducting tin with around 2" depth of carbon, and they sit over a 120mm pc fan in there stock location, and are held in place by magnets for easy removal for refilling purposes.


Next to none and i mean none when inside the box, outside or when tending the plants it can smell. I also run a electrostatic air purifier as well, mainly for house air quality but it's only ever needed for smell when my carbon is really really old and there is a particularly odorous skunky strain near peak of flowering, but that happens very rarely.

Saying that the really skunky strains don't stay around typically past one round as i don't like stuff that smells like a skunk that has died a month ago and then was pissed on by a cat. Don't really understand the appeal of that to some lol.

But if you're running normal, non super skunky strains, and have a decent carbon filter you should be good for smell, especially if you can smoke already, as myself i don't smoke in house unless i'm using an extraction fan aka stove top air hood or bathroom fan.

Okay that's really good to hear. And i smoke in this particular room it's my designated smoke area so I'm sure even a little smell would go un noticed.

As far as the carbon filters go.... I need mine as quiet as absolutely possible. I'm gonna buy a speed controller of course, but with the controller all the way on the lowest setting, how loud would this be?

Don't know if you use the speed controllers but just trying to get a grip on how things are gonna go so it all goes smooth... and noise of the inline fan on the carbon filter is my biggest worry for my stealth.
Okay that's really good to hear. And i smoke in this particular room it's my designated smoke area so I'm sure even a little smell would go un noticed.

As far as the carbon filters go.... I need mine as quiet as absolutely possible. I'm gonna buy a speed controller of course, but with the controller all the way on the lowest setting, how loud would this be?

Don't know if you use the speed controllers but just trying to get a grip on how things are gonna go so it all goes smooth... and noise of the inline fan on the carbon filter is my biggest worry for my stealth.
Oh I didn't see that you made your own DIY one... well I'm working with a basic 4 inch literal carbon filter that needs an inlne fan and ducting (might be overkill) but if you have had any experience with these it would be appreciated I've been all over the web looking for a straight answer or a video showing literally but have had no luck.

Feedback is greately appreciated man thanks
Oh I didn't see that you made your own DIY one... well I'm working with a basic 4 inch literal carbon filter that needs an inlne fan and ducting (might be overkill) but if you have had any experience with these it would be appreciated I've been all over the web looking for a straight answer or a video showing literally but have had no luck.

Feedback is greately appreciated man thanks

Yeah it will be more than enough, but saying that if worried about noise do a blow thru setup instead of pull as it will muffle some of the sound, but its not as efficient and you could have potential air leaks, or a speed controller is a good choice as doubt you will need to run your fan at anywhere near full, heck i don't with my computer fans, which are actually PWM controlled and run at around 75-80% when lights are on and around 30-40% when they are off.

You can also get insulated ducting as well, and some people build sound insulated boxes for their fans if they are going super quiet.

Also for the speed control you can make a simple one out of a light dimmer so long as your in the same range for wattage, i just checked and they even have some inline lamp dimmers that are good for 100-200w for $10-15 at your standard home renovation big box stores
mid week update:

Well I'm still not sure what was up with the couple of plants in Bogan, my best guess for the front right Ice Cool was that the coco in that pot wasn't flushed enough, and i may of had a salt or ph lockout, possible coupled to some over watering for being young, as things are now different with a near pure coco mix. So i gave the two on the far right a good flushing and then some nutrient water aftwards, and the new growth looks good, but i'm gonna let everything dry out a bit and run the box a bit drier, i'm temped to add some perlite back into the mix because of compaction and air ration but want to try pure coco runs again. But first ill go and get a decent bag of coco instead of the pet oriented stuff i have, also i'm thinking i might go back or try some organic pre fertilized coco mix for some pots and go straight water, to see if i can make things a bit easier, but that will be in another run.


The C99xDark Devils are doing pretty good, i expect them to be done in two to three weeks, then we can clean out that case and start some new seeds.

Mr. Sparkle, youre a true grow master-engineer!
I Dont mean to hijack your thread, but you seem to be the most successful pc grower here.
Im thinking of making a pc grow box (big tower 62cm tall) with one 1212 3500k 700ma ~25w, is this enough for one plant at the time, or should i ad one more cob?
Mr. Sparkle, youre a true grow master-engineer!
I Dont mean to hijack your thread, but you seem to be the most successful pc grower here.
Im thinking of making a pc grow box (big tower 62cm tall) with one 1212 3500k 700ma ~25w, is this enough for one plant at the time, or should i ad one more cob?

You're not hijacking at all that's what these forums are for, to spread knowledge and info.

A couple things, with you having a tall case which isn't really needed, you're gonna have to have brighter sources of light to get further into the canopy, one thing you'll notice once you start growing is your plants will rush to the light and will do the majority of their good dense growth within 6-8" from the Light Source and all that space below it being mostly wasted. Now because you will have brighter sources of light you're gonna have a "bubble" underneath the led that bud can't get in because they will heat burn and light bleach, with you creating a kinda reverse cone canopy to avoid those issue, unless you tie down everything, so could you get away with one light source for one plant sure, but two or more would be better, because i found you get a lot better and more even growth with multiple light sources instead of just one or two as you will have dark corners and areas where plants get crowded out by other plants or themselves and you will have underdeveloped bud or stuff that takes longer to finish vs the stuff directly under the light.

So i would say go with at least 2 or more sources, 4 or more would be better and its what i did recently to my taller case, its the same amount of power as before just more sources (2@700ma vs 4@350ma) and i can tell already its doing a better job for all the plants under it.

With all that said take a look into the Bridgelux vero18's Gen 7's, vs the citizen clu048's your looking at, spec wise they look to be putting out similar light amount at the same current and voltage, but the bridgelux's are 1/3 - 1/4 the price, which gives no excuse to run a couple of them just at lower amperages.

Another suggestion if looking to do it all on a bit more of a budget, and its something i should've done instead of what i did, is if you dismantle some big box store led bulbs and make your own custom lights like i've started in the previous post, that is another option, to give you an idea the base 8w "60w equivalent" philips bulbs above i roughly measured at actually only consuming 6w of energy and if their rated lumens are correct, that means they are producing 133lm/w with the driver, which is pretty damn good, my bridgelux vero18's are in the 190lm/w range because of underdriving and that's before the driver is included.

So if wanting to go overkill and match my similar light outputs or the same as two 1212's or gen7 vero18's at 700ma, you would need 10 of them at a cost of around $20-30 bucks or 5 of the "100w equivalent" bulbs, and you already have the drivers, which sounds like a win win.

But do you need that many bulbs ? probably not, on another forum people are happy and producing very nice bud at 30w/sqft actual wattage which is only 5 of those 8 watt Philips bulbs, total cost $8-10 bucks

My new build will hopefully put that to the test and see if i've wasted alot of money of my setups, with the $150-250+ ive spent over the last couple years on different ballasts, Leds, and Heatsinks, vs the whole $20-60 of store bought bulbs and cheap heatsinks i could of went with.
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