Grow Room 2017 PC Micro Grows with Mr. Sparkle

Would love to see some pics of the bucket!

The C99xDDs look lovely! Beautiful colors!

I don't know which seeds you have, so I can't say whats going to grow in your new bucket, but I could imagine that a dp autoblueberry would do well inside a bucket.

Mine stayed pretty short, had beautiful colors and were all a great smoke!
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I'll get some pictures up later today, just wanted to do a few tweaks, and get some of the light leaks dealt with that i cause during the build, where i accidently removed some paint in some areas due to either me breaking this one ring divider's glue bond or i put in or moved components around and they took some paint with them.

I've run a few DP regular blueberrys, decent plants but not really my effect
The plan is to run a single auto in it, so the seeds i have or will have shortly are as follows.

Thinkdifferent x DarkDevil
Dark Devil
Ice Cool
Cream Mandarine

and i will have some of the following Sweet Seed genetics coming eventually from winning the photo comp here on AFN

Cream Mandarine XL
Big Devil XL
Red Poison

My next buy i want to get some of Mephisto genetics, but wouldn't mind waiting till they release their non feminized version later this year, or at least get some Grape Crinkle back in stock to go along side some Sour Stomper seeds.
Mr. Sparkle, how long do you keep plants in vegetative stage? Is it based on time or length or something else?

Usually the amount of nodes which corresponds to how tall they are, and that typically takes the same amount of time no matter what genetics they are.

So for photo periods i typically throw them to flower after 2-2.5 weeks, which by then they are typically on node three to five, but three decent nodes seems to be the sweet spot for me and my limited height and small plant size, also by then the plants are usually just starting to be wider than the container. When i go more things tend to try and outgrow the space, as i believe they sense there is a lack of root space by that point and then decide to start going up to get more light instead of focusing on growing out to achieve the same effect but the root space won't allow them to do so and they know that, and it seems to be the same no matter what size the pot is, in that as soon as they start to get a bit wider than the root zone then they start to bolt upwards.

But that's just my current hypotheses from observations over the time i've been growing. Guess i should try some really wide shallow containers to see if it holds true.

Here's the new build "The Bucket" , it will get its own thread with more details once i things are going a bit..

but some info about it, Well its a standard 5gal bucket, with use of a partially cut down 2gal bucket inside, a ring was made out of foam board to fit and seal it in there and is glued in place.

I still need to make a carbon filter and make a reservoir for it but its all wired out and ready for whatever container i decide to use.

For lights i'm using 3 dismantled 8.5w Philips soft white LED bulbs mounted to some salvaged old GPU heatsinks, the fan is an old cut down Gelid Solutions Silent TC 92mm fan, which i cut down to save some height and it fit nicely, but I've had this fan for ages and has been used in a few other past grows, the thermocouple is mounted to one of the heatsinks, which causes the fan to run at full when light are on and then it automatically slows down when the lights are off, which is a lot easier to deal with compared to my PWM fans that i use in my PC cases.

Control wise i'm running an Arduino with relays for lights and water pump/valve, also mixed in is a RTC for accurate time events, and a LCD coupled to a two way momentary switch for basic control, we also have a soil moisture sensor for automatic watering, and a temperature and humidity senor for just displaying general stats on the LCD, but that is currently coming in mail as i didn't have any spares.

I will also be sharing the code of this project on github for those who are interested, but will add it later when i have a separate thread going.

Total Price was around $30 USD including paint, but ill get a more accurate list later on so it probably gonna be a few dollars more
Total wattage draw from the wall is around 26-30watts, my blueplanet power meter pegs it at 27-28watts, but measures 0.24-0.25a at 120-122v, but i cant verify with multimeter as i pretty sure i blew the fuse it it awhile ago and rarely use it for amperage readings anyways.

So with those number lets make the goal 30g, for a 1g/1w/1$ ratio

The plan will be to run one autoflower plant this round and see what we can do.

Haven't decided on a seed yet, but i listed what i have and could run two posts above.

Anyways I'll make another thread and put a bit more details into it once we get started with it, and ill do the few tweaks i still need to do in the mean time.





Also here is a mid week update as well

Bogan is all back and happy now, did some selective leaf plucking today just to slow things down a bit, as i have a assumption its gonna be packed shortly, also plucked that one seedling that wasn't doing so well, and have replaced it with a just cracked new seed.


Ashla is just finishing up with two plants left, which will be chopped in the coming day or so, then i'll do a bleach scrub down and clean, with a few electrical tweaks, heres some pics
