Grow Room 2017 PC Micro Grows with Mr. Sparkle

You should DEFINITELY enter that into the NOM contest!!! That thing is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

I got some DP Auto Cinderella Jack seeds not too long ago that are gonna be in my next run, mostly because of the C99 mixed w/ JH.. I've heard a lot of good things about the strain.. What's the smoke like from the pheno you've got so far??
You should DEFINITELY enter that into the NOM contest!!! That thing is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

I got some DP Auto Cinderella Jack seeds not too long ago that are gonna be in my next run, mostly because of the C99 mixed w/ JH.. I've heard a lot of good things about the strain.. What's the smoke like from the pheno you've got so far??

I would but i can't, due to the rules of the comp, specially rule # 2, Must be fully Autoflowering plant, which these were only half.

And so far pretty good, definitely a mix of the two, but ill need to sample further to get a more detailed evaluation of the mix, as i've only sampled it once so far.
I preordered a couple boards today from photon fantom. Gonna make a couple microboxes with them. Got the sunboard and the wavy for flowering. Thought about you when ordering so I came by to let you know they're available.

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I preordered a couple boards today from photon fantom. Gonna make a couple microboxes with them. Got the sunboard and the wavy for flowering. Thought about you when ordering so I came by to let you know they're available.

Thanks BCrisis

;) make sure you post those microboxes once you you have some things together, i want to see how they work out for you :D

And happy 420 sampled some of the bud shot previous as it was dry enough today to try, thumbs up so far
Did some clean up and work this weekend.

So first Bogan i took out three plants, all the DD F1s just because they were behind the other plants as far as development goes due to the transplant or characteristics of those specific F1's, as i have 3 different varieties as they came from three different mothers, but started two new DD F1 seeds. Also changed the watering set point to run them a bit wetter which i think they will enjoy.


Ashla I cleaned up, and gave the tray a light bleach soak, also changed some piping due to some minor leaks and swapped out one Buck Converter to a beefer one, as i think the other one when certain events would happen would drag the voltage down enough to the point it would lock the arduino, but we will see in time if that's the case.

Now i got 10 pots ready to go for some cheap KC Brains photo periods, whats different is i'll be trying this run with pre-amended coco with the goal of using just straight water through the entire grow, which isn't new to me but just not recent history, so ill be using some general all purpose organic fertilizer that's pre mixed into the coco at its stated mix rate, and will tweak how much i need and what after this run, but i'll use Maxibloom and MaxiGro as back up supplementation when or if issues arise.

But yeah the goal really is to make things easier for me, as one if you have a healthy active medium a lot of potential issues with pathogens can be avoided, vs my past issues of running chemical fertilizers and a dead res that i didn't keep on top of, so the more fool proof the better.

We will see how it goes, anyways here are the pics of the ready to go case, and the cheap seeds i just threw into some water along with some DD F1's in the paper towel&bag


Did some clean up and work this weekend.

So first Bogan i took out three plants, all the DD F1s just because they were behind the other plants as far as development goes due to the transplant or characteristics of those specific F1's, as i have 3 different varieties as they came from three different mothers, but started two new DD F1 seeds. Also changed the watering set point to run them a bit wetter which i think they will enjoy.

View attachment 739438

Ashla I cleaned up, and gave the tray a light bleach soak, also changed some piping due to some minor leaks and swapped out one Buck Converter to a beefer one, as i think the other one when certain events would happen would drag the voltage down enough to the point it would lock the arduino, but we will see in time if that's the case.

Now i got 10 pots ready to go for some cheap KC Brains photo periods, whats different is i'll be trying this run with pre-amended coco with the goal of using just straight water through the entire grow, which isn't new to me but just not recent history, so ill be using some general all purpose organic fertilizer that's pre mixed into the coco at its stated mix rate, and will tweak how much i need and what after this run, but i'll use Maxibloom and MaxiGro as back up supplementation when or if issues arise.

But yeah the goal really is to make things easier for me, as one if you have a healthy active medium a lot of potential issues with pathogens can be avoided, vs my past issues of running chemical fertilizers and a dead res that i didn't keep on top of, so the more fool proof the better.

We will see how it goes, anyways here are the pics of the ready to go case, and the cheap seeds i just threw into some water along with some DD F1's in the paper towel&bag

View attachment 739439

View attachment 739440

Basalt, gypsum and langbeinite are your best bet for mineral additives. Learned that on buildasoil. Add a good amount.

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How many days does it take to grow and smoke one seed, Mr. Sparkle? 90?

Depends on the plant and genetics, i start the count from when it pops soil and is starting on its first pair of leaves, but say if its an autoflower 60-70+ days, if its a photoperiod 70-94+ days, then it takes about 4 days hanging or on a mesh rack to get down to curable stage which at that time its smoke-able, but its thrown in jars and left for about two weeks with occasional air exchanges and is good to go from that point.