Grow Room 2017 PC Micro Grows with Mr. Sparkle

3.5 days later

One to Two of the plants in Bogan will be coming down this weekend, as there pretty much done, wont be any high yield due to the early coco issue but bud is bud.

Ashla is picking up, looks like this organic mix has stabilized some what ass all the new growth looks good, i'll probably flip to 12/12 in a week regardless of how the new seedlings are doing, just so the others don't out grow the space.


Glad i left them a bit longer i can definitely see the bulk in the last couple days, the TDxDD will be coming down this week forsure and one of the ice cool's maybe both, Also a new seedling popped up, being one of the random seeds that were struggling to get going, i just threw all the slow stagnant ones into that pot figuring they wouldn't grow but one powered through so bonus.

What to do next, i might just let things run out, and then decided if i want to run some seeds, which could be some old seeds i just re found in one drawer tucked in the back which i forgot i had and thought i had used them all up, all photo periods of my own crosses or feminizations even a couple of photo period freebies i've never ran, well i guess there is one auto in there but its a lemon haze with a supposed grow time in the 110+day range, which is a lot.


This box is struggling but due to slight neglect and also because all those bacteria cultures are slowly taking hold, need to go get some good compost or castings and make a tea out of it to kick start things, but i fed a little with some maxigro yesterday just to perk things up while that bacteria gets better at doing its job.

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Well was wrong thought two plants would be done this weekend but they are still going, could harvest now if i wanted to but not really a point in doing so.


As for Ashla, just leaving it to do its own thing for now, things look a bit better, but the arduino is locking up again, but at specific times and then my temp and humidity reading default to 0, so somethings is a miss, gonna suspect a dodgy Chineseium arduino, so i might just order some parts redo everything, with a bit better wiring/soldering, Or i might just say F* it and retire this case when everything is done as one i prefer Bogan, as its a bit smaller, and is pretty solid as far as reliability goes, and plants seem to stretch more than they need to in this case and two i dont really need 3 grow boxes, also would gives me an excuse to make another space bucket.

hows it goin buddy someone told me about this on LS and i had to cone find it. awesome! havent read it all yet but youve got 10 plants in pc stack? how is this even possible? genius mate, utter genius. subbin up man. good effort :greenthumb:
hows it goin buddy someone told me about this on LS and i had to cone find it. awesome! havent read it all yet but youve got 10 plants in pc stack? how is this even possible? genius mate, utter genius. subbin up man. good effort :greenthumb:

yup use to be more actually with a max of upwards of 14 and 17 a case but was a hassle to keep in check, but it allows me to run through multiple genetics or find the better phenotypes, but now depending on the case and pot size i range from 5-10 plants per case which is a good balance, the only trick is to manage root size, and have your training skills up to par, Anyone can do it if they want to ;), but thanks for stopping by.
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Was gonna update yesterday but didn't get around to uploading some pictures, so took some new ones this morning.

Bogan is puttering along just waiting for the Cream Mandarin to finish up with the other two randoms starting, also a couple of sad tomato seedlings for the garden that weren't getting much light tucked behind some pepper plants i have in the window, had some healthy previous ones but put them out to early so they are struggling, so starting up some new plants as they grow quick.


Ashla all the plants are doing better now after some earthworm casting were fed to them, so things are getting better for this organic trial and tune run, so we will see if this kicks off some good bacteria and how long we can go before intervening again.
