Grow Room 2017 PC Micro Grows with Mr. Sparkle

Thanks everyone i appreciate it, and we will see what this thing can do.

You're an inspiration. Wish I had the drive myself.

You do have the drive, and you could easily make something similar and easier, i just went a little more high tech, but all you need is a fan 12v power supply for a fan, 3 light bulbs with the domes taken off, a wall timer, and three pigtail lamp sockets, a bit of wire and a cord end, 2 marettes, some tape and a razor and side cutters for tools, and a bucket or two and your golden, it wont look pretty but it will work. Could throw a easy one together in probably an hr or two.
Awesome feat of micro engineering Mr sparkle!:clapper: The coolest thing I've seen in a long time. Can't wait to see it in action. You should patent it and sell them to the masses. No excuse not to grow your own herb if you had access to one of those. Only using 30 watts of power! You could stick that bucket anywhere. Even if you lived in an RV or a boat you could still grow your own herb!:smoking:
Awesome feat of micro engineering Mr sparkle!:clapper: The coolest thing I've seen in a long time. Can't wait to see it in action. You should patent it and sell them to the masses. No excuse not to grow your own herb if you had access to one of those. Only using 30 watts of power! You could stick that bucket anywhere. Even if you lived in an RV or a boat you could still grow your own herb!:smoking:

thanks, and no need to patent, as its open source, just look up "Space Buckets" and they are meant to be shared, i just did mine a bit different than others, as i have a bit more build experience than most "bucketeers" , and yeah no excuse not to grow you own :D
Impressive work Mr. Sparkle. Innovation definitely producing quality medicine. Automation would be nice, my spine definitely would appreciate it. The pc tower setup is perfect for small scale breeding. I read that you are looking for varieties that work, any characteristics in particular? I know that some prefer low odor, or less branching. Or is it a particular terpene profile? Keep leading the way dude.
Impressive work Mr. Sparkle. Innovation definitely producing quality medicine. Automation would be nice, my spine definitely would appreciate it. The pc tower setup is perfect for small scale breeding. I read that you are looking for varieties that work, any characteristics in particular? I know that some prefer low odor, or less branching. Or is it a particular terpene profile? Keep leading the way dude.

Thanks and yeah they allows me to run multiple strains or seeds of one strain and selected the best.

As for characteristics the stuff i look for is more for desired effect, such as stuff that is more clear headed, motivational, energetic, introspective, and calming, depending on what i want, some are counter to each other so finding good selection that work best for me is my goal, but im not a fan of the couch lock narcotic stuff that is pretty prevalent in our hobby. Then characteristics such as smell and flavor, come into play, as im not a fan of skunky, unpleasant odours strains, and like stuff that is more in the fruity, floral, spicy, earthy range, then last the growth characteristics come in for improvement of yield and such, but that usually comes last, as the effect and smell are more important.
Next to none and i mean none when inside the box, outside or when tending the plants it can smell. I also run a electrostatic air purifier as well, mainly for house air quality but it's only ever needed for smell when my carbon is really really old and there is a particularly odorous skunky strain near peak of flowering, but that happens very rarely.

Saying that the really skunky strains don't stay around typically past one round as i don't like stuff that smells like a skunk that has died a month ago and then was pissed on by a cat. Don't really understand the appeal of that to some lol.

But if you're running normal, non super skunky strains, and have a decent carbon filter you should be good for smell, especially if you can smoke already, as myself i don't smoke in house unless i'm using an extraction fan aka stove top air hood or bathroom fan.

I still love how easy you make it look!!!!! lol I take it you're not a big fan of the cheese strains then, eh?? I like the cheese strains for their medicinal qualities but you're absolutely right; they fucking STANK!!!! I'm growing 2 right now, so I can only imagine how they're gonna be a few weeks when flowering is in full gear!!!
@GodAmJT @The Elvis You two went to town on the likes, haven't checked since before the weekend and was like wtf i have 63 alerts lol

And Jt i've only grown a couple cheese based strains, and didn't find them too bad, but they were all crosses, so wouldn't mind trying a true cheese to see but again not really down for the whole narcotic stone type effect, so haven't hunted some true cheese strains because of that.

I'll also include my weekly update, as i away over the weekend.

So Bogan decide to become a jungle, and that one seed didn't take, so pulled the one pot and defoliated a bunch after this photo just to keep things in check, which shouldn't hurt anything with the younger plants on the left.


And Ashla i chopped the two C99xDD that were left, and trimmed down the root mass of the long one and left a few bud for it to reveg. but here are some pics



As for that just need to clean out that box and do a couple of minor fixes and ill start some photoperiods shortly in her, and the same goes for the bucket, but ill most likely start another thread for it just for simplicity of following.