New Grower 1st GROW, Led, Soilless, "Organic", Smart Pots, 8 Strains

I' am from Inca's land.

When I was studying abroad, people use to ask me the same thing! hahaha exactly where in africa is that country in? also english is not my native language so sorry for the mistakes and misinterpretations.
Cool! And don't worry, your English is great. :)

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I was looking for the epson salts, but its not sold here :( or I haven't found it yet. I did find and bought A product called Total Magnesium It has the following

Each envelope with 8 g of effervescent powder contains:
Magnesium chloride tetrahydrate .............................................. ............ 1.5 g
magnesium fluoride ............................... ........................................... 1, 5 mg
Magnesium Phosphate ............................................. .......................... 1.5 mg
Magnesium Sulfate ....... .................................................. ................. 1.5 mg
Excipients: citric acid, sugar, baking soda, tartrazine dye, lemon oil, Saccharin and Veltol Plus .
Each envelope equivalent to 220 mg of elemental magnesium.

Do you think is safe to use this??? @witchyhour @Fairlynew @Itisi @Vlad The Inhaler
Sorry, I've just read back a page. They look absolutely fine Nero. I'd just keep them on plain water for now.. Not too much tho, wait til the pots feel light before you water again.

You can spray the top of the soil to keep it moist if ya like, just avoid the leaves. [emoji38]
I think maybe Calmag would work. And I know organic growers use teas, etc to balance things out, so there must be something high on magnesium they use instead of Epsom salt...

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