New Grower 1st GROW, Led, Soilless, "Organic", Smart Pots, 8 Strains

Yes, she does!

And you can probably take a good close-up picture with the phone, just get as close as you can.

By the way, they're looking awesome! Love the purple one, looks like my Red Poison. :)


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Thanks Witchy! great pic of red poison so many trics!!! looks like's snowing in there, so frosty!
Looks good, those pics aren't too bad . Are those all the same plant? If so, you could take it any time, me personally, I like heavier effects and would wait a bit.

Some times the trichomes are ambering early because they've been damaged by handling, so it can be deceptive...I thought I also saw some clear ones too but it's hard for me to tell.

If you're not sure what you're after on a plant, then multi harvest-- take 1/3rd the branches, take another third after a week, and take the last after 2 weeks. Bag dry them separately , labeled, and compare the effect at different harvest points.
Yup, what he said! I'd start flushing while most trichs are still clear. The purple looks ready to flush. Some cloudy trichs are ok, if you see amber ones, then it's starting to lose THC content.

If the trichs don't have a head yet, then you have to wait until they all have a head and some are starting to look cloudy. ;)

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Thanks Witchy! great pic of red poison so many trics!!! looks like's snowing in there, so frosty!
Thank you! I actually bought a Purple seed because yours looks so great. :)

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Great info! I am going to check the trichs in a moment and with what medi and you explained I'll know what to look for and will take a more confident decision! BTW is DAY 78 and I've been flushing 3 of them like 10 days ago, the rest got just ph'ed water and very little Top Max on thursday so all 7 of them are in their last days :pass::vibes::angel::cheersmate:
Thank you! I actually bought a Purple seed because yours looks so great. :)

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Awesome!! I don't know why but that makes me feel very happy! Like I contributed hahaha Great!!!:doc1:
This might be helpful...


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Hello!!! I just finished harvesting my first plant EVER!!! It's been hard and messy but I did it!!! (I just don't want to think that I still have 6 other girls) This was one of the smallest but it was ready to harvest, even a little over due, there were like 20% of amber trichs. Wet yield only bud 162 gr. Just Trichs full sugar leaves from the trim 18 Gr.

TOTAL WET : 180gr (so I expect about 45gr dry, Is that how it goes???)

Oh I forgot, The Girl Is GIRL SCOUT COOKIES from FAST BUDS (It was the first of the 7 so it really is fast buds hahaha) :vibes:
GSC before chop, DAY 81
It was one of the smallest, as you can see it had some issues, but for my first time I am not complaining!


Ok so I decided to trim wet and to use paper bag method for drying and will use BOVEDA 62 for curing so I assure myself perfect final product!!!:bighug::dancer: (180gr WET)
