Jan 11, Day 30. The three older girls have been getting between .75 and 1.0 ltrs feed every other day. They are about to transition to the next phase of the nute program. But before doing that, I'm giving them a day of Recharge and Mammouth-P - then a day of rest. The big gals are now putting on about .75 inch a day in height. I've also added a new, much larger, humidifier to the tent, and am slowing boosting the RH up by several points. Keeping the Amare light at 24".

Jan 13, switched over to the 20-30 phase of the nute program. Give the 3 older girls 1 ltr each. The 15 day old Sweet Tooth is still on the earlier nute phase - she got .75 ltr of that.

Jan 14, Here's the family now, at day 33. First, Trainwreck front and back:
View attachment 850837 View attachment 850838

Then Samsquanch OG and Cosmic Queen:

View attachment 850835 View attachment 850834

And finally Sweet Tooth, at day 16. The shape of her leaves and her growth rates are now fairly normal, but I can see a little bit of some edge-yellowing starting to show.

View attachment 850836

@Unique, @Burr_nit, @RamboGarden & @Samwell ---- thanks for stopping by to have a look. :pass:
I actually noticed today, that you had this going... May I ask something? I notice your trying use VPD but really that is controlled much better in sealed tent, but in order to run a sealed tent, you'd need to provide co2 supplement... You Know I use VPD, But maybe you also didn't realize I'm also using co2 supplement & a sealed tent.. Is it possible that is why they having a few issues? I just wanted through that out there for ya..
@Unique - thanks for the inquiry & comments on VPD. First, you're right, my tents are zipped closed but not fully "sealed" and I do not use co2. I find the concept of VPD helpful in understanding that there is a synergistic balance between temperature & humidity, and that you can sometimes more easily "fix" a perceived problem with one by adjusting the other. But I also have seen that tracking the "numbers" is not very useful in any absolute sense given my growing environment.

For example, I have 3-4 digital hygrometers placed at varying heights around my pots - at pot edge, canopy top etc. And of course the variations in temperature and RH among these is on the order of 10-25%. That can create quite a range of VPD numbers. Frankly, from what I've read, VPD is only fully accurate when the readings are taken right at the leaf surface. This is not practical, and even then you'd get different readings from leaves at different positions around the plant. So what the heck?

2017 was my first year growing. And now, after 6 grows across 2 different 4'x4' tents and a full year of climate variations, I would say emphatically that controlling temperature and humidity has been and continues to be my biggest challenge --- made all the worse by the fact that I'm really not sure what the optimal targets are that I should be striving for at any given stage of plant growth.

Despite a slew of gadgets in each tent (humidifiers, dehumidifiers, fans and timers) I find that my temp & RH readings swing wildly over the course of 24 hours. Lights on or off, tent open or closed all have a significant impact (obviously), but the most frustrating issue is that once I engage air supply and extraction fans, my tents immediately take on the ambient temp and RH values of the room the tents are in. This would suggest that the easiest and most efficient strategy would be to abandon "tent VPD" management, and just focus on managing the temp and RH in the larger room that contains the tents. But that too is challenging -- the room cannot be fully closed off, it has one side that flows up a stairwell to the main floor of the house. Also, the room has 12 foot high ceilings and a wall of windows that capture intense solar gain heat during the day, and equally rapid cooling in the winter evenings. The final insult here is that the room has no air conditioning, and its heat source is in-floor radiant heating. Radiant heating (in concrete) is very comfortable, but has response times only slightly quicker than tectonic plate movement. So I can't effectively raise or lower the room's temperature in response to outside weather. Ugh.

I was bemoaning my issues to the owner of an Electrical Contractor's company. He was explaining some of his work in hospital surgical rooms where RH and temp must be absolutely maintained at a set point with no variation. So I know my "problems" can be solved, but I'm not sure that the cost is warranted.

Anyway, so much for VPD. Until I learn more, I'll continue to push this boulder up the hill. :smoking:
Day 34: Trainwreck at 13.5" and Samsquanch at 12" are just now starting to show some pre-flower development. New leaf development appears normal.

34.PreFlower TW.JPG
34.PreFlower SAM.JPG
Day 37. The new, larger humidifier that I bought a week ago has helped to raise and sustain RH. Its been running now between 55-63. Temps between 77-82 F. I'm not running any air input or extraction fans at this time. Stretch is on. And early bud-site development is on. Everything looking pretty good at the moment. Photo on left is Sweet Tooth at 4.5" pm her Day 20 along side Samsquanch at 16" on her Day 37. Photo on right (Day 37) is Cosmic Queen at 9.5" and Trainwreck at 19".

37.CQ&TW b.JPG

Cosmic Queen is an anomaly. She seems tiny, like a bonsai tree, compared to the others. But her shape is lovely. I've done no pruning, LST or leaf tucking on her. Au natural. As a more sativa dominate plant, I assumed she would be the tallest in the tent. Not so. Maybe she is a runt; don't know, I've grown this strain before.
Here's 20-day old Sweet Tooth and then 37-day old Samsquanch. Both doing well. Sweet Tooth showing none of the leaf curl and dis-coloration that plagued Samsquanch and Trainwreck when they were her age.

37.ST a.JPG
37.Sam a.JPG

Now for a closer look at Trainwreck - the star attraction and focus of this grow. She's stretching fine, hitting 19" today and has lots of bud sites underway.

37.TW La.JPG
37.TW Ld.JPG

Thanks for stopping by the have a look. Any comments/suggestions greatly appreciated. :pass:
@Unique - thanks for the inquiry & comments on VPD. First, you're right, my tents are zipped closed but not fully "sealed" and I do not use co2. I find the concept of VPD helpful in understanding that there is a synergistic balance between temperature & humidity, and that you can sometimes more easily "fix" a perceived problem with one by adjusting the other. But I also have seen that tracking the "numbers" is not very useful in any absolute sense given my growing environment.

For example, I have 3-4 digital hygrometers placed at varying heights around my pots - at pot edge, canopy top etc. And of course the variations in temperature and RH among these is on the order of 10-25%. That can create quite a range of VPD numbers. Frankly, from what I've read, VPD is only fully accurate when the readings are taken right at the leaf surface. This is not practical, and even then you'd get different readings from leaves at different positions around the plant. So what the heck?

2017 was my first year growing. And now, after 6 grows across 2 different 4'x4' tents and a full year of climate variations, I would say emphatically that controlling temperature and humidity has been and continues to be my biggest challenge --- made all the worse by the fact that I'm really not sure what the optimal targets are that I should be striving for at any given stage of plant growth.

Despite a slew of gadgets in each tent (humidifiers, dehumidifiers, fans and timers) I find that my temp & RH readings swing wildly over the course of 24 hours. Lights on or off, tent open or closed all have a significant impact (obviously), but the most frustrating issue is that once I engage air supply and extraction fans, my tents immediately take on the ambient temp and RH values of the room the tents are in. This would suggest that the easiest and most efficient strategy would be to abandon "tent VPD" management, and just focus on managing the temp and RH in the larger room that contains the tents. But that too is challenging -- the room cannot be fully closed off, it has one side that flows up a stairwell to the main floor of the house. Also, the room has 12 foot high ceilings and a wall of windows that capture intense solar gain heat during the day, and equally rapid cooling in the winter evenings. The final insult here is that the room has no air conditioning, and its heat source is in-floor radiant heating. Radiant heating (in concrete) is very comfortable, but has response times only slightly quicker than tectonic plate movement. So I can't effectively raise or lower the room's temperature in response to outside weather. Ugh.

I was bemoaning my issues to the owner of an Electrical Contractor's company. He was explaining some of his work in hospital surgical rooms where RH and temp must be absolutely maintained at a set point with no variation. So I know my "problems" can be solved, but I'm not sure that the cost is warranted.

Anyway, so much for VPD. Until I learn more, I'll continue to push this boulder up the hill. :smoking:
Actually VPD work's very well in a very controlled environment... I call my environment an optimized grow environment, since I'm providing the co2 supplement and able control everything else very precise... Using a non-sealed tent I can tell ya I do use vpd still, but it's rather hard to control... I much rather prefer sealed, ya really need a good, very decent size dehumidifier in a sealed tent, but ya have 100% control of your environment, you simply can't get that kind of control in a non-sealed tent to many variables..I know ya can make it work for you, really all ya need do is add a co2 bag or 2 and you'll be good to go, can seal up tent, also restrict extraction from running so often or run for short bursts like I do.. I just feel that is what may possibly be causing you to have issues. It's very hard control vpd in non-sealed tent... half the day you fight with it think everything dead on come back hr later everything off again... I wouldn't give up bro on vpd, you know it works you can see it in my plants... I'm 100% confident if ya add co2 bags it will help ya greatly..it's a little tricky running a sealed tent, but very rewarding, I can promise ya that.
Here's 20-day old Sweet Tooth and then 37-day old Samsquanch. Both doing well. Sweet Tooth showing none of the leaf curl and dis-coloration that plagued Samsquanch and Trainwreck when they were her age.

View attachment 852297 View attachment 852296

Now for a closer look at Trainwreck - the star attraction and focus of this grow. She's stretching fine, hitting 19" today and has lots of bud sites underway.

View attachment 852307 View attachment 852308

Thanks for stopping by the have a look. Any comments/suggestions greatly appreciated. :pass:
She starting pick up nicely now...what day is trainwreck at now? I seen days for other two, just curious so I can figure how much stretch ya have to go. I see she wants start preflowering soon, so probably around day 33-35?
Looking good keep it up