Nutrients 1Sky jumps into AutoPots with Biotabs

I was almost at the 4 week mark (day 26) when I finally activated the AutoPots. And of course, since the reservoir water level didn't move for several days, I was worried whether or not they were working. Patience. Patience. In time it was clear the AutoPots were working just fine.
But the leaf curl on the Sweet Tooth looked horrible. Here she is the day that the pots went on:
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No such problem from the two GSCs. They looked good, except for the difference in the internodal gaps, which is just a bit more pronounced.

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Welcome aboard. I'll definitely check out your journal.

Ah shit the more damaged one will still bounce back just got stunted they're resiliant plants
At day 31 the I did some aggressive defol to clean up the trashed leaves on the Sweet Tooth, and some more LST -- 'cause she was really taking off despite her curliness. By then I had also germinated and planted a 2nd Sweet Tooth to fill out the 4th pot.
31.ST1 defol.JPG
On day 32 I hit everyone with their first Boom-Boom spray. What fun, they lapped it up. I also had to severely pull down the main shoot of the Sweet Tooth, she was growing so tall.


Unfortunately, I see a bit of leaf curl coming back on some of the newer leaves -- but not a severe as initially. Also, there's a few yellowish spots on one of the lower leaves. But she keeps on growing like there's no tomorrow.

The GSCs are also doing well. Lanky one on the left, she is also a couple of days older than the squatter one on the right.

Did u top it ?
I have not topped the Sweet Tooth. I did, however, top both of the GSCs on day 32. I was a little worried about being too heavy-handed with the Sweet Tooth given her apparent struggle with some aspect of my environment.
All then went into root cubes and into a Glad Plastic container on top of the router. I had terrible germination rates. (Maybe some of those seeds were not fresh enough?) And of course, as you note, lots of time passes before you declare TIME-of-DEATH and start a new seed.

I would keep those seeds as far away from the router as possible we had a grower on here @Cat it took me a while to convince him that that was his germination problem but after he moved them away from the router he didn't have any more issues.
On day 34 I added, for the first time, more RO water to the reservoir -- 3 gallons.
Oh, I forgot to mention, on day 30 I gave the 3 mature plants each a top-fed liter of Recharge and Mammoth-P. What the heck.
And somewhere back in time (between the 4th and 5th week), I turned on the Amare's COBs --- once the gals were well over 6" high.

Here's a family group photo at day 37. Sweet Tooths in the front, GSCs in the back -- notice how leggy is the one on the left rear.

I would keep those seeds as far away from the router as possible we had a grower on here @Cat it took me a while to convince him that that was his germination problem but after he moved them away from the router he didn't have any more issues.

Ok. I'm easily convinced, no more router for me. I have plenty of other heat sources. But... you do know, that the "router route" seems used by many growers here.

Damn, this is a great moving diary [emoji5]️

Yeh, nice to get all this slow-moving early grow stuff over all at once. I'm catching up on getting my logs documented into journals. It's what happens when you get backed up with harvesting 4 plants in the space of 11 days while re-configuring grow tents and launching a 3rd set of seeds. Aw, no sympathy?
OK, I got some problems here. Continuing leaf curl. But now leaf coloration and leaf spotting. A think there is more than one thing happening. But since this is my first time with BioTabs, I'm not sure what remedial actions to take. I have to confess, I did just discover that at some point I must have turned off the monos on the Amare light, and I had been running with only the COBS -- probably for a couple of weeks. Me bad. Ok, Lets look at what might be a cal-mag deficiency ... its primarily the older Girl Scout Cookie:

Here's a couple of leaf shots at day 43:
43.GS1 a.JPG
43.GS1 b.JPG

And clearly getting worse by day 48:

48.GS1 n.JPG

And here are a few shots of the whole plant at day 48:

48.GS1 k.JPG
48.GS1 l.JPG

48.GS1 i.JPG

I know lots of you guys & gals are running APs with BT under Cobs. Any feedback or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks.