I don’t hate it. It’s just weird. Zero smell. Zero taste. It gets you very high…. Almost the beginning of mushrooms high. For like ten minutes. Then down to a slight buzz that fades away. Sweats during the beginning, with a little ears ringing….
What was she smelling like before harvest?
Good Morfnoevight All! EO'n'Dabs!

I put some smoke on some store-bought turkey chunks for Club sandwiches for linner. I got a beautiful beef stake tomato at the farm market today.

Happy Caturday Stoners!
a cool cat.png

Gotta Try though....:chef:...do you do any Sweet ones.....pudding pizza....?.........

Asking for a friend.........:biggrin:..cough... @Fermented_Fruitz ...cough...

#SleepTight @Mañ'O'Green :bighug:
Yes several sweet pizzas, I like olive oil, ham off the bone, dark brown sugar and goat crumble cheese.

We tried watermelon boy was that a looser :bummer:
Labor Day is the last bash of summer in USA. A lot of people do barbecue. When I ran the marina a ton of people would call the day after Labor Day to have their boat put in winter storage.
I think summer is going to last into November this year. Look at this shit:

There is such as thing as a sterile hydroponic grow but I have no idea how the root biome functions or not? I have never researched that question.
Walter White I pressed yesterday spent the night in the fridge. Been out for a few hours and is nice and stable now. Good high, gets me stuck on random things, tastes like gassy lemons and smells better than the flower itself.
Got .9 from 5.1 grams, 120 micron, 205 temp for 3 mins. Will press again at a lower temp to try and match the beautiful rosin @Frankthetank & @Lil Dab made.
Got .9 from 5.1 grams, 120 micron, 205 temp for 3 mins. Will press again at a lower temp to try and match the beautiful rosin @Frankthetank & @Lil Dab made.

I did it pretty much just like frank said and had no issue's or blowouts even packed more then usual in the bags 25 grams each. I think I apply pressure to fast sometimes. How dry is your stuff? I've seen returns that low but pretty sure I way over dried the harvest

Now that's butter :drool:
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18/6 other is just a waste of electricity! Also changing between the 2 doesn’t control the height of the plant! ;) :rofl::d5:
I just figured 2hr of extra photsynthesis each day would add up over time, ive definitely noticed a difference in growth between 18/6 and 24/0 when vegging photos. Only for a short time tho and then they slow down which is when i isually flip them. The extra 2hrs of light each day does provide am extra 10% of light to the plant over the grow. Im just worried if ill notice a difference giving them 6hr of rest opposed to 4. Everybody here seems to agree that 18/6 is better so i will go with that purely based on everybody elses experience over mine. I have seen some beautiful grows on here and will do what the people who have the results i am after are doing.