Well, considering we are on a site dedicated to autos, photos would seems to be the dark side in this case... :rofl: Also when being peer pressured the other week, he gave us the big fat emphatic no to photos :rofl:

Yeah that was before I was offered free photo’s with some bonus auto’s too. So really it’s for all for the autos in the long run they will always be my first :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Yeah they are fems I figured I’d start with solo’s just wasn’t sure how many times I needed to transplant think I”ll go from solo to final homes 5 gallon grow bags tentative plan at least for now :thanks: :pass:

Do a little research and see how much they stretch as well! 5 gallons can turn into big girls!
Big day to remedy my lazy grower side. Gotta remove a bunch of soil from the 4x4 bed as it was mounded over the sides this round. Clean up all the shit from the last couple of grows and change to the new light and new carbon filter. Gonna be a pain in da ass! Tourettes will be active today! :rofl:
@Frankthetank, if Dude is busting your balls...

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 10.20.51 AM.png
Hey guys I got some stupid questions about photos what size container should I grow in? Is it best to trans plant and pot them up or can I go to final home just like auto’s?

I have earthbox jr’s or 3-5 gallon grow bags hoping I can make one of those work almost thought running them in soil just for the ease of it just wasn’t sure if a EB jr would be enough soil for them :shrug::pass: so I was thinking I would just stick with 3-5 gallon grow bags and coco :shrug::pass:
I sometimes start photos in a 6" diameter container when I don't have room for 16"

For me bigger containers have always been bigger yield. I don't see any reason to not use at least a 12" diameter container for a plant that will be 18"+ spread. I've always put my seedling root cube into the final container, but I have friends who use nursery bags that can just be stuck in the ground.

When I transplant I wait until it needs water, then water it into the final container. I've never done an A/B with clones to see if there is a noticeable difference.
Hey guys I got some stupid questions about photos what size container should I grow in? Is it best to trans plant and pot them up or can I go to final home just like auto’s?

I have earthbox jr’s or 3-5 gallon grow bags hoping I can make one of those work almost thought running them in soil just for the ease of it just wasn’t sure if a EB jr would be enough soil for them :shrug::pass: so I was thinking I would just stick with 3-5 gallon grow bags and coco :shrug::pass:
Mine are in 3 gallon bags of coco. Plenty big :pass: