Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Thanks buddy def needed it! Current light works great but makes my bedroom too toasty! Hoping the driver not being inside tent anymore will help keep the temps down! :d5:

it will :d5: ,,,i have my driver set out side the tent :thumbsup: ,,,i impressed with my 4800 but like most it needs a uv supplement i thinks,,
No one mentioned 1000 pages!
Ssshhh @WildBill .....we were keeping it Quiet until @420Forever got here...........:eyebrows:......I Bust it this morning.......

ya kidz, i was totally in lala land when the milestone hit, lol :sleeping: :doh: all good tho & major congratz & kudoz go out to all of u for finally makin it happen, woot! :bravo: :bubbles: now, u've got ONE week to get up 200 more prob, RIGHT-??!

:crying::pighug: :headbang: ppp
With love and respect, Bill, do I need to stop peeing on the fence? Been doing it for 30 years. I don't even know if it's my fence, or my neighbor's. If they complain I'll pee on my garage instead. I thought it might help knock down the weeds along the fence-line. As a fisherman, we always peed over the rail, or into a scupper. The ladies hung their derriere over the taffrail and nobody complained (except when we got kicked out of Nassau because of a tour boat passing close astern while somebody let fly a 'brown trout').

As far as I can tell, it's Mexican-Americans, Italian-Americans, and a host of other immigrant groups that make America great! Along with Native Americans and Black Americans, of course. By the way, my own kids and grand-kids are Hispanic (on my wives' sides), and they're Mayflower descendants and Okie/Choctaw on my side. That's why they call us a 'melting pot.' Would you have it any other way? What would we do without a variety of phenotypes...
To be perfectly clear, his or my anger is not because who they are, where they're from, but because what they did.

The Josephine comment was just stating fact. If my friend is close enough to hear someone pissin' on a fence, it's not that much of a stretch to conclude that his chances of contracting COVID-19 are higher. He can't contract it with his lungs. At least he must have a good immune system with his father-in-law contracting it, but he didn't catch it.

Pretty thick irony of mandating shots for citizens and not doing the same for those entering the country illegally they just let in and send to the various parts of the country. And that's only the ones they catch. It's pure politics, without the safety of the citizens in mind. I don't care who the hell they are, that's not right.

And now back to your regular scheduled programming! :headbang: :headbang: :biggrin:
And my Alachua Red Running Rose I'm trying to root in the winter. Maybe asking for a miracle but worth trying.

Placed 4 cups for rooting but the runner really seems to be greening up and florishing after those last 2 cups so I'm hoping.
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With love and respect, Bill, do I need to stop peeing on the fence? Been doing it for 30 years. I don't even know if it's my fence, or my neighbor's. If they complain I'll pee on my garage instead. I thought it might help knock down the weeds along the fence-line. As a fisherman, we always peed over the rail, or into a scupper. The ladies hung their derriere over the taffrail and nobody complained (except when we got kicked out of Nassau because of a tour boat passing close astern while somebody let fly a 'brown trout').

As far as I can tell, it's Mexican-Americans, Italian-Americans, and a host of other immigrant groups that make America great! Along with Native Americans and Black Americans, of course. By the way, my own kids and grand-kids are Hispanic (on my wives' sides), and they're Mayflower descendants and Okie/Choctaw on my side. That's why they call us a 'melting pot.' Would you have it any other way? What would we do without a variety of phenotypes...
Don't forget us saltine-americans
And my Alachua Red Running Rose I'm trying to root in the winter. Maybe asking for a miracle but worth trying.
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UGH~ I need to cut the two front rose bushes back. It's a splash of color, but the flowers are not very pretty in shape, but there are lots of them several times a year.
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