Indoor Zaaboot has gone to pot 2022 auto spree

Sawney's tent of goodness
  • So then, no the Blumats are set up, I really must address the temps, they are not out of range - but they do fluctuate, if I can get it near enough flat outdoors, i musyt be able to inside...what a bloody gibbon I am sometimes

    So far, only water, and if possible that will be that or unless someone tells me to get a grip and listen to what they say - please jump in soil people

    Anyway - back to the story at hand, I have these 8 seeds in this new tent:
    Slaughtered Lamb 1 (SL1) - 39ltr pot with Ecothrive living soil

    SL 2 - otherwise known as 'on a ragga tip -- 17ltr fabric pot - clover mpc (when I bought this I thought it was soil, but it is there goes that gibbon again)
    the rest are in the same stuff

    SL3 - this one is great, really twisted and deformed first set of leaves - as mentioned I know it was something I did, but nom idea what...too much light, too little/much water....ignore the little thermometer, it was sitting on the heat matt for a while to see where that was at.

    The 2 Nugz2

    Predator - omce again ignore the thermometer - the ambient in there is 25 with lights on

    SL4 she has some lovely twists in her leaves as well

    The runt is the CBD - I am sure she will pick up - famous last words

    Full tent shot

    Take care
    SBAK day 55 ish
  • Full tent - after yesterdays leaf pillage - you would never have known ey.

    SBAK1 top right - really starting to smell nice now with a distinct lush smell taking the lead, nice long branches which look like they will fill out to produce some lovely long colas

    SBAK2 has been topped and generally abused since her inception - she is also massive but flat - when I removed the JH last week she just stepped in and took the space - she is now crow

    nothing to see here - CDLCxFS - poor lady all scrangly gangly - she has caught up with SBAK2 and they are at about the same stage of life, I expect her to finish quicker


    SBAK day 56
  • Trim trimmetty - they keep coming back, leave me alone (no pun intented)
    Sop after another massive defol here we are at day 56


    And as you all know very well kids, don't play with your Autos ;-)

    About the same amount of leaf this time as two days ago, probably pull the same again in two days - then I can leave them alone and go away again

    Ta ta for now
    Would you care for some worms with your tea sir
  • Far too new to soil to not fuck about loads, today the Sawney tent became a farm yard, a few hundred worms and the “finest hay in the house” :haha:

    the temps in here have been reasonable but I would suggest a tad on the high side, I am sure by lunch time I will buckle and grab another Inkbird -the other works a charm

    from my farm to yours - I bud you a good day

    The Jack is dead - long live the Jack
  • If you remember the abused to near death Jack Herer from seedsman came through - tiny yield as expected but loverly!

    She absolutely stinks, very complex smells, pine fresh, a bit of fuel here and there, citrusy at times…very busy for now. I don’t count but it was around 10ish days drying finished the final trim and most went in to a grove bag which will be heat sealed, and I bear filled a small grove jar bag for smoking now. When the bag is reopened I shall update snells

    I smoked the scissor hash yesterday and it knocked me a bit, very potent high, uplifting, a touch trippy and long lasting, which wore off to a nice donut and a siesta

    Take care
    SBAK day 57
  • I think the days are right, at the end I will see the label but now I can’t see the date on it -right funny one - I wanted a sandwich so I prepared the ingredients and the only grater I had was covered in hashish - as my fair lady put it
    “1st world stoner Problems”

    bith the SBAK are beasts now, I can’t be bothered to keep trimming them down as it has stopped making a dent, and when I defol o tend to be a touch on the aggressive side…

    they are currently in an EC 2.4 with a PH 5.8 and res temp of 22

    the 2.4EC is bloom A&B plus I added a touch of PK9/18 and calmag - so keeping it simple and not adding loads of random things at this stage.

    SBAK1 - rather squat but very broad - the tent is 1m side to side and you can both SBAKS have taken best part if a mate each leaving a gap for the CDLC
    Last edited:
    Sawney’s tent
  • Only meee….
    This tent is taking shape, the blumats are in, the temps are pretty stable, the 100ltr res has been filled with only water, worms have been added, hay has been laid, and today some alfalfa & sweet basil & borage was thrown in to the mix.
    For now to my untrained soil eye, the soil looks good, not dry not wet and seems to be staying there. I will keep an eye on this to ensure the blumats work - I think I can get three or more weeks away from home with those in place and dialed in - we shall see.

    they are growing along - based on the above conversations I can see mine are slower than others with the same seeds in smaller pots, the smaller ones are faster of the mark, but I do expect the one in the 39 and 27ltr pots to end up big!


    Slaughtered Lamb 17ltr pot

    Nugz2 in 4 ltr Pots


    Slaughtered Lamb 39ltr living soil bag

    I have to say, this dark art of mud is treating me well so far (I think, and if not fuck it - in my head it’s fine and the doctor told me to listen to the voices…)

    I can see that the roots have taken by the growth - the light is on at 50% which I will squeeze up this weekend and I expect I shall lower the light height as well

    ta ta and I bud you all a pleasant weekend
    Flood O'clock
  • Well then all - I was thinking to myself yesterday that this is all to easy and wondered why I had always done 'controlled everything', last night on my way to bed, I thought I would check the temps to see if they are still staying flat - and the bloody tent was full of water.
    Looking in the water butt, I would say about 40 litres had washed through - after much checking at 3 or 4am Tee culprit was one of the carrots in the 39ltr living soil pot, so I am pretty sure all that water has washed the goodness out of that soil.
    Anyway, closed of the blumats, then spent a while mopping up with towels.

    Calling all soil or living soil people - the soil is drenched, I am still sucking up what is coming through the pot in to the saucer which has pretty much stopped now, how long to I leave it for? Do I try to dry the soil, how what when?

    Very happy with the DR tent - they are always strong, not a drop of water left the tent (twas about an inch deep), no electrics were touched, no other plants, no carpets, and no Z's were harmed in the making of this story :vibe:

    If anyone has any ideas, please put your answers on a postcard and send to eh BluePeter studio - alternatively, reply here

    Have a sterling Sunday one and all
    Gorilla Glue _ Day 1
  • So then, yesterday morning after looking at the Cali Doctor lady and wanting to pull her, I thought I would throw a seed into the worm castings tub I have starting using to germinate, thanks for everyone's help on that - anyway, planted 1, 1 came up very very quickly, in fact it has started growing in to the bed of worm castings so I have just left it and will transplant to final pot once I see some root on the bottom or side of the tub.
    Gorilla Glue - Barney Farm - this is first day above ground (sort of sitting on ground with a little underground)

    ---GORILLA GLUE AUTO™ by Barney’s Farm is a rapid flowering hybrid that will glue you down wherever you may be. This is not a plant for beginners and its hard hitting effects should be treated with respect.

    This new super-fast version 55% Indica of our glorious Gorilla Glue crossed with the exciting next generation BF Super Auto #1 produces huge yields 600g/m2 growing to height of up to 110cm.

    Gorgeous scents of coffee and cream can be detected during flowering.

    Combined with notorious THC levels of 25% and you can understand the deep love people feel for this unique plant. In only 70-75 days huge fragrant flowers with very tight nodal spacing will erupt from this monstrous autoflower.


    Currently sitting on a very very wet towel (after the clean up last night) inside a heated prop in a tub of only worm castings and dechlorinated water.
