New Grower First time grower. 8 Pot Autopot System. Demon Auto Tao & BCN Critical

I have found my 100 litre autopot reservoir had quite a lot of not dissolved potassium silicate supplement. The filter also had some of it not dissolved that needed cleaning out. Specifically this:
perhaps I am using it wrong. I was adding 1ml per 2litres each time I filled the reservoir.(half strength) I also found two autopots blocked up, not feeding due to potassium silicate. Will have to be careful using that in future.

Anyway, I cleaned out the reservoir and mixed up a fresh batch of 90litres worth of nutrients. This time no potassium silicate. PPM is 700 and Ph is around 6.0 after some ph down.

Besides that, seems to be coming along well. I will post some pictures on Saturday or Sunday.
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Day 38

I am pretty happy with the ladies :)


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Day 52
I did a bit of light defoliation today on the front 4 plants, I hope to get to the other 4 at the back later. Some of the plants are slamming into the sides of the tent now. I took a picture of one of them outside.


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Day 58
I installed another 200MM extraction fan with a massive carbon filter (as pictured). It is doing its job well. Humidity at 50% and temp at 27c / 80F during the hottest part of the summer day. And of course, no more smells escaping the garden shed.

I have observed that the 2x Gorillia Glue Autoflowers are slower going into flower then the demon auto tao and seed stockers BCN Critical XXL auto and have not yet started producing buds. I have attached a picture of 1 of the gorillia glue autoflowers. They are however, looking great and should hopefully come out well in the end.

The demon auto tao is starting to show its colours and the BCN critical is starting to show its fat buds.


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Day 60
Progressing well. Buds starting to fatten up and getting sticky and frosty.
I didn't label anything when I started the grow as I was in a rush to setup the equipment. Since I can indenting them now, i can confirm I have 1x Gorrilla Glue in a 5gal smartpot along with 1 in an autopot. And I have 1x SeedStockers BCN Critical Auto XXL in a 5gal smartpot and 1 4 of them in Autopots. The gorillia glues are starting to get quite big and haven't yet starting going into flower. Love the colours on the Demon Auto Tao


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Day 64
Progressing well for the most part. The gorilla glue in the autopot is going to be a big one. I have added a pic, its still in veg! I do have a couple ladies showing some discoloured leaves. I am not sure the issue or if its supposed to do that since its nearing end of life? PPM in feed is 700. Calmag included. PH to around 5.5-5.8. RH 40-60% Temp 20-27

overfeeding nutes a bit do you think? I dialed back the nutes to 600 ppm. They are going through 25 litres per day now.

I am hoping to harvest some of them in 3 weeks. I will buy a magnifier glass or something to get a closer look at the tricomes.


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Day 65

I have got a new phone. It takes better pictures then my dslr. Unfortunately I had a bit of a leak in one of the autopots. Lucky caught it early but was a decent spill to clean up. I think I have it sorted now. Will mo itor.

Its looking like I probably over fed for a while so I am reducing nutes for a while. I was thinking l will do a 500ppm batch next tank refill.


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Day 68

No more leaks or blocks :)
Loving this Demon Auto Tao colors


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    points: 10
    taken to growing like a duck ta water ,great buds
Day 72.

One of my bcn critical xxl was hit with bud rot a couple days ago. There was infection on 3 colas. I cut then off and separated and threw out the infected bud.

I since installed a dehumidifier. This helps bring humdity down 10 percent or so.

But still pretty humid and want to bring it down further. Really not nice getting bud rot so Today I decided to harvest a couple plants. I also decided I will be doing a staggered harvest. I will cut off mature bud from the top/side to hopefully allow lower bud sites to swell. Let me know if this is a bad idea.

Hopefully this helps bring humidity down a bit further By allowering more air flow in tent.

Attached is pictures of the plants I harvested bud off then put back in the tent.

1 is bcn critical xxl which smells amazing. Heaps of aroama (citris/gassy) and does produce nice thick Bud.

1 is demon Auto Tao which has only a light fruity smell which bud seems of lesser quality from what I have seen thus far.

Also a pic of what's left In the tent. I think the gorilla glue are photoperiod. Vegging for 71 days wtf.

Also I made a drying room for the bud from a large cardboard box to sit outside the tent. I Will have fan suck air from it by ducting it into the tent


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