After a little clean up of my outdoor garden, I am back for round 2!
I shall digress a touch - so, I have a handful of strawberry varieties - just cleaned those all up ready for action, three types of blueberry - a good old seeing too, they should produce loads this year - there is a white, a pink and the regular - I have also been prepping my graveyard (thats the name for the rectangle I decided to cut out of the lawn last year and prep for vegetables, I also grew the grass all year without cutting it, and then cut it and left it all in the garage in a bale and now it sits nicely above the graveyard mulching away nicely - the soil itself is made up of everything, my old coco and clay pebbles, old leaf trim, egg shells, pretty much everything - in there I will grow, aubergines, onions, peas, and I expect some beans, dotted around there will be pots of various types of Chilli. And finally, I will try something new this year as I prep for life in the wilderness - I will grow all my tomatoes on a hay bale - once sprouted I will throw them on the hay bale, water it once and leave it from there. Its all ready now - once the big orange ball hangs around for a few days I will put some photos up.
Anyway, back to the story at hand - SAWNEYS BEANS - recap - first time in soil, no idea what I am doing, seeds popped easily which for me was a feat of undeniable excellence (I should have just taken seeds out of the packet and thrown them in the bin - I was rubbish at germing), set up a totally new tent for these beans, blumats and so on.
So far, we have had one flood, and one runt (which was not a Sawney) and a new plant added - Gorilla Glue 4 from Barneys - this went in to an unknown sized airpot yesterday.
They have just doused in Velokelp as their morning wake up juice - hence they look abit waterlogged - I will update later to show how the world looks better using that smelly spray.
I think they look great, nowhere near as fast as the others I have been following on here that I have seen but I dont mind, once dialled in the second run will be clockwork (or so they say). Anyhow, this run is basically 100% user error - the user being the only non-electrically controllable element in the grow...
NUGZ2 - well what can I say, these little lovelies make me look like I know exactly what I am doing! Nice structure, good side branching which is reaching up fast so will end up with a nice bush with multiple heads as standard, no blotches and nice pace of growth - I have to do my best not to top and twist and tie...that said there are two of them, so one is likley to get abused and the other untouched other than defoliation.
Then we go on to the Slaughtered Lamb - there are four of them in here in various sized pots, I want to run to mammoths, and the other two will be a lot more controlled due to root space.
Overall, not huge variance between them from what I can see, but it is still early days, they are growing strong, nice colouration at this stage with nothing to report - except for the lass in the living soil - I have been reading a lot about this and I must assume that the nutrients become better available throughout the grow and the sol will continue to improve over time, so let's keep an eye on that one.
The blumats seem to be working, I say that based only on that fact it has not leaked yet.
GorillaGlue - went in to her final pot yesterday, I have no clue what size pot it is - but as you an see it is a airpot, I used this in the other tent with coco and pebbles and it was fine - no different then regular pots or bags...TBB I still think my heavily drilled plastic pots give me the best rootmat post harvest.
I will take the bottom bag off when the soil has settled otherwise it quickly becomes messy.
EDIT - Forgot there is a predator in there too - this oe is also high up on my favorite so far - as with teh NUGZ - doing her thing stealthily and healthily.
Cheers all - have a good day