Indoor Zaaboot has gone to pot 2022 auto spree

Purple Punch
  • She is pretty much all that can be seen now - she has most certainly taken over the tent. Luckily the ickle NLxAfghan at the back will be own in 10 days or so, and I will be able to spread her out a little. Also had to raise the light a bit more today as she is still reaching for the sky - everything else looking fine and dandy.
    drinking has remained at 10 litres a day for the four pants, the Mephisto runt (more of an ugly duckling) has come in to her own and has some nice crowns with tight nodal spacing.

    She is on her way now, a bit straggly looking with slender buds but still has time to fatten up, this said a great amount of crystal on her. Whilst taking a look, please do feel free to ignore the yellow leaf tips.

    Bloody Royal Mail again, last week I ordered some more CBD and it took over a week to arrive, and Friday I ordered the bigger Netafim drippers, and they are still not here, and they are on strike again in a couple of days. I really want those drippers, these little ones are prime and I have been very impressed with them, but with the pot size I have the bigger ones should be touch better for coverage.

    Anyway, with the yellowing of the leaves in theory I should do a quick flush through and reset the res, but as the others are all fine and are running a touch behind I can only assume that their intake of various elements changes leaving the faster plant overfed with the others content - of course it could just be to heavy a feed for tat single lass.

    Today I plan on going shrooming, I am so bad at finding them though - I end up getting high drinking a can of Guinness on the side of a hill somewhere enjoying the view and fresh air and tend to return with nothing. So I have my focus head on today, only going to smoke CBD until i find my first shroom. Such a grand Idea, lets see if I make it out of the house :rofl: (note to self: get back to work, that's enough time off now)

    toodlepip you lovelies
    Day 55
  • Hello all - hope you are all very well indeed!
    So then, the ladies are doing their so - very little to report other than the Purple Punch really going to town. Sadly the branch I snapped (trying to super crop) did'nt survive which is a shame, but the beast just keeps spreading her wings - she has totally smothered the Glo to the left of her and has encroached on the NLxAfghans space as well now. She is the sort of plant you want a 1.2m tent for alone and to let her pump out some serious weight.
    Because there are four plants in teh tent it is hard to single out a smell, but now when I open teh tent up the smells are glorious - a hint of hash, a touch of pine, and some fruits.

    The NLxAfgan is ripening up, and surprisingly not fattening up a I would have liked - this said she has a very impressive layer of crystals over her slender buds and leaves.
    the Stupid Mephisto plant is doing rather well now as it happens - she spent the first half of her life topping herself, at one point she stopped growing upwards and only topping, after cleaning things up once she was flowering she has taken on her shape and started to flower nicely.
    The glo is being a bit of a dick, I nearly culled her last week but I saw the first few signs of flower so let her be - even now she is still only just showing signs. I expect she will be sitting atop the compost before teh weekend is out and to make space for the Punch.

    Still drinking circa 10 litres per day between them, they have had their first few days of PK as well - sitting at an EC of 1.8 now - to keep the EC within range when adding the PK I stopped adding calmag which is EC expensive as the plants dont get through as much calmag at this stage so it is an easy compromise.


    Mango Smile x 3bearsOG


    Purple Punch


    Toodlepip one and all
    Day 57 SSSC
  • Hello you lovelies, i hopw you are all keeping well! Its Monday, I am still on Sabbatical and I think I have run out of things to do now I am not working...
    Yesterday, I went foraging in the woods, and came back with a nice big box of mushrooms hoping to make a Risotto or something nice. As a beginner I thought I was on to a winner at my local woods, picking lovely looking mushrooms hoping for a veritable feast. Anyway, I return home, and check them all against the app I use and google - What I actually managed to do was to pick enough poison to knock an elephant down.... :rofl: :rofl:
    The bonus was it got me out of the house for most of the day but now I have to get rid of all of this deadly crap out of my Kitchen - so it has gen me something to do for today :yay:

    So, we are now on day 57 - I have to say after a few runs with Sawneys things seem a little slower - I dont mind that at all but it sent my timing and planning a bit skewiff... I have decided I cant stay at home for this long even though I tried my hardest to stay at home and tend to the ladies. So end of the month I head back to live in the trees for a week or two, I will plan my return on the rough chop estimate for the Afghan x Nl which is weeks ahead of the others.

    The Purple Punch is has finally stopped stretching, I snapped a huge branch when trying to super crop her but you would never know it, It is shame I am running a small tent at the moment as this lady could/should be much larger than she is crammed in this ickle 1m space with 3 other girls. This said she has crowded out the Glo and is doing a good job providing shade for the Afghan. Once I can make space I will spread her out to finish - but she has a long ways go yet.

    The Afghan on the other hand was a early flowerer and is now struggling with the nutes, not sure why but she looks like she is getting tip burn at the same time as a mag def, so I added 10 litres of RO to the tank with 10ml of Calmag only - the res was already sitting at 1.8ish and being RO it didnt really change teh reading much on teh stick, but I know so thats that then... She has a lovely coating of crystal, but she is being a bit slack in fattening up - I just have to decide to chop her before I go away, or upon my return.

    The Glo has been pretty sluggish from teh start, she is small and has stayed that way - she is now flowering but I get teh feeling she will likely come down at the same time as the Afghan and turned in to RSO to make a balm with or something.

    And finally the Mephisto tramp that has turned herself around, from being a dirty little junkie covered in her self inflicted wounds, to looking rather healthy now with some nice crowning.

    The smell in the tent overall is fruity, with notes of hash floating around - the main downside about teh wilma, is once they are in they are in and it h=is hard ot tend to them once they get bigger.

    Some snaps


    And just on the off chance that you would care to peruse what a table of not edible, with potentially some killers floating around - here it is

    Have a grand old day - and cheers for popping by
    60 days = 8.5 weeks
  • Hello all, hope you are all keeping well!
    So today we are on day 60 and things are ticking over as expected now. I am heading away next Friday for a week and the plan is as follows: The Afghan x NL is pretty much ready so I shall chop her down and trim her probably on Saturday or Sunday and brown bag the lot and leave hanging in the loft until I get back. This will free up much needed space for the Purple Punch, I know I have said it, but this lady needs a 1m tent to herself, if I had'nt tied and trimmed early on she would be a tree by now. I will try to get some canes in there or use Yo-Yo;s to spread her out a bit as she is very much bunched up on herself and that will only do bad things with all that leaf on leaf action.
    The tank takes 70 litres but needs about 10/15 in there anyway to keep the pump submersed and the water agitator below the water line, and as they are currently on 10 litres one day and 12.5 the second I will have to connect the big tank to feed the res whilst away. That's the plan, let us see if my stoned ass gets around to doing it.

    The EC has been creeping up over the past 24 hours, so I shall increase the fertigation events over the day to keep washing through - the EC of the new mix will be 1.6, I really hate flushing and I find a good clean through with fresh nutes cleans things up without having to water things down or anything like that - I get the feeling it can only delay things as the plant has to keep adjusting everytime the EC fluctuates. The temps have been great, sitting at 24 lights of and 25 lights on and RH is sitting at 45%, the team of the water in teh res is sitting at 20, so I am happy with all of that.

    The Mephisto lady has really come in to her own and is starting to look rather nice, the GLO is really behind but shows a nice structure, neither of them will yield well which is fine as my goal is always quality, but no harm in being bigger...
    The two stars so far are the two ladies from @SuperSativaSeedClub_John - with eh AfganxNL going to finish at circa day 63 and the Purple Punch being a monster.

    And it always looks rather messy in the tent, I started iff with great ambition to keep things under control throughout this grow like I used to do, but alas my ambition sat in the drawer and after teh first few rounds of cleaning and training I just sort of stopped...this has led me to conclude, when I am working and growing I seem to grow better weed as I only get to spend a couple of hours per week with them, whereas now sitting around all day they get less attention...

    Thats it for now chumleys - take care all
    Day 66
  • Hello all - hope everyone is keeping well!
    So, tomorrow I go away for a week and I have not achieved much this week.
    Yesterday I spent about an hour cleaning the plants to try to make some space, a couple of the taller branches were super cropped back down as the light was becoming a touch too close. Also a huge amount of leaves and bud sites were also removed. Both my big reservoirs are dirty so I will make the wilma res last for teh week by reducing the fertigation frequency - with 4 plants tehya re drinking circa 10 litres per day, with 3 that should be 7.5 (not taking to account the finishing plant will be drinking less and the PP more), the tank is 70ltrs when full so I will creep an extra few litres in there so the res overflows the top tray but without reaching the pots - this should see me through 7 days or so without having to top up. I will use a slightly weaker solution than normal sitting the EC at 1.6.

    Anyway, the Afghan X NL will come down in the next hour or so (66 days from sprout) before lights out and she is looking mighty fine, I would have liked to let her run for an extra few days as she is still not ripe enough for me, but I cannot risk leaving everything in there whilst I am not here, mould is my concern.

    Afghan X NL from SSSC - she is hiding behind the PP so I have to take the snaps from the underside...overall a small plant with slender buds, but an almighty frosting and a great hashy smell.

    Purple Punch

    The Meph plant is really giving out a dead animal smell now - pungent, and the GloF2 - I ended up cutting half of her away yesterday to make way and she was totally shaded, now she gets light but only half a plant :rofl:


    Still looks like a bomb hit the place, so another clean up after getting the Afghan out should do the trick and keep everything in check.

    Last week at the treehouse
  • As some of you know I went away again last week to the tree house, it is my 'relax' place, it sounds odd as I am currently not working but I stil need to relax.
    This time, I spent most of the time preparing the olive trees for harvest whih will be around December, to be honest the drought dried up my stream and the irrigation system went tits up :crying:, from expecting big things with respect to plentiful top grade cold first pressed Olive Oil, to hoping I get 10 or 20 litres for myself for the year.
    But on the flip side, the orange trees I planted end of last year are all doing well and have held their own during the dry spell, and hazelnut and walnut trees all produced well enough to make a variety of brandy based Liqueurs.

    oh, thanks @St. Tom - appreciated sir!

    Also, the mushrooms were plentiful, I ate plenty of Parasols, and they were enormous things, not really seen any over here but if you do find some, they taste great.

    Turkey Tail Mushroom - This is great stuff, I will dry it out and fill up capsules with 1g each and take 2 per day.

    First try at brining my own olives - went for lemon and garlic after a week of washing through with salt water.


    Some more mushrooms found around the land



    And finally, as this is a cannabis diary, here is some of the hash I scored over there this time around - very pleased with the quality and the price was good to boot.


    And just because, the tent as of about 20 minutes ago - I do get teh feeling that the new light certainly does increase crystal coverage with its tiny amount of UVA added, the Afghan was just out of this world and teh PP and Meph plant are following suit with their drenching of sugar.

    enjoy your Sunday people - and thanks for stopping by

    Ta Ta for now
    84 days
  • Hello all - hope you all had a pleasant weekend and are keeping well!

    First up, the tent, it's all going along, very messy but I will take it as it smells grand and the buds look good, weight is just the by-product for me. Today will be the start of the chop and trim. The decision is this: Take all the lower branches and buds that won't be accepted in the Grove bags and they will be trimmed down and fresh frozen, and when the weather cools down a bit I will make some Hash. The second bits that come down will be used to make a 'Malawi Cob' I expect to use about 30 grams of damp bud for this experiment. and then the finest will be trimmed and dried (in Brown bags now...once you pop there is no need to go back to the drudge of hanging), then bagged up and sealed for a couple of months as per standard procedure here.

    The Mephisto plant, which I now know to be Mango Smile x 3BOG, I did now that, it's just that I forgot for ages and today decided to look at the label. Anyway, she is pretty much done, some very fat solid nuggets on her, they are jst hidden by the leaves that I procrastinated about removing and in the end never got around to it...she smells to high heaven, really murky manky fruity smell and the mango does shine through.

    The the Goliath-ess that is the Purple Punch saddens me a bit as she deserves her own tent, she really has not had a fair chance here to shine - for starters in this sized tent she cannot spread herself out a she is just huge, so I have had to cut so much f her away to keep the buds from touching. In an ideal world she would get her own 4x4 tent and allowed to flourish, I cant see this lady giving out less than 20zips a plant as standard with space, her buds are slender but hat is down to me not feeding properly whilst away - otherwise she has crystalled up nicely but has really started to go to town on the foxtails which are a pain and end up in the hash making pile anyway so even though she could go on for a while yet she will also be cut down and processed over the next 24/48 hours.

    You can see she has had a rough time but has decided to live on and keep growing.

    Finally the GloF2, this plant is an anomaly, she started well, slowed down to almost a halt, did not start flowering and nearly ngot culled, but then some pistils reared their heads so I rode her out...she is tiny, but her buds are deceiving, I thought there was nothing there, but moved some branches around a bit and she has a decent coverage of bud, she won't win any prizes for her beauty or size, but she smells the best of the bunch on the tent - true tropical fruits, a very synthetic fresh fruit smell....nice!

    And just to keep tabs on things - the beans I put on the poo 24 hrs or so ago have cracked and shot their first root out - so they will be going in to their little pots in a bit - once they come through I will start the DP grow on another diary.
    Worm Poo Germination for the win

    Off to trim jail I pop - adios amigos!
    All done
  • So day 87 or so and it is all down - after two days of trim jail with the purple Punch I got lazy and just chopped and hung them in the tent. The light is at 20% for the seedlings so why not.

    Next up in this journal is going to be the Pure Red CBD and a Deadite.
    The Mimosa Punch and T&C will start a new thread today

    it’s a pain as the lights have just gone out and I want to take the Wilma out for a clean then set the new pots in place and get this going in earnest

    cheerio all
    SSSC Run - finals
  • Hello all - hope you are all keeping well!
    So after my experiment with brown bags comes to a close I have weighed things up and the numbers are in.
    First off, I overdried the PP a fair bit so I have put them in to Grove bags hoping that it rehydrates it slightly, it is not way out, but they are at 52% RH which is too low for my likings.

    Purple Punch - 50% of this plant went directly into the freezer and the other half was trimmed - there is 1.52kg of frozen buds, and a dry weight of 273g in a Grove bag fully cleaned and dried now sealed for the cure. Looks and smells lovely, but I haven't tried it yet as I am sulking about how I overdried her :crying: .
    I expect her bag to be cut open in a month or two.

    GloF2 - the whole plant was cut don and put in the freezer for hash - no pics or weights - but she smelled amazingly fruity

    Mephisto Freebie - Mango smile x 3bog - she came through nicely in the end. Decent stinky solid nuggets. once again half went to the freezer for hash and the other half was dried and trimmed. there was 131g on the scales just been heat sealed and off to the Fridge along with the rest.

    Nice and easy grow, no dramas, not the bestest nuggets in the world but sure are fine.The heat half way through I think caused them some issues and caused a bit of foxtailing and stuff, but otherwise plug and play.

    cheers for looking in
    Bubble Hash
  • Hello all - hope you are all keeping well.
    So I have finished washing most of the fresh frozen buds and trim, i seem to always get a higher return from trim, but there tends to be a touch more p[lant matter in the final product...give and take.

    The only bag collected was the 73micron this time (I could'nt find my 45 bag which is my normal work bag...), some of the green smaller patties are from the 25 or 160, and they will go to food or something. Overall happy with the results, I got bored with weighing what was going in, so in essence I can guess that it was 10 2.5litr zip bags packed to the brim. Another way to look at it is - there was half a Purple Punch, half a Mephisto, and a whole GloF2, and the trim from the 3 as well as the Dragon fuel.

    These have been sat in the freezer now since they came out of the wash bags..some are nearly dry others not so much hence the colour differences. Had to crack open the mic to take a closer look - a bit of debri but happy with the results

    Just because it was in front of me - this is the Dragon Fuel that has been curing for a month or so now.

    This is a bit of Moroccan hash - surprised at the lack of debri considering it is export

    Have a grand weekend everybody!
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