Indoor Zaaboot has gone to pot 2022 auto spree

Day 33
  • Hey hey - another day another watering, the ladies are now taking in over 10 litres a day between them, so I mixed up another 60 litres ready to top up with.
    The temps are now flat which is good - sitting at 24 lights off and 26 lights on with no variance, and humidity is low at the moment sitting at 35%.

    Had to give another Schwazz today as the one I did a coupe of days ago has all but grown out again - otherwise they are all stretching vigorously now.
    The Afghan X NL is miles ahead - hoping the others catch up during flower

    Haver a sterling weekend one and all!
    Day 38
  • Hello all - I must say I am getting a tad worried that a couple of these plants may not it stands only the NLxAfghan is flowering, the others looked like they started pushing out pistils but looking at them again today I dont really see any movement.

    This is a suh a pain in the Wilma as ther res feeds everything and it is hard work having plants totally out of synch with the others, so the plan will be this if I dont see a change over teh next couple of days.

    Purple Punch and Glo are likely to go on the compost, the Mephisto plant that is continuously topping herself could stay but she needs to she me the hairs fast is she wants to stay.
    I will plant 3 seeds based on looking like having to chop down three plants. I will place them in the Wilma biut not connect it to water, and for a few weeks have to hand water, the downside to this is...I got bored so I am going back to portugal for a bit in October so I may have to work out some watering system, maybe even connect the stray plants that won't be feeding from the res on to my Blumat, with Bio Tabs and water.
    If they do grow up and stop being shy they will stay...lets see

    Either way, the NL x Afghan from SSC is doing well and already plenty of trichomes, this shows promise.
    Current food, quantity is what I added to a 19.8 litre bottle: Green Haze Bloom A&B (60ml each), Root Tonic from Growers Ark (15ml), Monkey Nutrients Boost (10 ml), Calmag (15ml) all in RO water.

    Temps are the best they have been for a while and teh tent is still sitting happy at 24 to 26 lights off and on.

    Day 42
  • Hello everybody - hope you are all doing grand!
    So after sulking and going to London for a couple of days I came back and a lot has happened in the tent - I bloody knew it! The secret to success is to go away and leave things alone, looking at them to often gives the impression that they are not moving. Anyway, four days have passed since the last snap and they have shot up, even the crappy Mephisto one, but the Purple Punch has gone nuts, it has taken over her corner and is attempting a coup in to her border state of GloF2ville.
    Unless my eyes are mistaken she has started crowning unless it is not..burt I am thinking its all good.
    So they are certainly drinking a fair amount daily now, the res is using up circa 12 litres a day now so I need to go and fill my bottles again at the Ro station.

    The Afghan x NL from SSSC is a sugary little lady, very slender with nice formation, she will for sure fill out and hand over some medium spears, the Purple Punch on the other hand has gone nuts so not sure yet when she will stop behaving like a triffid and show where she will finish - tomorrow I will have to spend some time in the morning cleaning up again and tying things down to control height so I can keep the light in one piece and not split it out to cater for the different sizes.

    The E.C is flashing between 1.6 and 1.8 (the bluelab truncheon goes up in .2 increments), this is made up of Bloom A&B, Root Tonic, Monkey Nutrients Boost, and calmag once again in RO water, and PH is sat at 6.2. it is getting nippy out now so the lung room is earning its space warming the cold air before being drawn in to the tent.

    Cant seem to get the photos to upload right now so will try again in a bit (managed to get some up using the picture image along the tool bar :woohoo1:)


    Cheerio for now


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    Day 43 Haircut
  • Just a quickie - they got a bit of clean up this morning - the Purple Punch is stretching me out of space, I feel some super cropping coming on

    Have a grand weekend all you lovelies
    Light Change...agaiub
  • Helllo all, and top of the morning/evening/midday :cheers:
    So today, I thought I would put the other light back in, as the reason I took it out was it was too hot during the short hot spell we had. But now as I am using a radiator to warm the lung room, IU thought the light should come back. My normal light has its drivers built in and great heat dissipation, whereas as this one has 'two meanwell drivers which sit in the lung room, and the light itself gives out a sensible amount so let's give it a try.
    Put it in about 8am this morning - since then the lung room radiator has not been triggered by teh inkbird so seems to be working.
    Also, my normal light is 360w of goodness, and the normal hall out of the 1m tent is circa 500g from 3 or 4 plants (the space is the space, the number if plants up or down tends not to change the finals for me). This PAR+ LED which is made in blighty has 480w of goodness from the wall and is adjustable, so I put it on at 80% today and will work it up to 100 by the end of tonight, aldo this light is meant for a 1.2 space and this is only a 1m tent, when I used this in my 1.2 tent I felt it lacked a touch on the sides but in here it gives epic coverage.

    It looks nice, lets see how it performs against the other light which I do very highly rate.

    Oh, I just spotted some dirt on the floor - back out then for a wipe up.

    Ta ta for now - cheers for popping in
    Predator Rosin
  • Hello all - back again whilst I wait for the F1 to start, pulled some Predator out of its groeve bag today, and thought I would squish a little. No weights or anything, just wanted a little dab and joint for the race.

    I filled my little rosin pt with Predator, and squeezed it all in until I could get no more, then puled it out and it left me with a little puck - maybe 2, 3, , 5 gram (i really have no idea), then squished at 205 for about 45 seconds as I do not have any bags left so thought I would pull it faster than with bags.

    Anyway, what came out was a lovely golden colour, a but crystally, with a lovely smell. I hit my dab rig, and lordy lordy lordy, it is pretty mean in a joint, but smoking the rosin is a punch in the head :rofl:

    @Sawney_bean - lethal toffee is what comes from the predator

    Its a time for a Shwazzing
  • So, today the ladies are 46 days old - they are getting on now, they had filled out the space again after the last clean up a few days ago, so back in aghain this morning.

    Quick update, the EC is sitting at 1.6/1.8 but I am seeing signs of nute overload, so before lights out this morning I will empty the res out completely, and fill with 65 litres of RO water which will have been PH'd at 6 and wash the coco through for a bit to get rid of any salt build up where the rings are not reaching but the wick effect is taking it to the outsides. Once done I will refill with RO, Bloom A&B, calmag, boost, and root tonic but at an EC of 1.2 for one day then add to the tank and take it up to 1.4 then back to 1.6 and keep it sat there instead of between 1.6 and 1.8, bit of faff but very much worthwhile. For me it is one of the bigest downsides to the Wilma is they all get the same food and I tend to run different strains in every crop it is a balancing act with the res - another interesting thing I have noticed this run with only RO water is the EC ceiling is slightly lower, at this stage of flowering normally I would be anywhere above 2EC and getting to 2.2 to finish up, now they are 1.7 and my tab is circa .4 leaving .1 unaccounted for, the numbers are too small to worry about in any way but interesting to see if they reach 1.8 with only RO matching the 2.2 in god I waffle on :biggrin:



    It is a real arse to get to the back two plants and leaves on the NLXAfghan are so coated it is time consuming as well, so I will go back at her later, but the others got a good seeing too, I felt like a rabid caterpillar foliage was going everywhere

    NLxAfghan - SSSC

    Purple Punch - SSSC

    GloF2 from Reiko-X

    a Mephisto seed, can't remember which it is one of their own crosses - she is warped lass indeed, now she has main branches, but if you look closely you can see where every branch had to have a topped twin removed, all through veg she was topping herself, today was the first time I got a good look at its final
    shape. She has come from nowhere and really shot up and is still stretching a touch.

    underside clean up

    I think the three late starters will need another clean or two but I hope the NLxAfghan is done with that as she is a pain to get to.
    The light was nudged up 5 clicks to 85, if they are good with that they will get the full 100% from tomorrow.

    That's it for now - thanks :pass:

    Day 48
  • Morning all - hope you are all fine and dandy!
    So then, the ladies are flying along and the stretch on the Meph is pretty much done but the Purple Punch just keeps going, I think it is safe t say, with a big tent and left to her own devices she would be a good 20z plant, but with my space and abuse she is not as big as she could/should be.

    Temps and RH are grand sitting pretty stable at 25 lights on and 24 lights off, with the RH sitting pretty flat at 45%. I cleaned out the tank, had a quick RO water only flush around the pot, then emptied it again and refilled with a weak solution of 1.4, they look ok so will nudge it back to 1.6 tomorrow if they are still happy.

    Afghan x NL - sssc

    Purple Punch - sssc

    Few more days and I think they will get their first dose of PK - normally I use the PK9-18 from Buddhas tree, but this time I shall be using Roxbastic which is a PK 10-20

    enjoy your day all
    Day 49
  • So it’s official - the Purple Punch is a monster, really coming from nowhere to take as much of the tent as she can - the poor little NLxAfghan is being smothered so some cleaning up later today

    Day 51
  • Morning all - I trust you all had a pleasant weekend and you are keeping well!
    They had a clean up shortly after the last picture was taken and today once again they have come back with a vengeance - which I will happily accept. They will need some more work just taming the Purple Punch really, teh others are set in their places now and have only one thing to to do.

    I opened the Rokzbastic from Atami, which was a sample from the Atami guys to try out instead of my regular PK which has been Buddhas Tree PK 9-18. Anyway, this stuff comes out of the bottle like an over soft poo, and sticks to bloody everything, I mean I couldn't get my pipette clean after dosing it out, eitherway, if it works well - poo is fine with me.

    The other thing I have been using this time around is Root Tonic from Growers Ark, they have been around for Donkeys and years ago I ran a few Photo/fem grows with their stuff and was happy, once again this was handed to try out - and this stuff smells like nothing I have ever come across, after having spent a little bit of time in oil fields in Saudi and Yemen where they are burning the gasses as part of the oil drilling (flaring) , the methane burning smell is about 67% of how shitty this stuff smells.
    Anyway, after mixing up my big res the other night (220ltr flex tank), going back in the garage the next morning I have never been greeting with such a foul aroma, I mean god lord it made my eyes water and made me spit out my tea....fek what a smell, I suppose on the upside the neighbours must now think I am producing synthetic manure en-masse and any thoughts (if they had them) of weed being grown are now definitely out of the window.

    Oops, I digress - the EC is sitting happy at 1.6, it went up to 1.8 but I saw some slight tip discoloration so watered it back down to 1.6 by adding 40 litres of RO to the big tank. The PH is another story, the chap at Growers Ark I met with is the chap that has been conjuring up their nutrients for many moons and is a coco grower mainly although he dabbles in other mediums as well for testing, anyway, he swears that if the EC used in Coco sits at 6.4 more nutrients will be available to teh plant for longer due to the nature of coco - well, I have been using coco for a fair bit more than 20yrs and I have always had my PH start at 5.8 and allowed to drift upwards to 6.2 before adjusting, to me that was sound as if you look at the various parameters for the different elements the vast majority fit within the 5.8 to 6.2 range with a coupe of outliers. So This time I have tried to keep it within the vicinity of 6.4 and allowed it to creep downwards but keeping at 6 and above throughout. Thus far, I can tell no difference whatsoever - the proof is in the puding so we shall wait and see if anything has improved as a result - I should not I forgot to drill my pots this time a well which is a shame as the comparison will not be as sound as my pots are normally heavily drilled.

    some snaps from this morning - the look tired as it is nearly their bed time

    Cheers for popping by - cheerio