Morning all - I trust you all had a pleasant weekend and you are keeping well!
They had a clean up shortly after the last picture was taken and today once again they have come back with a vengeance - which I will happily accept. They will need some more work just taming the Purple Punch really, teh others are set in their places now and have only one thing to to do.
I opened the Rokzbastic from Atami, which was a sample from the Atami guys to try out instead of my regular PK which has been Buddhas Tree PK 9-18. Anyway, this stuff comes out of the bottle like an over soft poo, and sticks to bloody everything, I mean I couldn't get my pipette clean after dosing it out, eitherway, if it works well - poo is fine with me.
The other thing I have been using this time around is Root Tonic from Growers Ark, they have been around for Donkeys and years ago I ran a few Photo/fem grows with their stuff and was happy, once again this was handed to try out - and this stuff smells like nothing I have ever come across, after having spent a little bit of time in oil fields in Saudi and Yemen where they are burning the gasses as part of the oil drilling (flaring) , the methane burning smell is about 67% of how shitty this stuff smells.
Anyway, after mixing up my big res the other night (220ltr flex tank), going back in the garage the next morning I have never been greeting with such a foul aroma, I mean god lord it made my eyes water and made me spit out my tea....fek what a smell, I suppose on the upside the neighbours must now think I am producing synthetic manure en-masse and any thoughts (if they had them) of weed being grown are now definitely out of the window.
Oops, I digress - the EC is sitting happy at 1.6, it went up to 1.8 but I saw some slight tip discoloration so watered it back down to 1.6 by adding 40 litres of RO to the big tank. The PH is another story, the chap at Growers Ark I met with is the chap that has been conjuring up their nutrients for many moons and is a coco grower mainly although he dabbles in other mediums as well for testing, anyway, he swears that if the EC used in Coco sits at 6.4 more nutrients will be available to teh plant for longer due to the nature of coco - well, I have been using coco for a fair bit more than 20yrs and I have always had my PH start at 5.8 and allowed to drift upwards to 6.2 before adjusting, to me that was sound as if you look at the various parameters for the different elements the vast majority fit within the 5.8 to 6.2 range with a coupe of outliers. So This time I have tried to keep it within the vicinity of 6.4 and allowed it to creep downwards but keeping at 6 and above throughout. Thus far, I can tell no difference whatsoever - the proof is in the puding so we shall wait and see if anything has improved as a result - I should not I forgot to drill my pots this time a well which is a shame as the comparison will not be as sound as my pots are normally heavily drilled.
some snaps from this morning - the look tired as it is nearly their bed time
Cheers for popping by - cheerio