Grow Mediums Wile e Peyote's continuous multi strain drip and coco spectacular

way hey up and running again loving the new site so far bloody hell ive forgot were im up to first off ive changed the nutrients in my res to advanced nutrients coco grow got a bit pissed off adjusting the ph every day not the easiest thing with the Wilma system and im feeding at 2 mls per ltr thats 1/2 strength and am feeding 6 times a day first feed 1 minute then every other feed 45 secs the girls are now on day 46 and ive done a sort of half arsed scrog and the smaller the one i topped is so bushy and around a week behind the other one i took some pics a couple of days before the site went down but i cant remember their age (see what happens when i haven't got my afn back up ha ha) i think this is about a week 5 or so

and this is now


on the newer pics i only trimmed the fan leaves a few days ago and took a lot off not that you would notice and i got my seed order from seedsman no problems i ordered 3 dutch passion blue automazar 5 sweetseeds black jack and 3 sweetseeds red poison and what i got was 7 black jack 3 blue automazar 4 red poison 3 fantasamo express 1 triangle kush both mephisto and a dutch passion auto mazar so thats a big thank you to seedsman and there 420 deals and a quick question as im doing a continual grow and i planted my second seeds way to early as i want to get them on the wilma system at about 4 weeks old im thinking of germing the new seeds when the to plants have stopped all vertical growth but as im new to this not to sure so any info really appreciated cheers folks have a great night
What's up wile? I would start a new 1 about 20 days before harvest. Because most strains don't take off till round that age. Make sense? That way 1 comes down 1 goes up. Or in your case you can germ 2 and chop 2. That's what I had planned but these xxls are like super autos. I'm on day 88 and still clear trichs. Look super awesome by the way bro
What's up wile? I would start a new 1 about 20 days before harvest. Because most strains don't take off till round that age. Make sense? That way 1 comes down 1 goes up. Or in your case you can germ 2 and chop 2. That's what I had planned but these xxls are like super autos. I'm on day 88 and still clear trichs. Look super awesome by the way bro
cheers dude will take your advice and im thinking of germing a fantasamo express and a black jack ive heard they are both a very nice smoke guess i will have to see for myself :)
another quick up date day 49 not much going on just upped the feed to 3/4 strength today in a 25 ltr res when upping the feed i fill the res to 15 ltrs to see if i get any nutrient burn because if i do it gives me 10 ltrs to correct the problem without having to do a full nutrient change so if everything runs smooth for the next few days i will top the tank up with the desired nutrient concentration
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nothing what so ever to do with growing just wanted to introduce a new member to the Wile clan my mother inlaws new dog sasha a 6 month old american bulldog lovely girl so friendly the only thing her last owner neglected was time and he realised that it was better to give her a home that could give her the time and love she needs so now here she is

what a beautiful dog i have one just like her. Maybe they should meet and do the dirty lol i love this breed they have so much life and energy they're amazing.. just too needy sometimes hahahaha.....
tell me about it dude i think its a bull breed trait they like to think they are human and the bully bitches dont get me started ha ha but i am looking to get another bullmastiff male this time i know where i stand against testosterone ha ha :pass:
back to the grow update i will post a few pics first then were im up to
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premature bud shot ha ha :woody:
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these were taken 3 days ago will try and get some pics tomorrow to compare size because when i was i the tent before the buds seemed bigger or have i smoked to much naaaaa so a few developments i thought i had all my electrical extensions safely out the way but no walked into the tent and head butted one it fell right on top of the main cola of the biggest plant and snapped off about 1 inch off the top and there was no way of taping it back on so guess ive topped two plants now oooopppps it doesn't seem to of affected her but time will tell ive also upped the feeding they have been on full strength advanced nutrients ph perfect coco (4 ml per ltr) for 2 days now and no nute burn in fact they seem to love it and ive also upped the feed too 6 2 minute feeds and again they seem to love it i am going to change them over to the flowering nutes on friday as the other plant is about a week behind and still stretching i have also added big bud at full strength (4 ml per ltr) just to give the more advanced plant a little boost as it is further ahead into flowering and ive just prepped my next pots and this time im using air pots they were 10 ltrs but i wanted something not as tall so i chopped about 2 to 3 inches off the top now i think they are either 6 or 7 ltr air pots
and just placed into there germing paper towels are sweet seeds black jack and mephisto fantasamo express i know i agreed with you faded but in my defence as a new grower how am i ment to know when 20 days from harvest is :baked:ha ha just cant help my self so many to grow so thats about it for now have a great night :smokeout:
shit that blows coulda been worse tho! keep an eye for hermie'ing..
i know it was a bit of a downer but fuck it nothing i could do about it whats the point of worrying and a couple of reefers help soften the blow ha ha it happened nearly a week ago now and it doesn't seem to be slowing her down just wished i had of pushed them harder from the start heres some pics i took an hour ago
not the best pic but showing were the cola snapped
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and her little sister
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and my cut down air pots the bigger one is 10 ltrs
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checked on the seeds and the black jack is just starting to show a tail and the fantasimo express or FE as im now calling it cause im lazy is just starting to open only put them in last night ive prepped the new air pots with a 70% coco 20% perlite and about 10 % prewashed clay pebbles im trying to get the roots established as quick as possible hey you can only try ive watered it with 2 1/2 ltrs each pot with rhizotonic AT 4 ml per ltr and canna A+B at 1 ml per ltr i will check the seeds tomorrow and see if they are ready for there new home :pass: