Grow Mediums Wile e Peyote's continuous multi strain drip and coco spectacular

right folks were on day day 8 they have had about 2 waterings ive upped the feed slightly im using the same measurement of nutes but in 3 ltrs of water instead of 4 and ive decided to change my nutes when my canna A+B run out i am going with advanced nutes grow and bloom A+B big bud and overdrive only heard good thing about them got all the new equipment fitted yesterday and i have to say loving the mars hydro 1200watter but the silenced fresh inline fan is remarkable its so quiet and powerfull im running it at about 40% and the negative pressure is outstanding now for some pics




have a great weekend afn :Sharing One:
Sub'd up and loving the set up. I have the same strain on order right now so am super excited to see how yours perform. Hers some grow :karma Cloud: for ya. Look forward to more updates.
Sub'd up and loving the set up. I have the same strain on order right now so am super excited to see how yours perform. Hers some grow :karma Cloud: for ya. Look forward to more updates.
cheers dude when your up and running post a link to your grow here dude :Sharing One:
theyre on there way and lookin good buddy!
right folks here we are at day 15 everything seems to be going okay ive now upped the feed to 1/4 strength that 1 ml canna A+B and 2 ml magne cal and 4 ml rhizotonic per ltr of water the feed is ph'd to 5.9 and on a side note ive always wondered if the size of the seed your planting will make a difference to yield size so when i started these i took the biggest seed and the smallest its not a scientific test just curious so every grow i do im going to be planting a big seeds with small seeds to see how it turns out heres some pics guess which one was the big seed :Sharing One:


right folks we are on day 21 for the 2fast 2vast got a bit brave about 2 days ago and thought i would fim the smaller of the 2 plants well i only fucked the fim up and topped her instead ha ha but its all a learning curve hears what she looked like after the mishap

and now a couple of days later

dont think its slowed her down any she was the runt so she was a bit behind anyway they are still taking the same nutes but ive upped my A +B by 1/2 a ml a ltr so its 1 1/2 ml A+B 4 ml rhizotonic and 2 ml calmag per ltr of water and they seem fine with that and i got my seeds from seedsman there is just so many to buy can some one come round and cut up my credit cards please ha ha have a great weekend afn :Sharing One:


right folks we are on day 21 for the 2fast 2vast got a bit brave about 2 days ago and thought i would fim the smaller of the 2 plants well i only fucked the fim up and topped her instead ha ha but its all a learning curve hears what she looked like after the mishap

Lol how do u fim a fim!! Hahaha just kidding man im gonna be trying that technique on my next grow. Looks like she didnt slow down so thats a good sign.
I was forced to top one of mine on my last grow but it was older then your and it didn't like it very well, but also I just read that if your gonna fim or top to do it real early or not at all. we will see if your is early enough or not. subed up..

mine was 5 weeks old and the top had gotten burned by the light.
Lol how do u fim a fim!! Hahaha just kidding man im gonna be trying that technique on my next grow. Looks like she didnt slow down so thats a good sign.
duuude when im having a blond moment i can fuck up boiling water :slaps:

I was forced to top one of mine on my last grow but it was older then your and it didn't like it very well, but also I just read that if your gonna fim or top to do it real early or not at all. we will see if your is early enough or not. subed up..

mine was 5 weeks old and the top had gotten burned by the light.
welcome aboard hippy glad to have you here if you want to know about fims check out this dudes grows grows some lovelly plants think he fims and tops most if not all his plants:Sharing One: