Grow Mediums Wile e Peyote's continuous multi strain drip and coco spectacular

ive been thinking of a way to get rid of free up more space in my tent and have noticed my 16" oscillating fan takes up a fair corner of my grow tent (not to mention trying to scalp me every time i water my plants thank god for the safety cages ha ha)so i had a brain wave and bought a wall mounted oscillating fan now to fasten it to my tent i used a piece of 4" by 2" attatched the bracket to the wood then drilled 6 holes 3 each side top and bottom

and tie wrapped the wood to the join in the tent pole so it cant slide down and so far so good and more room in my tent

and a little pic of the girls this morning at 22 days old

:Sharing One:
Thats a pretty tight mount bro, had to come up with a similar rig to get mine to stay up lol. Ladies are looking great btw nice and big already keep it up!
Thats a pretty tight mount bro, had to come up with a similar rig to get mine to stay up lol. Ladies are looking great btw nice and big already keep it up!
cheers dude my last two plants from my last grow have started there flush now i need to get back on the old wilma drip system definitely think my yeilds have been reduced but im going to do the test taste that you said and as soon as they are ready its chop time i even test dried a bud of the cheese candy and i have to say it was the best out of the 3 strains so far the cash crop was a bit disappointing but that was my fault (high RH) smelled a bit hayish it doesnt smoke to bad now its been cured for a few weeks the candy kush is a stronger smoke and not as harsh and taste better and i can get a better taste on the cash crop when my last one gets chopped and in the future im also thinking of taking cuttings from the biggest plants and turning them male to get some pollen to play with already got the cs generator i think the pollen will be from either 2fast 2vast or auto ultimate but havent decided yet :Gary:
ive been thinking of a way to get rid of free up more space in my tent and have noticed my 16" oscillating fan takes up a fair corner of my grow tent (not to mention trying to scalp me every time i water my plants thank god for the safety cages ha ha)so i had a brain wave and bought a wall mounted oscillating fan now to fasten it to my tent i used a piece of 4" by 2" attatched the bracket to the wood then drilled 6 holes 3 each side top and bottom

and tie wrapped the wood to the join in the tent pole so it cant slide down and so far so good and more room in my tent

and a little pic of the girls this morning at 22 days old

:Sharing One:
lmao.dude I hear ya on the fan blades. I get a free haircut everytime im workin with my girls too.
Thats smart taking cuttings and reversing to a male for pollen. I never thought about it that way. idk squat about that type stuff yet lol but try it man so we can see how it works! "AFN smoke out"
Thats smart taking cuttings and reversing to a male for pollen. I never thought about it that way. idk squat about that type stuff yet lol but try it man so we can see how it works! "AFN smoke out"
me neither dude ha ha i have been reading up abit on cs reversal just need to buy the right water got everything else when i used to grow photos must be around 13 14 years ago i cloned a mother using whatever i could find at the local garden centre and cant remember having one failed to root but saying that my memory's a bit shit sooo :dunno:im just going to go for it might even try it on the next seeds i pop which will be 7 weeks from when i started these and if i fuck it up i will just try again the worst that can happen is 1 the donor plant dies which is very unlikely 2 i pollinate the whole tent (thats just a shit load of seeds to play with)so nothing ventured nothing gained :xlaugh:
ment to congratulate you on the bom pom dude well done(pssst i did vote for the winner)but it was very close
Howdy Wile :tiphat:
I like how u said that.. nothing ventured nothing gained.:thumbs: :goodluck: Thanks brother i just got my prize in the mail got a good handful o seed to play with :) gonna be cracking some sour crack soon!
Howdy Wile :tiphat:
I like how u said that.. nothing ventured nothing gained.:thumbs: :goodluck: Thanks brother i just got my prize in the mail got a good handful o seed to play with :) gonna be cracking some sour crack soon!
nice dude you cant beat free seeds hope to see you growing again soon i will still be here plodding along going to take the last 2 down at the weekend i really need to give the tent a good clean and as i was flushing my cash crop i found little blobs of pure resin ive heard about it but never seen it

so the plan last 2 flowering plants down remove the 2fast 2vast clean out the tent rearrange everything and get the 2fast back on the Wilma drip system so busy weekend for me and will try and update 2fast and 2vast at the weekend :Sharing One:
dude that's crazy resin. did you smoke it?

ha ha did i smoke it duuude fucking right i did built a big fat joint and rolled the end in it it was all gooey like syrup and bubbled like mad when i lit it chopping them down tomorrow will have to keep a look out for any more yum yum :Sharing One: