Grow Mediums Wile e Peyote's continuous multi strain drip and coco spectacular

cheers for the rep faded just made me some bubble hash this is the second time ive tried this its a mixture of cash crop cheese candy and candy kush mmmm cant wait to try some
DSC_0035.JPG also just bought some great white mycorrhizae only heard great things about it guess i can see for myself any tips on when best to use it have a great night afn :pass:
Well I like to run great white all the time. Every rez change, but I use a rez so its easier to feed, or every feeding. And maybe a dash before I place the peat pots in the big pots. 1tsp per 10g they last a long time. Worth every penny!

Nice hash stash!
Yup just like that. Little string and just a bit of tension. Just a touch. You could just hoopl the middle to higher part of the branch and gentle as can be bring her down.
Yup just like that. Little string and just a bit of tension. Just a touch. You could just hoopl the middle to higher part of the branch and gentle as can be bring her down.
cheers for the reply dude i use a 30 litre res on the wilma system but because its under the plants the temps can get a bit high i am thinking of getting a drum like this for a res they dont cost me nothing as we use them at work just have to make sure i decontaminate it properly

and just add the wilma pump ive got plenty of black 4mm tubing and just use the wilma base as a big drip tray it will give me another 6 inches in height as well and ive done a little lst managed to open the bigger plant up a bit more the smaller plant will take a bit more gentle persuasion i actually cant wait to get to work so i can hunt down a suitable drum ha ha :pass:
Yeah, you had better wash that thing really good.
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well ive found my drum or should i say new res its a 60 litre keg and as it held pharmaceutical placebos (sugar pills) fairly harmless still gave it a good clean out with caustic soap ran through an industrial jet wash then jet washed with just water and then left a hose in it for an hour over dinner so i think thats clean:mrgreen:


and roark if you ment the hash ive been a good boy and only been smoking it before bed and as soon as my head hits the pillow its la la land :baked:
update 2fast 2vast day 70 been getting cal mag deficiencies on the smaller plant even though im using cal mag a the recommended dosage didn't think to check the ph as i am using ph perfect advanced nutrients for coco :doh:when i finally clicked on and checked the ph it was 5.2 not good rebalanced the ph to 5.9 let it circulate without watering the plants and tested it after an hour and it was still 5.9 so flushed the plants through yesterday and fitted in my new res so i am now running drain to waste
new airstone.JPG

thats my new air stone /diffuser i was getting a lot of vibration noise from my old standard air stones this one throws out lots of tiny bubbles and no noise what so ever and the res in action
DSC_0049 (Small).JPG
just macgyvered my old wilma system just needed more 4 mm tubing

now the grow update day 70 the 2vast 2fast are now on half strength advanced nutrients bloom 1 ml of drip clean per 10 ltrs of water full strength big bud coco (2 ml per ltr) and ive dropped the feeding to 4 times a day for 1 minute each time till i can dial it in
2fast 2vast day 70.JPG

(1) 2fast 2vast day 70.JPG

(2) 2fast 2vast day 70.JPG

and i have also removed the net it was just getting in my way
now the black jack and F E at 7 days old i have upped the feed a little to 1 1/4 ml per ltr of canna A+B and 4 ml per ltr rhizotonic and dont seem to have any problems as yet fingers crossed
Black jack and fantasamo express  7 days.JPG

thats all for now thanks for looking have a great weekend:pass:
Dude. Is that a soaker hose mixed with drip fittings? If so. Fucking brilliant! !!:slap: if not, just gave me an idea. Thank you for that all the same. Blown away seriously! K.I.s.s stricks again.
Dude. Is that a soaker hose mixed with drip fittings? If so. Fucking brilliant! !!:slap: if not, just gave me an idea. Thank you for that all the same. Blown away seriously! K.I.s.s stricks again.
its all the pipes out of the wilma system just had to add some normal garden hose to make it sit out of the res and with the tap you get a bit of control on the flow rate heres a pic of the pipe but mine only has 4 drip fittings this one has 8