Grow Mediums Wile e Peyote's continuous multi strain drip and coco spectacular

Was checking it out last night bro that is a sweet setup. :thumbsup:
Cheers dude I'm just sitting by the side of a lake trying to catch some carp smoking a big fat spliff and cooking burgers not in work till Wednesday get back home Tuesday now we're are them fucking fish ha ha
Cheers dude I'm just sitting by the side of a lake trying to catch some carp smoking a big fat spliff and cooking burgers not in work till Wednesday get back home Tuesday now we're are them fucking fish ha ha

Perfect way to spend the sunday! Tight lines bro :cheers:
evening all hope everyone is having a great weekend i have started a 2 week flush on the larger of the two 2fast as she has 90% orange hairs at least 70% cloudy trics that i can see now the other one with cal mag problems got worse when i went fishing for a few days
cal mag def - Copy (Small).JPG

and she is not drinking much and is putting on no bud size at all so that led me to believe that the cal mag problem was leading to nute lock out so i took the drastic measure of flushing her with 3 times the volume of her pot (10 ltr pot 30 ltrs water ph'd to 6) i then gave a light feeding of 1/4 strength advanced nutes coco bloom (1ml per ltr) 1/2 strength big bud coco (1 ml per ltr) and fed her 1 ltr and will give it till next friday to see any improvement otherwise shes getting flushed next week as well i think the problem was a salt build up with all my other grows i always flushed my old res through the plant till run off replacing old nutes with new and flushing out the salt never did that with this grow :doh: and also when i switched from grow to bloom nutes started on full strength:WTF:was i thinking ha ha heres some pics
group shot 1 - Copy (Small).JPG

group shot 2 - Copy (Small).JPG
and now the black jack she seems to be doing okay now i have taken the 2fast and 2vast off the drip system ive hooked up the black jack and the fantasamo express and put them on 2 one minute feeds 9 hours apart in the res i am only using 15 ltrs of water till i see how much they drink and i am feeding them on 1/4 strength advanced nute grow in coco (1 ml per ltr) and 1/2 a scoop of great white just for good measure here they are at day 15 just put on the drip tonight
Black jack day 15
Black Jack day 15 drip day 1 (Small).JPG

Fantasamo Express day 15
Fantasamo Express day 15 drip day 1 (Small).JPG
and some pics i took yesterday

Black Jack day 14
Black Jack 14 days old - Copy (Small).JPG

Fantasamo Express day 14
Fantasamo Express 14 days - Copy (Small).JPG

oh and nearly forgot now ive done away with the wilma system that frees up so much space that ive decided to germ 2 more seeds the first one is triangle kush by mephisto another freebie off seedsman and was planted in a coco perlite mic 70/30 with a layer of clay pebbles at the base in a 10 ltr air pot yesterday just waiting for her to pop up and say hello and tonight i put in paper towels a red poison by sweetseeds me want me some big red buds :baked:hope you all have a very stoned weekend :pass:
:cheers: Wile hope u having a good one too. With two new ones that tent gonna be banging out buds :thumbsup: :smoking: lucky b****d lol nice choices bro hell yeah red poison is some exotic! That triangle kush is bomb too :drool::drool::headbang:
:cheers: Wile hope u having a good one too. With two new ones that tent gonna be banging out buds :thumbsup: :smoking: lucky b****d lol nice choices bro hell yeah red poison is some exotic! That triangle kush is bomb too :drool::drool::headbang:
ye not been a bad weekend got so many to grow now ive done away with the wilma loads more room and when i get one of these

a 1.2 meter flexi tray turn the bottom of my tent into one big drip tray seems a shame to waste 1200 watts on only 2 plants ha ha :pass:
Hahaha forgot to mention love the new name of the thread.
Hahaha forgot to mention love the new name of the thread.
ha ha thought that up fishing last sunday got totaly smashed surprised i caught anything and its 1200 watt mars hydro 2 led not sure of the par value (think thats the scale they measure led with) but should be okay im gonna germ 2 every 6 to seven weeks till i cant fit no more in ha ha:baked:
ohhh monday night update my latest little lady Mephisto triangle kush popped her little head up yesterday and here she is 2 days old i will give her a feed tomorrow of 2 ml rhizotonic 1ml canna A+B per ltr and ph ed to 5.9 and i always pre water my pots at least a day before i plant my seeds with the same feed as above

Triangle kush day 2.JPG

and the Sweet Seeds Red Poison went into her root riot cube and into a 10 ltr air pot with a 70 30 mix coco and perlite with a clay pebble bottom my other two girls black jack and fantasamo express are loving being on the drip system the fantasamo is already over 6 inches tall well ive got 6 foot of tent lets see how big you can get:growing:have a great night :pass: