Grow Mediums Wile e Peyote's continuous multi strain drip and coco spectacular

Some good lokkin plants there wile.
I prefer the fungi anymore. Would like to try the other psychedelics. Did my share and them some of lsd when I was just a kid.

Keep the good work sir.
Fungi are a wonderful thing. Not only in the buzz, but the clear headed feeling towards life afterwards. Just don't ever do Angel Trumpets. It's like combining acid and ghb. I tried to race a mustang across the street (running) and got hit by a car tripping face. Leg broke backwards in 5 places(have rod, 4 pins, and 4 screws inside), knee surgery was required, and collar bone cracked in two places, with scars, road rash, and even glass and rocks in my back slowly protruding out to this day. Oh and head trauma. But before that happened, I was talking to imaginary people, a fence, and tried to sell an 11 old boy some lawn grass I ripped up claiming "It's really good shit man". So be careful.
Fungi are a wonderful thing. Not only in the buzz, but the clear headed feeling towards life afterwards. Just don't ever do Angel Trumpets. It's like combining acid and ghb. I tried to race a mustang across the street (running) and got hit by a car tripping face. Leg broke backwards in 5 places(have rod, 4 pins, and 4 screws inside), knee surgery was required, and collar bone cracked in two places, with scars, road rash, and even glass and rocks in my back slowly protruding out to this day. Oh and head trauma. But before that happened, I was talking to imaginary people, a fence, and tried to sell an 11 old boy some lawn grass I ripped up claiming "It's really good shit man". So be careful.
I have been lucky God knows how much I took over the years but nearly every weekend for about 10 years little blotting tabs of acid and never had a bad trip one of the strongest was the shrooms we picked one year ate 100 each don't know how I never through up but what a trip
Fungi are a wonderful thing. Not only in the buzz, but the clear headed feeling towards life afterwards. Just don't ever do Angel Trumpets. It's like combining acid and ghb. I tried to race a mustang across the street (running) and got hit by a car tripping face. Leg broke backwards in 5 places(have rod, 4 pins, and 4 screws inside), knee surgery was required, and collar bone cracked in two places, with scars, road rash, and even glass and rocks in my back slowly protruding out to this day. Oh and head trauma. But before that happened, I was talking to imaginary people, a fence, and tried to sell an 11 old boy some lawn grass I ripped up claiming "It's really good shit man". So be careful.

Holy shit bro is that a true story lol that's crazy as fck!!
I have been lucky God knows how much I took over the years but nearly every weekend for about 10 years little blotting tabs of acid and never had a bad trip one of the strongest was the shrooms we picked one year ate 100 each don't know how I never through up but what a trip

Wile u a crazy mofo!! Hahahaha 100 shrooms bro that's like a salad lol
Wile u a crazy mofo!! Hahahaha 100 shrooms bro that's like a salad lol
Ha ha tasted of soil and fuck knows what else really surprised I never multi coloured yawned all over the place now that was couch lock took me over half an hour to build a spliff still get shit off my mates for taking so long to roll a joint just kept forgetting it was there [emoji2]
happy friday afn im making friday my update day for my entire grow so first off was ment to chop the 2f2v tonight but im to impatient and i chopped the big girl last night the other 2f2v is so stunted the buds fattened up a bit but i cant expect to much from her so from tomorrow shes starting her 1 to 2 week flush and being the dozy arse i am i forgot to take my phone to take some pics when i first started chopping :doh: but i remembered to take it up a bit later on soooo


(1)2F2V bud porn.JPG
(1)2F2V bud porn.JPG
(2)2F2V bud porn.JPG
(2)2F2V bud porn.JPG

and @JAYAR remember me snapping that main cola

(1)2F2V top cola (snapped).JPG
(1)2F2V top cola (snapped).JPG
(2)2F2V top cola (snapped).JPG
(2)2F2V top cola (snapped).JPG
i think considering i fucked up here and there she never turned out to bad snapping the main cola during flowering really fucked her up but every grows a learning curve thing i learned from this grow was dont drop heavy shit on your plants they dont like it

DAY 28

the black jack is doing just fine plodding along with not a care in the world still on 3 feeds a day 6 hours apart for 1 minute i am still feeding them on 1 1/2 ml per ltr of ph perfect coco grow with a full scoop of great white in a 30 ltr res now the Fantasamo is a little bit taller they say a picture paints a thousand words

and then there were 4.JPG
and then there were 4.JPG
Fantasamo Express day 28 (21inches tal).JPG
Fantasamo Express day 28 (21inches tal).JPG
the tape was a bit hard to straighten out she is just under 21 inches and also noticed a bit of cal mag def starting so ive been hand watering 500ml of water with 1 ml of big bud coco (full strength)and it seems to be doing the trick now im stuck in a bit of a conundrum both plants are on the drip system but the Fantasamo will need flowering nutes starting in the next few days so im thinking of just having the fantasamo on the drip to see how fat i can get her and hand water all the others as the fantasamo finishes earlier than the Black Jack then when flushing i can put the others back on the drip?

thanks for hanging in its been a long one nearly there and las but not least


now not much going on just chugging along they are on 1 ml canna A+B and 4 ml of rhizotonic per ltr (500ml each) and ive now changed my lighting from 18/6 to 20/4 changed suppliers british gas robbing fuckers now some pics

Triangle Kush day 12
(1)Triangle Kush day 12.JPG

Triangle Kush day 12
(2)Triangle Kush day 12.JPG

Red Poison day 9

(1)Red Poison day  9.JPG

Red Poison day 9

(2)Red Poison day 9.JPG

thats all folks have a great weekend :pass:
Holy shit bro is that a true story lol that's crazy as fck!!
I wish it wasn't true. When my titanium rod gets cold in winter, it really sucks. And the pins are always painful on and off. I just picked another piece of asphalt out of my back, so something happens everyday that reminds me of the accident.
I have been lucky God knows how much I took over the years but nearly every weekend for about 10 years little blotting tabs of acid and never had a bad trip one of the strongest was the shrooms we picked one year ate 100 each don't know how I never through up but what a trip
Damn, 100 shrooms? Were they wet or dried? The most I've eaten was 26 fresh caps. That was a long time ago. Last year I only ate 7, and it was waaay intense with the light on. Decided I needed to hang out in the dark, and saw a world within the world. Tentacles made up of microchips hooked together like a chain coming after me when I opened my eyes. I swear I was watching the end of the world. Not necessarily a bad trip, but i haven't had the need to trip for a while after that one!
Damn, 100 shrooms? Were they wet or dried? The most I've eaten was 26 fresh caps. That was a long time ago. Last year I only ate 7, and it was waaay intense with the light on. Decided I needed to hang out in the dark, and saw a world within the world. Tentacles made up of microchips hooked together like a chain coming after me when I opened my eyes. I swear I was watching the end of the world. Not necessarily a bad trip, but i haven't had the need to trip for a while after that one!
they were fresh 100. dried mushrooms and i would be pulling up a long time chair at the funny farm i think it was these ones
but that was a looooong time ago so dont hold me to that