Grow Mediums Wile e Peyote's continuous multi strain drip and coco spectacular

Nice. Thats actually something I need to get on lol.. I have a cheap plastic one. Damn things are pricey!
tell me about it but from what i heard they last forever and ive had loads of cheap ones this one cost £60 but how much have i spent over the years on shitty grinders just for them to fuck up and grinding with the space case is no effort what so ever that mothers sharp :amazon:
Afn is my church ha ha
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That's so true lol I basically replace them once a year. Was just checking th em out, nice piece fosho! Does the herb really fall thru the holes was just thinking
That's so true lol I basically replace them once a year. Was just checking th em out, nice piece fosho! Does the herb really fall thru the holes was just thinking
so far it does straight into the body you unscrew it and your herb is on top of the tric screen then you can undo the very bottom to get at your trics
whats up afn hope your all having a good weekend nows its update time

Black Jack and Fantasamo Express Day 37
are both on the drip ive upped the feeding times to 4 times a day at 1 and a half ml per litre (advanced nutes bloom coco)and 1ml per litre of big bud the 4 waterings together come to about 2 litres per plant a day they both look healthy and no issues to speak of (yet) pic time

Fantasamo Express

(1)Fantasamo Express day 37.JPG

she seems to be slowing down on growth now she was just over 30inches tall on friday

Black Jack
(1)Black Jack day 37.JPG

(2)Fantasamo Express close up.JPG

(1)Group shot.JPG

and now the

Triangle Kush day 21 and Red Poison day 18
they are both doing well i have been feeding them 1 litre of water between the 2 with 1/2 strength canna A+B but have now made my temp drip system (till i can get a bigger res)
(2)temp drip system.JPG

i have made new drip rings and tested the new pump and by some miracle they both pump out just under 1/2 a litre a minute so the plants are on a 2 feeds a day with 1 and a half ml of canna A+B
per litre and 3 ml per litre of rhizotonic and a little scoop of great white now some pics
Triangle Kush
(1)Triangle kush day 21.JPG

(2)Triangle kush day 21.JPG

Red Poison
(1)Red Poison day 18.JPG

(2)Red Poison day 18.JPG

thats all for now peace out :pass:
Looking good bud. Question.. what type of tu lbing do u use? I use plastic and shit's too stiff to work with, the drip holes are better than th vinyl ones I used before.. they used to close up all the time.
Looking good bud. Question.. what type of tu lbing do u use? I use plastic and shit's too stiff to work with, the drip holes are better than th vinyl ones I used before.. they used to close up all the time.
i use the vinyl pipe drill it with a 1/8 drill bit or less then get a sowing needle and holding it with pliers get it red hot on the stove then just round out the holes seems to work so far