All the girls, other than the one failed, were above the ground on Monday.
I'm loving the rock table environment with the new A/C,,,,,,,,,,,,,78*F 65 Rh
Gonna fill the EarthBoxes and bags today. I'm just using Roots Organic OG with various top dressings and natural liquid fert.........KNF and a few other little goodies.

I'll wet and mix my media with some rainwater and Boost to just above composting moisture and nothing else. I'm not using dolomite lime anywhere close to the last EB grow. With what I'm gonna do in this grow, I think 10% is fine...........mainly because I have it available.

I'll breakout the Panda film and fit it up on the EB with center planting. I'll have the covers on, but I won't start filling the rez until the transplant's roots are more established........although I will be adding some bokashi to the top of the media once the film is fitted............WHITE side up! LOL!
Not gonna add worms until adding water and compost topped with more bokashi. Probably will have a avocado bomb for the worms to help get them established well.
Right now, I'm inclined to put AVT in the EBs. If the Asian Haze shows the same vigor, I'll split the EBs between the two. I wanna be fair to the Asian Haze, but one is a known and another is a test. I'll know in a couple days.
I turned to the lights from 250µmol/m 2 to 450 with the light at the very top of the tent. At the height, the figures are pretty damn even. I won't start cranking it up until sometime next week........when the roots are more developed and the outdoor girls are out. I
As always, I'm open for input, good or bad.
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PINLY#2...........She's fully unfurled this morning
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BRUCE BANNER .....................Marked growth this morning.
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The outdoor girls
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