I'm ready for my 15gal Rain Science bags!!

70 gallons of well cooked second run media. I had lightly amended it 3 months ago and turned it several times and added Recharge with a bit of molasses when moisture was needed.
Today, I just mixed two totes with some fresh Mother's Earth and added BAS Craft blend at roughly 1/3 of the lower recommended rate. and brought the moisture to the proper level.
Last run for this media without adding some volcanic pumice. It will be a little too heavy after this grow. I always wanted to add volcanic pumice. to any grow since I left Hawaii. Loved the way that soil responded to organics.
I went ahead and sprayed the girls at dusk with Dr Zymes and the area around them. Gotta get some garlic ferment done.
Here's a group pic and Bruce.

70 gallons of well cooked second run media. I had lightly amended it 3 months ago and turned it several times and added Recharge with a bit of molasses when moisture was needed.
Today, I just mixed two totes with some fresh Mother's Earth and added BAS Craft blend at roughly 1/3 of the lower recommended rate. and brought the moisture to the proper level.
Last run for this media without adding some volcanic pumice. It will be a little too heavy after this grow. I always wanted to add volcanic pumice. to any grow since I left Hawaii. Loved the way that soil responded to organics.
I went ahead and sprayed the girls at dusk with Dr Zymes and the area around them. Gotta get some garlic ferment done.
Here's a group pic and Bruce.